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Pokémafia 8 : Crusade of the Dragons


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Like I said, I forgot to mention I'm shiney. I'm not the Pokémon expert, I forgot that made a difference. And perhaps ReZ gave me the wrong sprite with shiney Seadra. But I will post the images ReZ gave me, give me a sec.




What I am now:





What I was before:


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I'll reiterate that I am a protector, and I only protect from kills. My targets have been:

night 1: Tales

night 2: myself

night 3: gmac

night 4: The Peeps

night 5: myself


And that's what you should be focussing on. The turquoise / orange Pokémon is a killer. I prevented my own killing. I gave myself and thus the whole town an extra turn.

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Clouds seem to be a bad thing. If the cloud-generator is protecting you, then you must be bad :hmm:


This cloud seems to be different from the clouds we've seen other nights. They've seemed to hide what's going on and be related to kills but this one seems to have just protected me.


I have no idea who is evil. This game is confusing.


Who's been inactive?




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I'll reiterate that I am a protector, and I only protect from kills. My targets have been:

night 1: Tales

night 2: myself

night 3: gmac

night 4: The Peeps

night 5: myself


And that's what you should be focussing on. The turquoise / orange Pokémon is a killer. I prevented my own killing. I gave myself and thus the whole town an extra turn.


On night 3 gmac died.

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Before we go lynch inactives, here's my speculation about Dannyboy before I go back to re-reading the whole thread:

Again, I'd like to stress the Sazandora I invented for the last game was not good. That in itself doesn't mean anything, but I've been thinking about something Dannyboy said about his power.. He mentioned his 3 heads do something different. That's when I realised, he has i[]three[/i] heads. This night, 3 Pokémon have been affected by some sort of smoke / fire thing. On a previous night, there were 3 Pokémon affected by some sort of post restriction thing. I wonder if there's a connection.


On night 3 gmac died.

Maybe you shoudl re-read the thread as well. EddieColeslaw roleblocked me because I was a suspect the day before.

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Sorry, these are my notes at the moment, and they're a bit of a mess (but I'll clean 'm up later).



Pokémafia 8


jonnas - mr. mime - dead

Aqui1a - luvdisc - dead

chairdriver - growlithe - dead

gmac - ? - reverse tracker - dead

Cube - gyrados - dead

Diageo - oko..thing - dead


Sméagol - kingdra - protect

tales - orange / moltres - ?

Mcoy - ? - spores, beneficial for others (specific type)

Aqui1a - ? - reverse tracker

maddog - exegcutor - lie detector

aqui1a - ? - reverse tracker

heroicjanitor - ? blue / red? - investigator

The Peeps - lombre green pale cyan pinkish - enhance powers by splashing

eddieColeslaw - gible / navy red - roleblocking by rolling

dannyboy - sazandora - ?

? - articuno -

Nintendohnut - tentacool - gets info with device

? - ninetails

marcamillian - green / red - protect?

Dyson - ? (either nintetails or articuno) - ? good according to heroic


ellmeister - ? - ?

mr-paul - ? - ?

zell - ? - ?

paj meen ah - ? - ?




For the record, I think Dannyboy is still suspicious for simply being Sazandora, but it's important to note we don't know anything about Ellmeister, mr-paul, Zell, and Paj Meen Ah. One of them is likely good and either Articuno or Ninetails, the rest probably all mafia.


I think it's time for Ninetails and Articuno to both come forward.

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Sméagol, to add to your notes, gmac was Zapdos and Diageo was Onokusu.


A green and red slammed down on a collection of faces.


Marcamillian claimed to be green and red, and MadDog is the collection of faces (Exeggcute). Where did you get your info from? Does this mean that Marcamillian lied about being green and red, or you're trying to lead us astray?

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I know I've been terribly inactive in this game. Today I've become sick and have thus not really had the drive or the mental capacity to participate. Besides, we haven't really had any good leads, and this reduces my incentive to play, I'm afraid.


Regarding the questions posted about my role, I am pretty in the dark about it. I simply choose a target each night. What power is used appears to be random, and I'm not told what power has been used (unless it's part of the power, like an investigation). I'm not even sure if I appear in the write-ups. As to your point about the three victims, Sméagol, it can't be me, as I can only target one at a time. My heads "take turns", so to speak.

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I've posted every day phase? I have nothing to add today.


Well you've posted in each day phase but not a huge amount. I just like contribution really :)


Still, I'd rather go for someone else than you, possibly Paj? Although he's posted a little.


Nintendohnut can you tell me how your pokedex is modified? Does it function differently to other pokedexes?


I don't think so, all I get is


Your target was: *****


That player is (pokemon)

The pokemon type is *****




Will add my notes in a sec, don't know if they'll be any use.


Mcoy also knows and Mcoy would say sharing this is a bad idea.


Why is it a bad idea? Do you think they are town, and if so, why?

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Lombre splashed a dark navy and red Pokemon. As Lombre casually walked home it was struck in the back by a powerful blast of energy. The refreshed Pokemon was also hit by an almighty blast.


You targeted me on night 4 Sméagol? Doesn't look like you did me or Mcoy any good. Any explanations here?


Also if Marcamillian is the red and green violent roleblocker like Tales says, then I think we should lynch him. He doesn't look innocent at all.


Vote: Marcamillian


And I think Paj is good by the way, I think I know his pokémon too.

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