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Superman: Man of Steel (June 2013)


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Really liked the look of what was shown in the trailer (bar one or two iffy CG bits which will probably get ironed out in the coming months I hope). That very small bit in the music right at the end giving a nod to the Superman theme (at least I think it was as it sounded as though it was building up to it) was a nice touch. Definitely got me excited to see this.


My biggest worry is with Snyder as the director. Watchmen was a good film but did toe the line between style over substance, while with 300 it definitely felt like a case of being all style and little else there. He can clearly make a film look good, I just hope that he manages to find that ground where the film looks good and is actually a great movie.


I have my fingers crossed anyway.

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Nahhh man, have you ever read any Superman? Such a common and totally wrong argument that "all Superman's villains use Kryptonite". In fact, I can't even remember the last Superman story I read where Kryptonite was used by the primary antagonist. There's this strange misconception that Superman is absolutely invulnerable and doesn't have any enemies stronger than him, and it's just not true. He gets kicked about plenty.


Typically his biggest weakness is considered to be his overwhelming good-nature. He's too well raised, too much a big blue boy-scout, wants to save absolutely everybody in a world where that just isn't possible. You want to beat Superman? You put Lois Lane's life on the line on one side of the country, and a city load of people on the other side, with no time to stop both. Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor's most brilliant move (shame they ruined it with magic time travel).


No, I don't read comics. I'm going off the limited exposure I've had with films, cartoons and Smallville.

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By Kingdom Come kryptonite doesn't even have an effect on Superman.




I saw this idea on Reddit but I love it. If there was a post credit scene where Superman is flying over the ocean and then we hear Bruce's voice saying something like 'Anytime now Clark.' BOOM Superman rockets to Batman who's in the Bat with the bomb at the end of Rises and he flies in and picks him up before the things explodes. Bruce fakes his death (makes some bull reason for why...losing his money was too much for him or some crap. He has been legally dead before in the trilogy so it wouldn't be a first) we get Nightwing, too. And everything is in the same universe.


But yeah, not going to happen but I think it would be pretty awesome. It would also be a great nod as Batman as the brains of the Justice League.


While we're at it, have Keanu turn up as Constantine...even though he's nothing like Constantine.

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That would make the whole "Autopilot has been fixed for 6 months" at the end of TDKR a bit redundant, also it sounds kinda painful cheesy. Not that I wouldn't love to see Bats and Supes in the same world though, however briefly. I remember being happy just to see Gotham City mentioned in Returns.

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That would make the whole "Autopilot has been fixed for 6 months" at the end of TDKR a bit redundant, also it sounds kinda painful cheesy. Not that I wouldn't love to see Bats and Supes in the same world though, however briefly. I remember being happy just to see Gotham City mentioned in Returns.


Oh, yeah. Forgot about the autopilot.

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I think they've done a good job of making the suit look alien.

Actually, is the suit Kryptonian and found in the Fortress, or does I differ?... cause in Smallville doesn't his mum give it to him?


Can we get a thread title change? :p

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I've always liked the idea of it being completely alien and the "S" being just something us mere humans see, just an alien pattern or symbol meaning something else.


EDIT: I think the justification of the outfit is often the hardest part when trying to make a superhero film "real world" like. Batman did it well in that it was high-tech combat armour redesigned to be frightening. I feel like for Superman it HAS to be some kind of alien uniform for it to make any kind of sense. I appreciate Russell Crowe having a similar design in his costume.

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Quite interesting...

J.J. Abrams Talks Superman Flyby


J.J. Abrams has been discussing aborted take on Superman, explaining perceived parallels between what he had planned and what Zack Snyder is doing in Man of Steel.


Speaking to Empire about his treatment for Superman Flyby, the Star Trek director described his take on the character’s origins.


“The thing that I tried to emphasise in the story was that if the Kents found this boy, Kal-El, who had the power that he did, he would have most likely killed them both in short order” he explained. “And the idea that these parents would see – if they were lucky to survive long enough – that they had to immediately begin teaching this kid to limit himself and to not be so fast, not be so strong, not be so powerful.


“The result of that, psychologically, would be fear of oneself, self-doubt and being ashamed of what you were capable of. Extrapolating that to adulthood became a fascinating psychological profile of someone who was not pretending to be Clark Kent, but who was Clark Kent. Who had become that kind of a character who is not able or willing to accept who he was and what his destiny was.


“The idea in the movie was that he became Superman because he realised he had to finally own his strength and what he’d always been. I don’t know if that’s what Zack and Chris [Nolan] are doing, but it looks like that’s part of the idea and I could not be more thrilled to see that movie. That to me was always the way to go.”

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