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The Female Voice of Commander Shepard Has Yet to Record Any New Dialogue




Given that BioWare announced Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut today, it's interesting to note that the voice actor of the female version of Commander Shepard apparently hasn't been involved in the project to this point.


Jennifer Hale, who voices Fem-Shep, recently told Edge she has yet to be contacted by BioWare about recording any new lines.


From the Edge piece:


She hasn't been contacted by the team, hasn't had a recording session, or been given any indication that she will be needed for this new content.


What this means for the ME3: Extended Cut content is unclear. What we do know is that the new (free) content will provide "additional cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes" to the ending, and it'll launch this summer.


The Extended Cut is designed to give players "deeper insights into how their personal journey concludes", as per BioWare.


As for some quotes from Ms. Hale on the subject of ME3's upcoming epilogue, she said, "I have mixed feelings about [the prospect of a new ending]. I really respect the team and what they did and how hard they worked. And endings are hard! They're cutting new ground; the players are so involved in this game that to come up with an ending to something everyone's got their hand in is a huge challenge.


"So maybe it's going to take a little work to get everything sorted in a way that's going to make everybody happy."

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An extension to the three available endings isn't really fitting the overall issue. It's free and a welcome extra, but all it will address is the ridiculous similarity between the endings, not the lack of causality.

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Finding the majority of the reaction to this announcement rather amusing. People bitching that Bioware didn't bend to their will and rewrite the ending despite the fact that this is free!!! DLC and they could have easily told everyone where to shove it (obviously they'd never do it, but I'd happily have done it as it's just a f**king game and some people really do need to get over themselves about it).


It's unlikely that it'll answer everything or even remotely come close to tying everything up in a pretty bow and so no doubt there'll be another palaver once it's released that it "hasn't changed anything herpederp". But realistically, as a collective, it was pretty idiotic to even posit the thought they'd go against what was printed on the discs and produce an entirely new ending.


Under no illusion that it'll just be a slightly longer ending cutscene and fine with that because I was ok with the ending as it was. Hopefully it'll just confirm the IT as its the best way to get out of the situation for BioWare and there's just too many coincidences for it to be literal.


Yeah the response has somewhat surprised me. I still stand by the ending in some respects that I don't see any problems with the choices you could make...


I've begin to think that the renegade ending has a few misdirections..I don't think it will destory the Geth for example. The Geth are set out as a race we meant to feel sympathy for and by mentioning they will die at this point puts us off killing the Reapers somewhat. It's the misdirection of the indoctrination process.



I think better explains the choices and why its taking place followed by epilogue pieces. Dragon Age Origins did a pretty good job using that method telling you exactly what you actions meant to the world at large...the world that would go on to mould the world of Dragon Age 2. Which is exactly what I expect will ultimately happen with Mass Effect when we end up seeing another games in the series.

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Thing is the ending can be extended as much as they like but there's one thing that can't be explained until further DLC....I would much rather have an answer to this than the missing parts of the ending.


The fact Shepard's alive in the renegade ending. How is he alive? Where is he alive?


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Thing is the ending can be extended as much as they like but there's one thing that can't be explained until further DLC....I would much rather have an answer to this than the missing parts of the ending.


The fact Shepard's alive in the renegade ending. How is he alive? Where is he alive?


Yes true and I think this is what they intended all along either wait for DLC or even wait for a future possibly next gen game. Unfortunately the events of the outcry have forced their hand in an entire different direction. We will never truly know what they intended now we are off on this alternative tangent.

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Yes true and I think this is what they intended all along either wait for DLC or even wait for a future possibly next gen game. Unfortunately the events of the outcry have forced their hand in an entire different direction. We will never truly know what they intended now we are off on this alternative tangent.


They said many times that this wouldn't be the end of Shepard. Does it not even say that in a codex at the end? If so how can we take it as an ending anyway. Like you say this whole thing has backfired as the ACTUAL DLC has been pushed back :(

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The "actual DLC" was going to take place before the ending anyway.


Speaking of DLC, there's new multiplayer content arriving on Tuesday for free:



Obviously you'll need to unlock the new characters/weapons in the usual manner, but fresh maps are very welcome.

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The "actual DLC" was going to take place before the ending anyway.


Speaking of DLC, there's new multiplayer content arriving on Tuesday for free:



Obviously you'll need to unlock the new characters/weapons in the usual manner, but fresh maps are very welcome.



