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  Sméagol said:
Ah people, forget it.. No harm done.. Let Maddog end this game in style please ;).


Yeah, I apologise for dereailing this at the end folks. I'll shut up and you (we) can enjoy the ending (assuming Paj's death ends the game) in ReZ-argument-free peace.



  Jonnas said:
Vote: Paj Meen Ah


Yeah ReZ, shut up, seriously.


New post: Nice, last vote of the game :p


By the way, I'll bring down Ishbalan vengeance to someone if a Neutral snags this one away from us.

I knew that's who you were!


I was kinda expecting to be a Neutral killer, or at least the town vigilante. Instead, I get someone who left his evil ways and started saving people. :p

Still not bad (it is closer to the manga and all).


I merely lament I could not save Zell. Poor fellow, he brought down Mundi, who wronged me. Why did the mafia have to get him a day later?


Also, I am curious as to who would grant me extra powers. Was it Moogleviper? If so, dammit, he was the very first person I tried to target :p Curse you, Mundi!


6 - Paj Meen Ah (Ellmeister, Sméagol, Nintendohnut, Jonnas, Rummy, Dyson)


A majority has been reached!




They all circled him, they were 100% certain he was the last of the mafia...


They were correct.


Paj Meen Ah is dead. He was Flex Mentallo.


He was the mafias identity changer.






The remaining townies:




He was Joanna Dark. The townies roleblocker.




He was Scar. The townies protector.




He was Sonic the Hedgehog. The townies target tracker.




He was Satan. A friendly neutral who would win when the townies won.




He was Mickey Mouse. The townies identifier and tracker.




He was Carl. He received a post mortem on every death.




The Roles


Dannyboy-the-Dane – The Old Spice Guy (Good)

You are the Old Spice Man. The Man Your Man Could Smell Like. Your good looks, ripped body and lovely smell makes you pleasant to have around. Because of this you can target one person to follow every night, you will find out who they target.



Mundi – Gene from God Hand (Mafia)

You are Gene from God Hand, a martial art expert. Each night you may target one person to attack. They will be silenced for the next day.



Cube – Alan Wake (Good)

You are Alan Wake. A bestselling author, who has suffered writer’s block for 2 years. Desperate to find some inspiration you set off for Bright Falls. You’re so eager to get your mojo back; you can follow your target all night and learn their alignment.



The fish – Simo Hayha (Mafia Don)

You are Simo Hayha. You became known as “The White Deathâ€. Each night, you can choose one person to kill.


Bonus Power


If you are lynched, whoever casts the final vote will be killed.



Rummy – Joanna Dark (Good)

You are Joanna Dark. Agent of the Carrington Institute. Each night, you can target one player to roleblock.


Bonus Power


You’re an extremely energetic and courageous, due to this, you can PM me on any night and you will become invincible on that night. This is a one use power.



Diageo – Shadow the Hedgehog (Mafia)

You are Shadow the Hedgehog. Rival of Sonic the Hedgehog. You possess amazing speed; you can target one person each night and confuse them. They will be randomly redirected.


Bonus Power


Due to your speed, the chances of somebody successfully targeting you are halved.



Jonnas – Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist (Good)

You are Scar. Your alchemy is dependent on your right arms tattooed transmutation circle. You can choose one person to protect each night. After successfully targeting a certain number of people, you may learn some new skills.



Dyson – Sonic the Hedgehog (Good)

You are Sonic the Hedgehog. Rival of Shadow the Hedgehog. Each night, you can choose one person to track. You will find out who they target.


Bonus Power


Because of your tremendous speed, the chances of someone successfully targeting you are halved.



Dan-likes-trees – Scott Pilgrim (Good)

You are Scott Pilgrim. The 23 year old Canadian slacker. Each night you can target one person to follow, you will get a detailed description of your target.


Bonus Power


You play the bass guitar, during a day phase; you can PM me with the target of your choice. You will distract them for the rest of the day. Any votes that they have currently lodged will be removed, and any votes after that will not count. This is a one use power.



ReZourceman – A Doughnut (Mafia)

You are a Doughnut. You taste wonderful. Each night you can target one player, they will be too tempted by your yummy looks that they will drop all their plans that night to chase you around town.


Bonus Power


Because you’re a Doughnut, you can PM me on any night and change your shape to whatever you like. You will then appear in the write up as whatever you choose to be for that night only. This is a one use power.



Nintendohnut – Satan (Neutral)

You are Satan. You and God have noticed a real opportunity to take over the town, you therefore team up. Combining your powers, you can pick one player at any time to influence their thoughts. They will be made to join your alliance; they will however lose their power. As a trio, you can all collectively target one person each night, you will learn their alignment. If one of you is killed, your collective power will be degraded. I will PM you with further information if the situation arises. You are allowed to communicate outside the game thread. You win when all the mafia are gone.



