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The Santa Fallacy and its Hazardous Effects on the Minds of Youth


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Since when is Santa the most amazing thing in the world, and anyone that doesn't like him has to be depressed.


I actually was referring to myself, being raised by mum and a depressive dad. I then said you were reminding me of him with your views in this, wasn't actually meant to be an accusation, sorry.


You know everything about raising children, do you Paj?


They can play with their batcaves, and their yugioh cards and their power ranger costumes and everything they want. But they will know I got them the presents a Christmas, and it wasn't some stupid old man. You'd swear I was locking them in a dungeon with films of wars and murder with the responses I'm getting.


What's the point of actively reminding them that all their fantasy is false? Is there a reason other than your own views/teenage angst that you would actively hamper a child's imagination/fun?


There won't be any disconnect, I'll be a wonderful authoritative parent, who is nurturing and caring. You don't know anything about me, so stop pretending you know exactly how my children would turn out. I'm not depressed, I've never been depressed.


Again depresssive thing wasn't intended - but no I don't know you, I know your bizarre and (imo) often infuriating posts. I'm not stupid enough to think I could assess someone's life story/personality/soul based off their posts. But BASED on posts (all it can be based on), you come across as about as much fun as a root canal.


I don't need Santa to excite my child, there are better ways to make them happy and excited, and it doesn't have to be with a half eaten carrot (which incidentally would be the Easter bunny).


It was meant to be Rudolph :p - "Santa" got a biscuit and some milk from us.


I could say that children would hate you saying "I hate shite," every time they say something you don't like. But I'm not stupid enough to make accusations about how well you would raise your kids without actually knowing you.


I just can't come to terms with the fact you'd set out to actively remove a little bit of a child's natural imagination. Why are you doing this? It's just such a needless application of your own adult views to a child. A child might fervently decide they believe that a fairy godmother visits them when no one else is around. When they told you this, would you actually deny them the right to believe in it?


Everyone else can have a debate without trying to be insulting, how about you try it sometime.


You annoy me, it's only a natural reaction.

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Dunno, really. I thought mods "patrolled" their turfs and acted as appropriate. Sort of like forums sheriffs or something.


They do. But, it's quite easy for them to miss a thread, since there's quite a few active ones at the moment. PMing them is the way to get their attention and its what people should be doing anyway. :heh:

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They can play with their batcaves, and their yugioh cards and their power ranger costumes and everything they want. But they will know I got them the presents a Christmas, and it wasn't some stupid old man. You'd swear I was locking them in a dungeon with films of wars and murder with the responses I'm getting.


I think this encapsulates Diageo's point perfectly. Just because he intends to teach his future kids in a different way doesn't mean he's evil. It's like how some parents send their kids to school, and some go for homeschooling. It's just a different way (not sure if that's a good analogy...). He's not forbidding them from having imagination, the only thing he won't play along with is the story of Santa Claus flying around in the sky dropping presents down people's chimneys. They're still going to get presents. Whether or not they turn out to be depressive or not doesn't depend solely on whether their parent played along with Santa Claus.


Diageo, you do use a very serious tone sometimes, which automatically turns people against your argument (I've noticed in mafia games as well :p). Lighten up :)


*slams head against wall*


I meant more that you should create your own thread for it rather than clog the discussion here, yes it's chrismas related, but it wasn't particularly the discussions I intended.


Go, go thrip.


Does anyone find their parents are shameful at getting presents for each other? Quite a few of my friends have their Dad's especially getting them to get the presents for their wives...but my Dad always seems to be able to get something pretty awesome.


It's odd, I don't know how he does it, he can even bra shop for her 0.o.


I just finished all of my Christmas shopping, and bought my parents gifts for them to give each other :D It's not that they're terrible at it, but they have no time outside of work (they're self-employed) these days to think about it :(

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It's like how some parents send their kids to school, and some go for homeschooling.



I don't personally know anyone who was homeschooled, but I'd be very interested to see evidence that proves its what is best for a child. Socially and educationally.

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Apologies, all the moderating staff were at Innkeeper's writing their letters to Santa.


And this took so bloody long because my browser is being a douche. Grr

I love that the first post is me implying that Santa is the ring leader in a paedophile ring. Many thanks. :P

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I have to say, I agree with Diageo's sentiment, I just think he's explaining it like a fucktard.


I don't personally know anyone who was homeschooled, but I'd be very interested to see evidence that proves it's what is best for a child. Socially and educationally.


Any evidence I've seen (and, from a social perspective, my experience with people who've been home-schooled) is that it's bad. Very, very bad.

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