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DIY Mafia: The Game Thread


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To put this in perspective; Moogle has confessed to being in a partnership with evil personified. His story doesn't add up. Whatya gotta do to get lynched in this game?! :eek:


Because there's two of us. When there was three we could get alignment, power and role. Now there's two we get less info. I was roleblocked but my partner wasn't.


Which night did you recruit Jay?


And why did you get your partners PM?

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The suited mans friends carried on, while the red one was then distracted by a pie maker, he was unable to resist such lovely pies. The man dressed in white carried on alone.


So you said you targetted Jonnas and found out he was good? Can't see that in the write up.


Also ; supposedly your partner (who I'll call God, because I'm convincied your The Devil) is a tracker, right?


What was Jayseven? It said he was a theif which is interesting to me personally, but was it the same when with you? What was it? Or did it change?



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Moogleviper, can you explain why you don't show up on night 2 and 3 alongside your friends? You targeted me night 1, but I'm not mentioned. Night 2 you are nowhere to be seen? What did you do night 2? Who did you (the 3 of you) target?


We targeted Diageo but our targeting failed. Don't know why.


Oh and well played ReZ for turning this around on me. When I turn out to not be mafia I hope you all go and lynch him tomorrow.



Oh and my partner won't reveal himself. I'm not having you gullible cretins lynch him as well.

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We targeted Diageo but our targeting failed. Don't know why.


Oh and well played ReZ for turning this around on me. When I turn out to not be mafia I hope you all go and lynch him tomorrow.


You turned it on yourself by being "evil"


And not being able to answer our questions.


And your supposedly townie partner not being able to reveal himself.

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Someone protect Cube.

I won't do anything.

Cube investigates me.


And he gets "Good" because he's basically investigating himself, right? Don't make him waste a night like that.


New post: Wait, you said "you won't do anything". Sounds plausible, then.

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I think we need someone to roleblock ReZ as well. Otherwise we can't be sure he'll avoid using his power. He didn't appear in the write-up last time - that might happen again.


Good thinking. But doesn't that mean that the roleblocker may end up targetting ReZ's host, if he's lying?


That's it, then: we'll have his blood tomorrow.

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I'm not hopping on this bandwagon just yet. Maybe they're both right, and some mafia abilities are getting us all confused.


In the meantime, I'd like to know who Dyson targeted night 2, and what Ellmeister has on Diageo. Just to hopefuloly get some pieces from a larger puzzle, that's all.

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Hmmz, nothing extra to mention then. Oh well.


What I do wonder though, why we need so many investigators? Are 2 investigators for town common? You are one, Cube is one, and well, the trio are, who may or may not be town at the moment (well the 2 who are left).


Anyway, neutrals are not my priority, that's why I'm not hopping on Moogle's bandwagon.

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