Jayseven – Cobb from Inception (Good)

You are Dom Cobb. You are a professional thief. Each night you can target one person, you will attempt to steal something that will be handy to you. You will then be able to use these items to your advantage.



Zell – Conker from Conker’s Bad Fur Day (Good)

You are Conker. A loveable squirrel. Due to your cutesy looks, you can choose one person each night to redirect. You can also choose who you wish to redirect them towards.



Gizmo – James May (Mafia)

You are James May. Co-presenter of Top Gear. You have the ability to feed knowledge into people, whoever you wish to target, will be forced to vote for whoever you pick the next day.


Bonus Power


Due to your knack of boring the hell out of people, if anyone investigates you, you will appear good.



Eenuh – Ned from Pushing Daisies (Good)

You are Ned. The pie maker. Each night you can target one person, you will feed them pies, and their power will be disrupted.


Bonus Power


You can PM me with the name of a recently deceased person. You will resurrect them. This is a one use power.



Paj Meen Ah – Flex Mentallo (Mafia)

You are Flex Mentallo. The man of muscle mystery. Each night, you can target one person to change the identity of in the write up. You can choose what identity in which they will be displayed as.


Bonus Power


You cannot be night killed.



Ellmeister – Mickey Mouse (Good)

You are Mickey Mouse. Icon of Walt Disney. Each night, you can choose one person to target, you will learn who they targeted and you will receive a detailed description of your target.



Tellyn – Chuck Bartowski (Good)

You are Chuck Bartowski. You’re the carrier of top-secret information for the town. Because of your importance to the town, they count your vote as double.


Bonus Power

Because of your influential position in the town, if a player has 50% or more of the majority votes needed to lynch them. You can PM me, they will then be executed. This is a single use power.



Sméagol – Carl from Automata (Good)

You are Carl. Robot Detective. You will receive a post mortem on every death that happens at night.


Bonus Power


You hold authority over the town, one night; you can choose to lock somebody in the cell. They will be unable to complete their night plans. This is a one use power.



MoogleViper – God (Neutral)

You are God. You and Satan have noticed a real opportunity to take over the town, you therefore team up. Combining your powers, you can pick one player at any time to influence their thoughts. They will be made to join your alliance; they will however lose their power. As a trio, you can all collectively target one person each night, you will learn their alignment. If one of you is killed, your collective power will be degraded. I will PM you with further information if the situation arises. You are allowed to communicate outside the game thread. You win when all the mafia are gone.




I hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did running it :heh:. I certainly want to run another, probably going to be Star Wars themed.


Please tell me what you thought of the game. All feedback will be really helpful for my next game. Cheers!


Paj changed someones identity. I think it was you actually.


Why would Nintendohnut and Moogle target each other when they were on the same team :heh:


Paj Meen Ah makes ReZ appear as the red character

ReZ roleblocks MoogleViper

Nintendohnut/MoogleViper investigate ReZ


They actually targeted you that night.


The red character/dohnut investigates you/red character.


Fucker! I PMd you and you said it was definitely correct. No worries though. :p


You did really well and I think Star Wars is an excellent choice for the next one.


  MadDog said:
Paj Meen Ah makes ReZ appear as the red character

ReZ roleblocks MoogleViper

Nintendohnut/MoogleViper investigate ReZ


They actually targeted you that night.


Oh. That makes sense. Although it did say "disturbs" still that makes perfect sense now. :)


Niceeeeeeeeeeeeee, that Red character thing was really confusing.


I get the feeling part of the mafia were not very active and thus made it incredibly hard for you?


Also, shame Eenuh died so early would have been cool to have someone resurrected.


Smeagol saving me on the night I was chosen to die as well was good :D


This game was soooo frustrating for me because of my dodgy internet! I didn't do anything the first night, ratted out Mundi the next night and then found out Gizmo was mafia on night 3. My internet cut out again and by the time it came back it was night, and then the mafia killed me off.


Seemed like a pretty good game fun, lots of discussion happenned when I wasn't there!


I think in my next game write ups will be nowhere near as revealing as they were in this one. I also think the town were overpowered. The less revealing write ups in the next game will help the mafia though, so hopefully it'll be more balanced.

  MadDog said:
I think in my next game write ups will be nowhere near as revealing as they were in this one. I also think the town were overpowered. The less revealing write ups in the next game will help the mafia though, so hopefully it'll be more balanced.


I agree, write-ups are too revealing these days.

I thought it was the way it had to be, but apparently it's not.

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