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Oi! I invested a lot of time and emotion into that game to get what was no more than a half-assed ... What? I can't even say cop-out. It was not an ending. It was the video game equivalent of the transition between Aliens and Alien 3.


You know all that character development and love you put into it...?



...hahaha! It wasn't worth shit, ner ner ner!



Oh look, an extended cut of the ending is being released. How shocking.


Really though, LOVE doesn't keep characters alive, nor should it. Your attachment to characters is what makes tragic events tragic. Newt and Hicks dying at the beginning of Alien 3 was horrible... but horrible things DO happen you know, things that defy explanation... but just because it's fiction people expect everything to follow this neat line.


Concerning Mass Effect 3, anyone that says the ending ruined their investment in the whole the trilogy is being a diva. ME3 was brilliant and had some amazingly moving and gripping moments. The ending was ambiguous and could do with more info... and that is what we are getting.


People are STILL bitching though.

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I've begin to think that the renegade ending has a few misdirections..I don't think it will destory the Geth for example. The Geth are set out as a race we meant to feel sympathy for and by mentioning they will die at this point puts us off killing the Reapers somewhat. It's the misdirection of the indoctrination process.


Which do you consider the Renegade Ending? Controlling or Destroying?


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Which do you consider the Renegade Ending? Controlling or Destroying?


controlling to be the renegade option as your actually giving yourself up to the reapers. Before I believed in the indoctrination theory I was still uneasy with the idea of controlling the reapers as I didn't think it possible. The illusive man thought he could do the same thing.


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So I finished it a few minutes ago and I really don't know why everyone is complaining about the endings. The ending I got was absolutly fine, I got no problems with it what so ever.

Might start ME1 again and go tthrough the entire thing again some time later.

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So it's fine that, among other things:


Joker and the crew of the Normandy completely ditched the fight for Earth, went through Reaper forces to pick up your squadmates from London and then them all deciding to run away from the battle leaving Shepard and all the fleets behind?


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So I went through the game being paragon as i did with the last two games. I went for the "synergy" option in the end. The only problem i might have with the ending i got would be Jeff and EDI crashing on some planet when the relays got destroyed, and maybe that part after the credits where the guy is telling the kid about Sheppard on that wierd planet



So it's fine that, among other things:


Joker and the crew of the Normandy completely ditched the fight for Earth, went through Reaper forces to pick up your squadmates from London and then them all deciding to run away from the battle leaving Shepard and all the fleets behind?


well when you put it that way...I guess it is kind of a jerk around >_>

Edited by martinist
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A few things about what the "Extended Cut" will explain already been revealed in various tweets


It has been said that nobody will starve. The way ME3 left it, all these fleets were trapped in the Sol system, and Earth itself was devastated. Also, Turians and Quarians can't eat human food.


However, as another tweet said, the mass relays can be re-built. I would guess that the "key" to unlocking the secret (remember, the Protheans on Ilos managed to unlock the secret) is found through the Reaper remains or something like that.


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I wish we were in the spoiler thread, because this post is short and stupid and using a spoiler box just makes it seem like I have something important to say, but...


... Destroying the mass relays in every ending just to rebuild them almost immediately just seems so stupid.


Though I guess there's a difference between "can be rebuilt" and "will be rebuilt in the extended ending", but even so.


I wish BioWare would just admit that they messed up and leave it at that, so we could all move on with our lives. :blank:


Fake edit: Actually, my favorite thing they said at the PAX panel was when someone asked why the extended ending stuff wasn't in the game from the beginning and they said that they couldn't have included it in the game because they didn't realize there was huge demand for it.


Says it all, really. :indeed:

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I respect the fact they want to keep it how they intended and don't want to change it but I still can't get my head around how they're actually happy with it. Let's face it, it's shit and makes no sense. I don't need more clarification on this. It'd be like ending the Matrix trilogy with Reloaded.

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I respect the fact they want to keep it how they intended and don't want to change it but I still can't get my head around how they're actually happy with it. Let's face it, it's shit and makes no sense. I don't need more clarification on this. It'd be like ending the Matrix trilogy with Reloaded.


Revolutions even....but yeah I definitely think it's a case of them wanting to keep to their artist vision and I have a lot of respect to them. I wouldn't say it's shit but yes it definitely at face value never makes any sense.

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