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The Gentlemen's Mafia - Game Thread


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I believe it could benefit us all. I just hope people will believe me. :heh:


I am ruthless Scottish hunter Angus MacNeil. After discovering the death of my British twin brother James Barker at the hands of the mysterious black masks, I have taken up his identity in order to get close to them and avenge him. Each night I can kill a player of my choice, but I've held off doing so until last night when I took a gamble with ReZ. It was my luck that a mafioso had taken up his identity and thus got hit instead.


Now, "with great power comes great responsibility", so there is a downside to my killpower. Apparently James Barker was a dear friend of Princess Olivia and her family, and after getting involved in this mess, I see it as my primary goal to find and protect her personally from the black masks. This makes me neutral until I have found her, and if I don't find her, the shame will prevent me from winning alongside the town. So while I realise the amount of trust this requires, I'm asking that Princess Olivia comes forward so I can protect her and focus on taking out the rest of the black masks.


Ooohh I love little stories like that :) I'll believe you but I don't think Olivia should come out until late on in the game, at which point you can become townie and win with us. How exactly will you be able to protect her if your power is to kill?

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I don't believe he is, but you seem to think he is, and yes. I am saying if I was mafia I would not try so hard to get him lynched, it would be stupid of me to do so. It is a valid defense, no one has ever tried so hard to get a team mate killed. I was even hopping on a bandwagon, I started it. If I was mafia and knew he was town, would I try so hard to get him killed if when he died, it would be clear that I was wrong? Only someone as crazy as Rez would try something like that.


I suspected he is, but as I already pointed out, by my very nature I have to essentially suspect that everyone is, but accept with it a possibility of doubt, that leads to at least 4 possibilities when considering any pairwise comparison of two people. I've seen people go hard after people before, also, and strangely survive, also. In fact, I saw it happen with someone who played rather aggressively in doing so.


I was under suspicion from the very first day. If he was mafia, he would have let me be lynched, not defended me. He could have said nothing about the tea but he did.


With 4 possibilities, this is assuming he is mafia and you are town. However, he did not, and so it lends to the idea you may in fact both be some mafia, or him a townsperson.

He didn't protect me on the first night, I died on the first night. He didn't protect me on the second night either, I was targeted twice that night.There was great discussion around me from the very first day, The Peeps started protecting me from the third night on, because he found out of my power to help people from HeroJan.


First night he protected you=3rd night. I meant the first night out of the two nights he protected/redirected with you as a target.


Also we have Ellmeister over gmac. I believe Ellmeister is mafia much more than gmac, I also believe Nintendohnut might be mafia because he contradicts the write-up. So we have two people right there.


If inactives do nothing, then we have nothing to judge them on. Do you want to just let them slide anyway? Are mafia members who pretend to be inactive the perfect way to play the game, because you seem to think so.


Also incorrect, as I've already stated I may change to gmac but will come gunning for you afterwards if there's no more viable target. It is an unfortunate bias of mafia games that the more active people draw more attention and thus more suspicion for fighting a cause, but it's something I had been bearing in mind as I played and so I was conservative with my votes. However, it can be gone beyond in a sort of triple bluff/negative to excuse one's behaviour or takes suspicion of one's self.


If I can't use it as a defense, then you can't use it as an offense. Disregard my playstyle and then give me the reasons you think I'm evil.


I can use it however I like, and I did not say you can't use it as a defense, just that I simply won't take it as a defense. Regardless of anything, being a game that is to be played, anyone's approach and attitude, which could be called their play-style, is a perfectly good reason upon which to judge them, surely?


I'm not even arguing this to persecute you, I'm attempting to follow other leads, but you keep responding and I can't help but see what I consider faulty logic and faulty reasoning in your posts, and so I feel the need to point it out.


I think Diageo and Rez are townies and we are wasting our time on them.


I still think Nintendohnut is suspicious though for not saying he got that flask when the write-up says he did.


I think Tales is suspicious for voting for Diageo right after saying he has no information on him.


I'm mulling over which of them to vote for.


The perfect thing to say if one, or both, of them are your mafia allies. I'd lend it more to being one of them, as it gives a more plausible defense to the other. I have my eyes on Tales, also, though.

