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Mass Effect 3


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Yeah, multiplayer is fantastic. As long as you get a half decent team there's a real sense of comradery. The sub-objectives keep it fresh and keep you from hiding in the same place, and the powers work really well. The adept melee is seriously cool.


Yeah, i'm really surprised how good it is. I love working as a team in games as you get a real sense of satisfaction when you overcome the odds. This is why I prefer co-op over competitive gaming.


I got my human engineer to level 20 yesterday, he's such a beast. I use the drone to distract the enemy and them blast them with either overload or incinerate, depending what type of enemy they are.

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Managed to get both the support of the Quarians and the Geth. That one had been eating away at me since the Quarian missions started in this so glad I'd done enough in ME2 (resolving the issue between Tali and Legion) and here to get the support of both. Strangely saddened by Legion's 'death' as well. For the greater good though.



Oh, and...


Drunken Ashley! :laughing: Found her sprawled out on the floor on the Normandy trying to sleep off her drunken-ness and had Shepard make fun of her, telling her that he'd send Joker down to sing to her and everything she said would be met with Shepard jokingly reminder her to end everything with "Sir!" That was rather amusing, though not as amusing as drunk Tali from what I've seen online but still pretty funny, especially when it carried over on the Citadel.



Really need to have a go with the multiplayer to up my readiness. Already amassed nearly 6000 TMS but would rather that was my EMS rather than it being halved because of the readiness.

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I'm on rest days thursday and friday this week from work so I will be free a lot of the time.


Anyone fancy teaming up and we could play some multiplayer?


Team of 4 of us would be awesome.


Thursday evening i can do, not the day.


Cured the Genofage, sad to see Mordin die. Tried to convince him to stay but he insisted he go to sort things out. I'm going to miss that guy, and his singing.


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Just had a really good game against the Reapers. It was only on bronze but it was just me and one other guy. It was intense as hell in parts we managed to clear all 11 waves, the final wave was just the two of us running around the stage leading the enemies about whilst trying to take out a Banshee and Brute, really satisfying that was.


Have to say the random items/weapons system really bugs me, all I want is the Geth Pulse rifle and Black Widow but noooooooo I dont even get any characters no matter how many packs I buy.


I havent had any problems with ME3 online, no disconnects etc

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They nerfed the Quarian Winfiltrator. So sad :(. Sabotage is next to useless now so no 'I win' button against Geth on gold anymore. Promoted my Quarian and then started over, will see if I can build something better but at the moment, seems like the answer is no :(

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Just had a really good game against the Reapers. It was only on bronze but it was just me and one other guy. It was intense as hell in parts we managed to clear all 11 waves, the final wave was just the two of us running around the stage leading the enemies about whilst trying to take out a Banshee and Brute, really satisfying that was.


Have to say the random items/weapons system really bugs me, all I want is the Geth Pulse rifle and Black Widow but noooooooo I dont even get any characters no matter how many packs I buy.


I havent had any problems with ME3 online, no disconnects etc


You not have any missiles left? I always keep 2 of them ready and waiting to take out the Banshees, hate those things. I love fighting the Geth in multiplayer, by far the easiest group to fight, IMO.


I haven't had any issues with the EA servers either. My net is knacked at the moment for unknown reason. The router connection light flashes orange and disconnects me for a few seconds, but the EA servers seem to be fine.


I finish work for the week on Thursday morning so if i'm online just send me a message if you want to play a bit of multiplayer. I just need to decide which character class to start with next...

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I tried out the MP last night - very cool. I like how they rethought the control scheme to fit a live firefight better and the combat really holds up in such a pure setting. Only thing that bugged me was the game kept putting me in pretty high level teams so I was generally derping about while more powerful characters cleaned house and got all the xp. I'd rather be in groups with lower levels and be in a tougher fight that's more rewarding.

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@Dan Dare - set the game type to Bronze, should keep levels lower.


Anyone else noticing bugs in the dialogue? I seem to constantly fade out towards the end of a sentence, followed by a pause, then the response.


Also, I turned on subtitles at one point because someone was on the phone next to me. I started noticing Traynor saying things when I come out of the elevator. Except she wasn't actually saying it out loud. One thing was that Anderson was on the comms device, so I would have missed a whole discussion with him without subtitles.


You not have any missiles left? I always keep 2 of them ready and waiting to take out the Banshees, hate those things. I love fighting the Geth in multiplayer, by far the easiest group to fight, IMO.

I prefer Cerberus. Their 'tough' enemies (Nemesis etc) can be taken out with a sniper headshot and you can disarm the Guardians with Pull. The Atlas is just hilariously slow after you get used to fighting it. On the other hand the Geth primes and the flamethrower ones are a real pain.


The Reaper Banshees are seriously tough though.


