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Got ma Superboy t-shirt today (a thank youuu Smallville). Was trying to do the pose from the cover of issue 1 but I realised my neck isn't as wide as my shoulders so that wasn't going to happen.




I was so bored last week I cut my own hair. Not sure yet if I'm happy about that decision or not. Also, need to shave.

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Not even close. Try again.


Thats completely different to the pose you were pulling.



I know, it's a bit FAIL but that was the best one out of about 10 shots. By that point I'd wasted enough time amusing myself. :heh:


Maybe this could be our new theme. Replicating famous (or not) images.


That means we are REQUIRED to do a Last Supper one at the KNEE meet.(Shotgun Judas)

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