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I've now made a different entrance to the vault. I'm rather happy with the way it turned out.


I heard water and managed to partially flood the lower level of the vault. So I went up to the upper level and investigated the source of the water. Turns out it was coming from a little natural tunnel that leads out to the surface. I've re-routed the old escape tunnel to it and masked the entrance with a nice little man made waterfall that flows to the sea. Worked out rather nicely.



The natural tunnel and stream:




The waterfall I made to conceal the entrance:






If anyone ends up inside, you can help yourself to anything in the chests. Just don't trash the place!

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Made a security room for the Vault. I can now close the outer doors from the security room, sealing a potential intruder in the entrance area (the inner doors can only be opened from the inside and are always shut).


Then if I so choose, I can flood the room with water or lava. Water doesn't quite work yet as it doesn't fill the whole room. Lava works enough to kill someone, but it makes an awful mess!




The only problem now is that the inner doors shut on a timer, so if someone goes through them and haven't opened the outer doors, they can become stuck when the inner doors close. If anyone manages to do that, just smash your way back into the security room through the window area (preferably the blocks in the middle of the wall/window). Please don't dig up or down as there are mechanisms there.

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My new building (not the warehouse infront):




I havent really decided what its supposed to be yet or started working on the inside.



Also we have a new warp point:


/warp vaults


This brings you around the other side of the mountain by town to where Goafers vault is as more buildings have started appearing (my new building, ReZ's one and the warehouse)

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I've begun work on a railway system for traveling around the built up area. So far it goes around from the court to a bit past the waterfall.


Whilst we're talking about the vault area, who made the creeper face in the side of the cliff?


That would be me.

Edited by Emasher
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I've completed the railway. It takes about 3:08 to go around once. The ideal staring point is at the top of the hill outside my house. I can't guarantee it will make a complete circuit otherwise. There's one place in particular it just about stops. In total, only 18 Powered Rails were used. I should also note it only goes around the one way (which should be obvious based on which way the powered rails are on the hills).

Edited by Emasher
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Ok, this is starting to annoy me. Anyone had any issues with their texture packs since the 1.5 update? I'm still using the basic one you get with the game and it works as it should except for stairs, where the actual runner and riser section of the step is black and not carrying the wood texture. It's rather off putting when you're trying to building something with plenty of stairs and you just get long black lines that shouldn't be there.


Just curious to know if I'm the only one having the issue as I never had it pre-1.5 so it'd be strange if I was the only one to get it since then as I've not changed any settings.

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I chopped down a few trees when building the railway, but in total probably less than 5, and they weren't really that close to you. I also replanted the same number of trees afterward in that area. I did however see a forest fire at one point not that far from there.

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Twas brilliant the other night. I was showing Goafer how the WorldEdit mod works for admins and I went behind the mountain near the vaults and changed all the trees in that area into TNT blocks......then set one off. There were so many explosions that I actually got kicked off of the server quite a few times until it finished. The place looks like an asteroid hit it now!


Heres the area I was talking about:



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Does make me laugh, not playing incase the server goes down considering thats the reason the server may go down.


Haha, I think it's more we have incredibly bad luck with servers, we're all for playing, but we've invested a lot to find it'll disappear.


If the map were available on line that'd be awesome, as we quite like what we've made :)

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