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Bronze difficulty being lowered? Not really. Once you get confident with gold, there is literally no reason to play bronze. One can easily play silver with a level 1 character and decent team, and then silver and gold are quite soloable depending on player and class picked. Haven't soloed them myself tho due to not wanting to give myself an aneurism. There is also a platinum but don't even touch that. It's pure chaos.

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I see the Omega DLC is out today on PS3 (yesterday for 360 users). With the Leviathon, Extended Endings and this new DLC, i feel that we are now getting the complete Mass Effect 3 that was intended from day 1.


Ok, i still don't agree with ripping content out of the game.


Especially with Aria stating Omega was taken over when you meet her on the Citadel, sounded like from that point on that you were going to get it back at some point.


And i'll say it now, Omega doesn't seem to be a permanent hub like the Citadel. More like a temporary one for between missions based there. But this can be a prolonged hub by simply not doing all these missions at once.


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The DLC is fun but a bit buggy in places. There was one place where if I used Biotic Charge, I was instantly killed. From full shields and health straight to death. Other than that, it really reminds me of exploring omega in ME2 :P


EDIT: Just had a look at the last few posts, most of which have been from me, so it seems interest for this game has really died. Is it down to how it all concluded?

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EDIT: Just had a look at the last few posts, most of which have been from me, so it seems interest for this game has really died. Is it down to how it all concluded?


Although I was very disappointed in how it all ended I still love the Mass Effect trilogy.


I will get back into it with the dlc but the same happened with ME2 for me, I left it ages and then bought all the dlc when it was reduced in price with an offer on XBL.


I do buy some dlc but I just don't seem to 'automatically' do so, for example I have yet to get any dlc for Skyrim but loved the game.

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The DLC is fun but a bit buggy in places. There was one place where if I used Biotic Charge, I was instantly killed. From full shields and health straight to death. Other than that, it really reminds me of exploring omega in ME2 :P


EDIT: Just had a look at the last few posts, most of which have been from me, so it seems interest for this game has really died. Is it down to how it all concluded?


I really don't like how the DLC is tacked on and doesn't meant anything in the game. Apparently it's in a completely different area that you can't even fly back past once done. (Eurogamer's review demonstrated this well) I do buy very little DLC in general though. Burnout Paradise is the only game I've gone to town with.

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EDIT: Just had a look at the last few posts, most of which have been from me, so it seems interest for this game has really died. Is it down to how it all concluded?
Personally I think it just seems odd to tack DLC onto a game that has already concluded. I mean, we can liberate Omega or whatever but we still know how things end up a little way down the line, so what's the point?
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  • 1 month later...

I played through Leviathan and cannot for the life of me understand how the hell Bioware could artistically justify cutting it from the main game. Just like with From Ashes....it's pretty clear that it was a business decision taken by EA in all probability. It gives so much extra context to the ending.


Also side note really enjoy the Mass Effect combat there is really something else about the use of the biotics and weapons and the pacing of the combat, it's really unique. May have to dip back into the multiplayer at some point.

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I played through Leviathan and cannot for the life of me understand how the hell Bioware could artistically justify cutting it from the main game. Just like with From Ashes....it's pretty clear that it was a business decision taken by EA in all probability. It gives so much extra context to the ending.


I still find it amusing that when From Ashes was announced as exclusive to the Collector's Edition, nobody complained. When it was discovered that you could buy it without the collector's edition, the internet went crazy about it.


With Leviathan, there's no evidence that it was part of the original game. While Omega had a few lines of dialogue on the disc for Aria about Omea, there was nothing for Leviathan until the Extended Cut (which added the lines relating to it).


Also, the point of the original ending was that the developers wanted to keep things as open as possible, and wanted to keep the Reapers mysterious. They quickly realised after release that the fans wanted the complete opposite - so it's quite likely that Leviathan was made alongside the Extended Cut.


I would imagine that some parts (such as the first few levels) were already-existing ideas, but the whole Leviathan part was likely developed quickly after release.

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I still find it amusing that when From Ashes was announced as exclusive to the Collector's Edition, nobody complained. When it was discovered that you could buy it without the collector's edition, the internet went crazy about it.


With Leviathan, there's no evidence that it was part of the original game. While Omega had a few lines of dialogue on the disc for Aria about Omea, there was nothing for Leviathan until the Extended Cut (which added the lines relating to it).


Also, the point of the original ending was that the developers wanted to keep things as open as possible, and wanted to keep the Reapers mysterious. They quickly realised after release that the fans wanted the complete opposite - so it's quite likely that Leviathan was made alongside the Extended Cut.


I would imagine that some parts (such as the first few levels) were already-existing ideas, but the whole Leviathan part was likely developed quickly after release.


True True...I think it comes down to an issue with Bioware's writing as whole. Somewhere along the process they obviously locked in the key points leading to the ending and they clearly needed to refine it along the way with more "clues" to give their artistic vision for the end it's appropriate platform (there are still a lot of things I like about the ending).


I don't think it was the fact you could buy From Ashes separate that caused the problems. I think it that the plot of those missions provided so much insight into the past of the universe. Also Javik was a must take on all missions just for how much he fleshed out and provided additional context through incidental dialogue.


I find it really odd the uproar around individual decisions not impacting the ending whilst people were ok to dismiss it for Walking Dead which gave the illusion of control despite actually funneling every player down very similar paths with mild diversions. I guess maybe it comes down to a hype/distribution method/PR. Mass Effect- big investment over many years, Walking Dead- Less investment (time/finance), not so many grandiose statements about the nature of the choices and how it worked in.

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  • 1 month later...

The final DLC has been announced:


Embark on one last adventure with your team in Mass Effect 3: Citadel.


When a sinister conspiracy targets Commander Shepard, you and your team must uncover the truth, through battles and intrigue that range from the glamour of the Citadel's Wards to the top-secret Council Archives. Uncover the truth and fight alongside your squad – as well as the cast from the original Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, including Urdnot Wrex!


When the adventure is over, reconnect with your favorite characters from the Mass Effect Trilogy, try your luck at the Citadel's Silver Coast Casino, blow off steam in the Armax Combat Arena, or explore and furnish Shepard's own living quarters on the Citadel. With unique content and cinematics featuring your friends and romance interests in the Mass Effect trilogy, Mass Effect 3: Citadel offers one final chance to see the characters you have known for years and rekindle romances.


5th March for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, priced 1200 Microsoft Points and or £9.99 (I think). No mention of Wii U. PS3 version is probably 6th March in Europe.







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Are all DLC's for ME , ME2 and ME 3 on the PS3? (would love it to all be on the WiiU.......)


I'm getting shot of my 360 and obviously my collectors editions of the ME games (well normal ME then CE of the others) but want to rebuy it all for the ps3 and restart the game as a fem sheppard


also has anyone used that Masseffectsaves website to get save files from to restart a game etc? basically because i don't know if i can be bothered buying the new dlc for 360 to complete on my current saves, might just do it on the ps3 with a selected save file thats similar to mine

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i should be disappointed about potentially having to replay all the games......i should be but i'm not


Replaying them is a good thing. Also, the final ME3 DLC sound like it would have areas that would be nice to revisit throughout the game.

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The DLC is amazing - easily the best one out of all the Mass Effect DLCs.


The main mission part isn't long, but there's a ton of hilarious dialogue. There is a ton of extra-mission stuff, mostly interacting with your squad. The dialogue at the party is brilliant. I need to do it a few more times and select different options do hear different conversations.

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