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Brushes With Law


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Also you were the ones that ran after the dude. :p But yeah thats a crazy story. Can't believe they forced their way into a house.


Sounds like they deserved the keying you gave em though. Nicely done. :D


It was ridiculous,


the girls with us went into the garage via a side door and then came back to the inside of the porch bit where we're attempting to push the door shut; with a rake and a mop expecting us to use them to hit the people with.


slightly detained with trying to not let them into the house.



Stupid Stupid night...

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I got spoken to once on results day for drinking in a designated public place, but, as it was results day, we were all over 18, weren't causing trouble and they'd had no complaints, they said they'd just swing back in a few hours to make sure we were OK, as they had bigger fish to dry. They only even knew we were there (at the top of the park) because Matt shone his torch right at them once he'd seen theirs, the fool.


I spoke to the police after they broke up a fight my dad got into in one of the big revolving doors at Luton Airport. It was from that I learnt that there is nothing quite as exhilarating as having a punch thrown in your direction without effect, and then successfully returning one. I also learnt that I don't react in the most civil manner to people punching my dad in the head. In the time it took the police (who saw everything, and how it started) to cross the room, I'd grabbed one guy, almost been punched by him, punched him twice, and then wrestled one guy off my dad and onto the floor. It's the most violence I've ever taken part in.


How did it start? Well, the big revolving doors stop if you put any pressure on the trailing door. The family at the back (two behind mine), failing to understand this, leant on it. When it didn't move, a woman somewhere near the front said 'it doesn't work if you lean on it, would you mind getting off it', to which the parents at the back suggested she fuck off. Everyone kind of tutted, and my dad, being a nice kind of guy, defended the woman and told them that she was only trying to help and to not be so rude. They mumbled something and got off the door. When we all got out, the dad walked up to mine, said 'oi', mine turned, and Captain Fuckwit punched him in the head. As you do.


Needless to say, my dad wasn't best pleased, and kind of tackled him. The son, who was about 17, jumped on my dad. I grabbed him, pulled him off, and so he tried to punch my. I half blocked, half dodged it, and put a right uppercut into his abdomen, followed by a right hook onto the side of his face, flooring him (I doubt he'd expected much resistance). My sister, who, whilst petite, is remarkably strong, clobbered him with her hand luggage and pinned him to the floor, face down in an arm lock, and shouted at me to go and help dad, still essentially wrestling with the dad (this had all taken maybe 15 seconds). I ran over, put one arm round the dad's neck, and one under his left arm, and pulled him back and over my right leg, getting him down onto the ground too with me on top of him. By this point, the police arrived, pulled me off the dad and my sister off the son, and arrested them both. My dad had a cut lip and I'd bruised my right knuckles, but otherwise my family's main casualty was the contents of my sister's hand luggage. The sun cream bottle had exploded - she'd hit in the head with that thing pretty fucking hard, it seems. It was all over in about 40 seconds, at most. Buxton family - 1 Luton Scumbags - 0


The police took are details, but, given the presence of 20-odd witnesses in the revolving door, and at least 80 of the actual fight (and as to who threw the first punch) including the two police officers, and CCTV, they pleaded guilty to assault, ABH and affray, if I recall the exact charges correctly.

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Nicely done, Fish! :D While I certainly don't condone violence, there's something immensely satisfying about knowing that assailants can get what they deserve without repercussions.


I feel a bit bad about it, but fuck it, I reserve the right to defend myself and my family when attacked.


My only other run in with the law was when a women was told she couldn't park in our car park (because it's, y'know, private and not a public fucking car park) reacted by trying to run over my mother, but I'll explain that all later - I'm going to make dinner.

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Of course. I am very much in support of legal self-defence. Too often I feel that people who are only defending themselves from assailants get in trouble legally afterwards. But it is tricky ground.


This is so true! If it wasn't for CCTV showing that me and my mate got jumped I'd be in jail right now!

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Considering you were at the airport its less likely they were actually from Luton, never the less well deserved beating was well deserved.


I know the accent well enough, I'm pretty sure they were from Luton (I'm not saying all Lutonians are scum, both my best friend and gf are from there, and I was born there).


It was one of those situation that afterwards, once the police had talked to us and taken names, etc., that you didn't really know quite what to do and how to act. I didn't know quite whether to laugh, be angry or just check in. I guess we were all kind of in shock (not least my mother, who, being a mum, was making a terrible fuss) at the ridiculousness of the situation and what had caused it, and that we'd 'won'. We still managed to make or flight, too. :)


I purposely ran somebody over after him and his gobshite mates tried to rob me.


They had bricks and knives. I had a car. I win.


Is that what you teach in your lessons? :heh:

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They were trying to pull me out of the car, I punched one and closed and locked the doors. Then one of them stood in front of me to stop me from driving off while the others tried to smash the windows. It was pretty scary and to quote Samuel L Jackson in Jackie Brown, it was a clear cut case of him or me...and you'd best believe, it ain't gonna be me.


So I hit him with the car and he managed to cling on to a bit of the bonnet, at this point the adrenaline kicked in and I was seeing red. So I accelerated fiercely and did an emergency stop to throw him off my bonnet, all the while screaming at him that he was a fucking dead man


Once I'd calmed down, I called the police and explained that I'd been attacked and I defended myself in the only way that I had a chance of getting out of there. They said they'd keep it on file and contact me if they reported me, but amazingly nothing ever came of it.

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In primary school i used to shoplift toy dinosaurs (on day trips to museums mainly, but also once from the class dinosaur display - brazen).


Aaaand.... i have a friend who smokes pot. So i'm breathing in illegal pot smoke!


Both of these are clearly worthy of life without parole.

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