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You let debug mode and killthenet onto your servers. Check the timing of when stuff started happening, I'd put money on it being one of those two :P


i (as well as flomps) was on it minutes before it happened and everything was fine.... (then mcoy did an update)


Its not possible that anyone could have done that in that space of time.

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Yeah, I logged in earlier just to have a survey, and it did indeed seem like certain areas had just disappeared. A few torches were even hanging in thin air.


Also, it would seem that there has been some issues with the update of the game itself. Blocks are slow to give off resources when mined, and sometimes they keep reappearing after you've mined them. Leaf blocks also no longer disappear even when they're not supported.

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Mcoy backed the server up this morning so he'll restore it now. Please can someone let Mcoy know If everything is OK?


Edit: Mcoy's also placed a fuck ton of glass in the center of the city for everyone to use.


Any chance of that TNT for land-levelling purposes?

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Mcoy would like to draw all the honest citizens to the artifact Mcoy has been digging up for the past month.




Most of you will think this is a regular diamond block, but Mcoy is smarter then you cheeky bastards and Mcoy happens to know that this block is the power source for the energy on this world. Mcoy was happy to leave it at It's location, unfortunately due to the abuse of our mother earth with these strip mines Mcoy was forced to remove this block before it was destroyed or stolen.


Mcoy has no suitable place to store this powerful block and for the time being has installed It Into his house which is under construction. Mcoy needs this block safeguarded to protect his superior feelings. Unfortunatly for Mcoy the block was already stolen while he was making this post.


Mcoy wants the block placed back on It's stand, Mcoy will not hunt down the individual/s involved and everyone will be happy, If Mcoy is unhappy the server will be unhappy.

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Mcoy did update the list under the name of 'DrOatker' Mcoy will try and restart the server to get this working. Mcoy was also thinking about giving Happenstance the ability to spawn items and have some control as he seems quite active and may be able to help people out. Mcoy is checking to see If this would be ok with everyone?


Mcoy dosen't really care what you guys do so long as you don't grief eachother and ruin other peoples time or effort. Mcoy would prefer to not see epic items spawned all over the place, just use the ability to spawn annoying to get/stolen/missing goods.


Mcoy will need to make the next payment in the next few days.


Ah cheers :)


Might see you guys on this afternoon then

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Just logged in to find my bonfire gone. According to Raining it was Plomps who got rid of it. Im once again not happy, were supposed to have this server so we can build stuff without it getting fucked with!


Why would Plomps remove it? Grr


Nearly died when Borny aka Mcoy tnt'ed my mined, little bugger :P Luckily he put it back when I made sad faces.


It is the neatest mine on the whole server and has taken me hours and days, if it gets messed with I'll kill them. :heart:

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Yeah that's all free and near me! We can be neighbours (FTW)!


the block is back mcoy. You can rejoice, or whatever.


In other news: What the hell happened to mcoy's house?


Also: I like the n-e symbol and starman :) I'm afraid I experimented with a light block (i.e. I chopped it up) expecting it to become a placeable block, but then it didn't. So we may need to replace some light blocks. Sorry :blush:

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Yeah that's all free and near me! We can be neighbours (FTW)!


the block is back mcoy. You can rejoice, or whatever.


In other news: What the hell happened to mcoy's house?


Also: I like the n-e symbol and starman :) I'm afraid I experimented with a light block (i.e. I chopped it up) expecting it to become a placeable block, but then it didn't. So we may need to replace some light blocks. Sorry :blush:


Mcoy heard that without the diamond gem the entire ground began to shake and sink eating up the ground below. Luckily the criminal replaced said diamond and things have stabilized. (Mcoy also heard that TNT blew up a good chunk, Mcoy blames fish)


Mcoy would like to serve this as a warning if the Diamond is stolen again! (Mcoy would never destroy any of your work but let it be a warning!)

Edited by Brian Mcoy
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Mcoy heard that without the diamond gem the entire ground began to shake and sink eating up the ground below. Luckily the criminal replaced said diamond and things have stabilized. (Mcoy also heard that TNT blew up a good chunk, Mcoy blames fish)


Mcoy would like to serve this as a warning if the Diamond is stolen again! (Mcoy would never destroy any of your work but let it be a warning!)


I've been on briefly today, and spent all that time underground - I've given TNT to no one.

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