Side note: I just overtook you on MP last night, HoT :D

Edited by Shorty
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I did the machine to do with the Shroud and cannot believe:


Mordin died. I loved him...but they did it so well that I couldn't help but appreciate it so much. From his line about the sea shells coming back just before he left to the way it "snowed" and a drop fell on Shepherds hand as he looked to the sky, as the cure got pumped out. How many more people with this war take



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mm,I was playing Bronze but I was still with level 15-17 guys.


Only thing I don't like is having to play as a human. Turians are cool :(


Save up and buy the medium box, you should unlock a new character type. Not got a Turian yet myself, though.

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There should be an extra character available as well if you've played Battlefield 3. Cant access it myself as my EA account is with an old email and EA say once a PSN account is linked to an EA account it cant be changed. Its meant that im not able to use Battlelog either on BF3 because it wont let me use that old account so all other EA games still log in through the old account but BF3 refuses it for some reason. God I hate EA.

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There should be an extra character available as well if you've played Battlefield 3. Cant access it myself as my EA account is with an old email and EA say once a PSN account is linked to an EA account it cant be changed. Its meant that im not able to use Battlelog either on BF3 because it wont let me use that old account so all other EA games still log in through the old account but BF3 refuses it for some reason. God I hate EA.


Yes all the EA stuff is so dumb I had muck about with various things to get my ios stuff on the same account as my PSN was a right pain.


Your PS3 with this right? Fancy some multiplayer? I want to get some done but would rather play with ppl off here than random @Daft @Cookyman you up for some? (not 100% sure you both have the game) anyone else PS3 got it>?

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I did the machine to do with the Shroud and cannot believe:


Mordin died. I loved him...but they did it so well that I couldn't help but appreciate it so much. From his line about the sea shells coming back just before he left to the way it "snowed" and a drop fell on Shepherds hand as he looked to the sky, as the cure got pumped out. How many more people with this war take



"I made a MISTAKE!"

Really hit it home for me. Mordin admitting he fucked up is a pretty big deal and I think the writers handled it really well. The Salarian's had good reasons for the genophage but Mordin's line about seeing the big picture, not individual problems, was great. The Genophage doesn't wipe out Krogans but it did destroy their culture. Easy to loose sight of.


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Xbox session tonight, anyone? I'm thinking around the 11pm mark, if not later.

There should be an extra character available as well if you've played Battlefield 3.
The character race is "Battlefield 3", though. The hell kinda name is that? Even just "Battlefield Soldier" would've been better.


"On this team we've got a Human Female, Asari, Turian Male and a Battlefield 3."



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"I made a MISTAKE!"

Really hit it home for me. Mordin admitting he fucked up is a pretty big deal and I think the writers handled it really well. The Salarian's had good reasons for the genophage but Mordin's line about seeing the big picture, not individual problems, was great. The Genophage doesn't wipe out Krogans but it did destroy their culture. Easy to loose sight of.


I very much feel your right and his realisation and subsequent death did actually mean his arc played out in the only way it possibly could if we are really honest. "Eve" really was my motivation behind revealing the fault that had been put in by the Salarians. I truly feel her along with Wrex will change the culture of the Krogans and really "make" them. I just hope they don't let me down.


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Xbox session tonight, anyone? I'm thinking around the 11pm mark, if not later.

The character race is "Battlefield 3", though. The hell kinda name is that? Even just "Battlefield Soldier" would've been better.


"On this team we've got a Human Female, Asari, Turian Male and a Battlefield 3."




not around 9.30- 10?


fuck my bedtime. :zzz:

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After i cured the Genofage, with Mordin dying the way he did. To be honest, i don't think there is a way you can save him. I did read online that you can convince him not to die if you have the rep high enough (the paragon trigger popped up, thats all). So i don't believe there is a way to save him, unless you go the renegade option. Eve kept spotting i was hiding some info that the Salarians told me. which i revealed. Couldn't let Wrex down, he's too awesome to let down. His brother, oh well. Even Wrex agreed with me when he got nerfed by that creature. I'm happy for Wrex and the Krogan now, they deserve it now.





Did Citadel Priority mission 2 afterwards, as soon as i found out Udina (from Bailey) turned on the Council and the Alliance to help the Cerberus scum (my definition of them) take over the Citadel. I couldn't believe it at all. Then i found out from the Salarian councellor i found, hiding under a table that Ashley was with Udina and the rest of the council were vacating. Also, i think it was a fitting end for Thane as well. Knew he was dying, was on the last legs in medical before the battle. Good job i kept him loyal in ME2, otherwise the next part would be harder (i think the Councellor would have died if he wern't there)


Thought i'd have to convince Ashley that Udina was a traitor, it was easier once i said the councellor was alive and told me of Udina's plan. After, i did what any normal person would do. I shot Udina myself, the traitor. Got Ashley back on the Normandy (finally), time to make a return to Eden Prime


I also suppose, for those with Kaiden alive you could finally shoot the twerp for betraying the Alliance as well.


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