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Each night I can kill a player of my choice, but I've held off doing so until last night when I took a gamble with ReZ. It was my luck that a mafioso had taken up his identity and thus got hit instead.




I had wondered why there hadn't been a kill every night/how there was no mafia kill last night.


It must surely mean that the mafia are so inactive that no one requested a kill? Sureeelllyyyy?


OR the killer got roleblocked, in which case can a roleblocker come forward? Unless....the person who was going to get killed got protected.

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V (This was meant to go first -.-) V


I can at least confirm that Danny's traps put me off on the first night, I hadn't seen his mention of traps til I went back to find the info about Diageo, and so I quoted it and asked more about his power because I was interested in it. After the first night I assumed he had just been protected, not that the traps were part of his own power.

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Btw, what's Tales up to? Do we know much about him? Also, ReZ, whilst you can't vote, who WOULD you vote for, if you could?


I'd like to re-draw Tales's attention to this post of question. ReZ has also posed a request of information to Tales since, and whilst he has posted he has disregarded both beyond saying he's targeted random people and it's offered nothing, which is basically saying nothing at all anyway.

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Ooohh I love little stories like that :) I'll believe you but I don't think Olivia should come out until late on in the game, at which point you can become townie and win with us. How exactly will you be able to protect her if your power is to kill?


Well, I am a ruthless hunter, so I assume it involves traps, knives, guns etc. :heh: Seriously, though, I don't really know how it will work. It's not revealed in my PM, but I assume it will put some sort of permanent protection on her. Perhaps I set traps around her room that will protect her if she doesn't use her nightpower in the same way that I am protected if I stay in my room?

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I'd like to re-draw Tales's attention to this post of question. ReZ has also posed a request of information to Tales since, and whilst he has posted he has disregarded both beyond saying he's targeted random people and it's offered nothing, which is basically saying nothing at all anyway.


But I don't have anything to offer. All I know is I got unconscious in night 1. Don't know by who. That's it.

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So you are refusing to provide proof that would ultimately clear you and Diageo?


Why is no-one taking much notice this??


How would me stating my power be proof? Surely if I said what it is you'd have to take my word for it. As I said stating my power would render it useless, and pushing to know what it is makes me suspect you.


As far as I'm aware you have nothing on Diageo or myself which requires clearing? Is this from being unable to target Diageo? If so The Peeps cleared that up and if you still doubt it The Peeps should be your main target.


Well, I am a ruthless hunter, so I assume it involves traps, knives, guns etc. :heh: Seriously, though, I don't really know how it will work. It's not revealed in my PM, but I assume it will put some sort of permanent protection on her. Perhaps I set traps around her room that will protect her if she doesn't use her nightpower in the same way that I am protected if I stay in my room?


The thing is I'm not sure how dangerous revealing herself would be. The black masks are after her, so you understand that thinking we have a character who can totally protect her permanently is a bit far-fetched. I'm not saying I don't believe you but you don't even know the method by which you are meant to protect her, so it is risky in the case that you are evil and in the more likely case that you are good.

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The thing is I'm not sure how dangerous revealing herself would be. The black masks are after her, so you understand that thinking we have a character who can totally protect her permanently is a bit far-fetched. I'm not saying I don't believe you but you don't even know the method by which you are meant to protect her, so it is risky in the case that you are evil and in the more likely case that you are good.


I totally undertand. :) It's also why I was hesitant to come forward in the first place since I know it's a lot of trust to ask for. My only worry is that the black masks get to her first.

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I'd like to re-draw Tales's attention to this post of question. ReZ has also posed a request of information to Tales since, and whilst he has posted he has disregarded both beyond saying he's targeted random people and it's offered nothing, which is basically saying nothing at all anyway.


But I don't have anything to offer. All I know is I got unconscious in night 1. Don't know by who. That's it.


Vote : Tales if I could.

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I don't really get how you're supposed to find her anyway? Since if you target someone you kill them? So if you target the princess you could just end up killing her?


At the moment I think she should stay hidden a bit longer probably.

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I don't really get how you're supposed to find her anyway? Since if you target someone you kill them? So if you target the princess you could just end up killing her?


At the moment I think she should stay hidden a bit longer probably.


I'll kill everybody but the princess if I target them. That's the troublesome point, exactly. My only option is to figure out who she is from conversations and roleclaims. Otherwise I'll likely just end up killing left and right before I find her.

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I will say this again, because heroicjan seems to have missed it for that last few times I mentioned it:


I have no reason to lie whatsoever. I am not lying, and why would I? I've been confirmed now, by two people, as being good, and yet you keep trying to bring it back to me when there is literally NO REASON for me to be lying about this.


I love how you have started talking about you and Diageo like you're a team. "As far as I'm aware you have nothing on Diageo or myself which requires clearing". I'm not saying it means anything but I'm also not sure why you're so convinced he is the one telling the truth and I am the one lying when I have explained several times that I have no reason to.


Incidentally Diageo, you say that heroicjanitor has given you an alibi for last night/cleared you as good. Can you show me this post? I'm sorry but there have been so many today I may have skipped/skimmed it. As far as I can tell at the moment the only defence you actually have is that the write-up backs you up, and this is the only alibi that herojan has drawn attention to. He has no actual proof, unless, as I say, I have missed something.


And as I explained in my long post earlier, the write-up saying one thing does not necessarily mean you are telling the truth. As with the last pokemafia, in which the mafia could alter the write-up. If you are in the mafia, you or a team mate could have organised an edit of it, and you could simply be using it as an alibi. I'm not saying this is exactly what happened, I'm just saying that your defence of 'yeah but it says in the write-up' is not as water-tight as you think.


And in terms of rudeness Diageo, earlier you laughed openly (and in my opinion, extremely rudely) in my face, and you later said that anyone who thought you were evil was 'stupid'. Comments like that are childish and unnecessary. In this day phase you have pissed me off beyond all recognition but you may noticed I haven't lowered myself to your level and directly insulted you or anyone else. Didn't your parents teach you not to be rude? Just because we can't see each others' faces doesn't mean you can insult people. A little common courtesy would be appreciated. And as more than three people have now draw attention to it, the mature thing to do would be to acknowledge it and, well, stop.


Going out now, and as I explained in my previous post yesterday I will only have internet on my iPod. So yeah, don't lynch me rez :p


SECOND POST: Dannyboy, could you do me a favour and kill Diageo tonight? Even if I'm wrong and he's good, he's seriously getting on my nerves :D Thanks! :p

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I will say this again, because heroicjan seems to have missed it for that last few times I mentioned it:


I have no reason to lie whatsoever. I am not lying, and why would I? I've been confirmed now, by two people, as being good, and yet you keep trying to bring it back to me when there is literally NO REASON for me to be lying about this.


I love how you have started talking about you and Diageo like you're a team. "As far as I'm aware you have nothing on Diageo or myself which requires clearing". I'm not saying it means anything but I'm also not sure why you're so convinced he is the one telling the truth and I am the one lying when I have explained several times that I have no reason to.


Incidentally Diageo, you say that heroicjanitor has given you an alibi for last night/cleared you as good. Can you show me this post? I'm sorry but there have been so many today I may have skipped/skimmed it. As far as I can tell at the moment the only defence you actually have is that the write-up backs you up, and this is the only alibi that herojan has drawn attention to. He has no actual proof, unless, as I say, I have missed something.


And as I explained in my long post earlier, the write-up saying one thing does not necessarily mean you are telling the truth. As with the last pokemafia, in which the mafia could alter the write-up. If you are in the mafia, you or a team mate could have organised an edit of it, and you could simply be using it as an alibi. I'm not saying this is exactly what happened, I'm just saying that your defence of 'yeah but it says in the write-up' is not as water-tight as you think.


And in terms of rudeness Diageo, earlier you laughed openly (and in my opinion, extremely rudely) in my face, and you later said that anyone who thought you were evil was 'stupid'. Comments like that are childish and unnecessary. In this day phase you have pissed me off beyond all recognition but you may noticed I haven't lowered myself to your level and directly insulted you or anyone else. Didn't your parents teach you not to be rude? Just because we can't see each others' faces doesn't mean you can insult people. A little common courtesy would be appreciated. And as more than three people have now draw attention to it, the mature thing to do would be to acknowledge it and, well, stop.


Going out now, and as I explained in my previous post yesterday I will only have internet on my iPod. So yeah, don't lynch me rez :p


SECOND POST: Dannyboy, could you do me a favour and kill Diageo tonight? Even if I'm wrong and he's good, he's seriously getting on my nerves :D Thanks! :p


Seeing as I agree with you about Diageo's behaviour, I'm tempted to do so! :p


... Buuut I probably shouldn't. It would be stooping too low. ;)

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This thread moves too fast.


Vote: Diageo


Like I said a few pages back, I was bribed to target Diageo but ended up in Ellmeister's room. I may have been redirected twice, but something definately smells fishy. That is all I have to say because I really can't be bothered to decypher all these pages of text.

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Right, this may be helpful, a summary of the info from last night and today, i'll give my thoughts on it at the end, and you can take what you want from it.


Night 4

Chair poses as ReZ, gets killed (later confirmed as by Dannyboy)

Nintendohnut visited by 2 men

One handsome man, polite talk (Cube)

One gave him a flask, contents unknown by notemaker.

Paid visit to ReZ, struggled finding him, scratched his nose.


Day 5

HeroJan claims roleblocked by exotic guy

Cube says he's handsome man, Duke Phillip Manning

ReZ says Dohnut painted in positive light by PM, and someone tried playing tennis with him.

Ell - rich banker, tried to get Zell to target Diageo

Diageo says he gave pills to Dohnut

Dannyboy has traps.

Eenuh claims she was bonked on head nights 2 and 3

Jayseven says he bonked, claims it was because they targeted the same people

Dohnut doesn't understand why he scratched ReZ nose.

Denies receiving anything from Diageo

Diageo thinks Ell bribes people to think he's good.

Confusion over pills/flask

Peeps claims to have misdirected away from diageo.

Diageo acts aggresively

Rummy claims as reverse tracker

Initial war between ReZ and Eenuh

ReZ forgets his name.

Tales has nothing.

ReZ initials are AL

Danny traps if he doesn't use his power.

Danny claims as Angus MacNeill, vigilante who has to find princess.

HeroJan won't reveal day power.


So from that, there's clearly lots of confusion over whether Dohnut received anything or not, the notes have been proved to be pretty accurate so it's strange because otherwise it appears he is telling the truth.

One thing that I think has been skimmed over is Jayseven saying he roleblocked Eenuh twice in a row.I believe Eenuh to be good and I don't understand/believe his reasoning "it happened because we both targeted the same people". To me the bonking sounds a lot more like a mafia roleblock than the exotic man.




Also, Dannyboy, do you know if your traps stop mafia from killing you???

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I'm sorry I may have missed something, but how has Peeps cleared everything up about not being able to target Diageo?


The peeps has been swapping Diageo for someone else. He did it last night too. It sounds fishy to me as well.


This thread moves too fast.


Vote: Diageo


Like I said a few pages back, I was bribed to target Diageo but ended up in Ellmeister's room. I may have been redirected twice, but something definately smells fishy. That is all I have to say because I really can't be bothered to decypher all these pages of text.


The Peeps has been swapping Diageo. Last night he swapped him with Ellmeister.


I love how you have started talking about you and Diageo like you're a team. "As far as I'm aware you have nothing on Diageo or myself which requires clearing". I'm not saying it means anything but I'm also not sure why you're so convinced he is the one telling the truth and I am the one lying when I have explained several times that I have no reason to.


It isn't me who is doing it, people keep lumping me in with him even though all I'm doing is saying he gave me tea and pointing out that no one has anything against him. You say he didn't give you anything but quite frankly I don't believe you. It isn't the write-up which is being edited it is an investigator character who is giving us these notes. An investigator says you got the flask, so I think you're lying. I amn't 100% on Diageo but I at least amn't going to vote over this.

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One thing that I think has been skimmed over is Jayseven saying he roleblocked Eenuh twice in a row.I believe Eenuh to be good and I don't understand/believe his reasoning "it happened because we both targeted the same people". To me the bonking sounds a lot more like a mafia roleblock than the exotic man.




If Jayseven can give the two people he targeted and they're the same as the ones I targeted, then he's telling the truth.


So Jayseven, who did you target night 2 and 3?

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