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mcj metroid

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Here's my opinion:


Matt: What the hell was that?

Katie: I thought she was great, people must be on drugs if they didn't like it!

Cher: I thought she was quite good, not bad at all.

One Direction: No...just no! What are they still doing in the competition?

Rebecca: I like her voice but my God, it was boring! As MCJ Metroid has said, it didn't need to be slower.

Paije: My favourite out of the lot, I think he did the song justice.

Mary: She was great, I loved her performance.

Wagner: JujujujujujujujujuOW! Bad but a bit of fun.


I think the bottom two if Wagner is there is: Wagner and Matt.


Otherwise: Matt and One Direction.

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Was the beatdown as good as this article sounds?


Yes, it was the funniest thing I've seen for ages, particularly Wagner's excellent sense of comic timing, going from (I'm paraphrasing) "Don't believe everything you read in the papers" to "I just want to say, Cheryl, I didn't know they were a journalist".

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Typed this as I watched:

Wassisname: Looked like he was trying to do an impression of a fit as Quasimodo whilst singing like Chris Rea. Loved the dancers though.

Cher: Nice to see no rap. Never really liked the song but agreed with Simon on the staircase. I was expecting some Westlife-esque standing up towards the end. A shame to find Aguillera style syllable disease presence.

One Direction: Quite enjoyed that.

Rebecca: Meh.

Mary: I love how she sings. When she first sang I went onto YouTube to find that Tom Jones song to see how it sounded originally.

Paije: Always liked.

Wagner: The reason for watching. His intro "thingy" is much better than the others, who only seem able to lift and turn their heads. He wasn't as bad as last week, it actualy sounded like he was singing at some parts. The Cheryl pimpsmacking was beautiful, you could see she was really trying to hit below the belt confronting him on live TV and watching her eyes get all teary as he hit her with some knowledge... Primetime at it's finest.

Katie: pr0 performance, but the man in a potato sack look - Wasn't feeling it personally.


What is with Cheryl's set design?


End review:

Singing - 8/10

Dancers - 100/10

Wagner Beatdown - Over 9000


On that video I posted earlier, some of the comments are amazing:

  • She's acting like a spoilt little brat. How un-professional can you get? She really is showing her true colours..She could have spoke to him in private but obviously thought she would get the better of him on a live show & embarrass him. I think the plan back-fired, she's just shown how vindictive & aggressive she is..America can have her, thats if they want her!
  • Cheryl you have just fucked it for yourself my dear. You have just shown the world what an unprofessional idiot you are. Wagner has guts and determination and I cannot say how proud I am of people like him for having the balls to get up there. Yes Wagner cannot sing for toffee in my opinion but that is not the point. Cheryl Cole of all people should be wary of what the papers say and using a national and live TV audience to hang the guy was absolutely unforgiveable, what a jumped up twat she is.
  • What a bitch Cheryl is I thought she said she never reads her own press silly cow. I've never liked the chav and she's a nasty piece of work and the way she made wagner look bad why did she make it so personel right infront of a live telly audience. Wow She's such an attention seeking cow and a brat she is getting all upset so she can gain sympathy she's pathetic! Wagner shown how dignified he was unlike unprofessional bitch Cole.
  • OUT OF ALL PEOPLE, Cheryl should understand how the media twists peoples words and make up stories, shes always saying 'dont believe everything you read' yet SHE did and unprofessionally attacked him after HIS performance on live television, rather than what a normal mature person would have done and taken him aside and spoke to him about what had been said in private. I have actually lost all my respect for her since this series of X factor, her and her enormous ego need a reality check.

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Thank god Paije is gone... haha


No way! Paije is awesome (as is Cher) and they both didn't deserve to be the bottom two. It's a bunch of bollocks. I loved Paije's version of Stop but Cher smashed it with Stay. Good for her for playing on her strengths though.


By the way, I have a theory: Matt's going to win.


So, why do I think Matt will win? Well, I've recently found out something after listening to two songs and BOTH of them had the winners singing one of the last lines on the charity singles (at least I think Alexandra Burke sang one of the very last lines...) but Joe McElderry sang the last line of You Are Not Alone and tonight, Matt sang the last line so my money's on him.


I think the finals will be Matt, Cher and One Direction. Although I'd like it to be Matt, Cher and Rebecca/Katie although I don't think that will happen...

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The Rage Against the Machine facebook group commented last night...


"Wagner going this far in X-Factor has nothing to do with us"


made me chuckle...


couldn't believe Cher was in the bottom 2. And did i hear a few boo's in the audience when Dermot announced that Mary was safe?

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The Rage Against the Machine facebook group commented last night...


"Wagner going this far in X-Factor has nothing to do with us"


Rumours are rife that 4chan are having their say in the X Factor this year... There are also numerous Facebook groups about getting Wagner to win.



If people really want to stick it to Cowell then this is the way forward; not by getting another song to Christmas number 1.

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No way! Paije is awesome (as is Cher) and they both didn't deserve to be the bottom two. It's a bunch of bollocks. I loved Paije's version of Stop but Cher smashed it with Stay. Good for her for playing on her strengths though.


By the way, I have a theory: Matt's going to win.


So, why do I think Matt will win? Well, I've recently found out something after listening to two songs and BOTH of them had the winners singing one of the last lines on the charity singles (at least I think Alexandra Burke sang one of the very last lines...) but Joe McElderry sang the last line of You Are Not Alone and tonight, Matt sang the last line so my money's on him.


I think the finals will be Matt, Cher and One Direction. Although I'd like it to be Matt, Cher and Rebecca/Katie although I don't think that will happen...


If Matt wins i'll chop my cock off. He'll go NOWHERE in the "real" world you'll find. As painful as it is to admit I DO think Cher Lloyd and One direction will sell some records.

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Aren't One direction guaranteed winners on account of them being evil Justin Beiber clones?


Not if Wagner has any say about it,


Unbelievable that he's got this far due to general public voting him in, it's now got to be a group of anti-x factor fans voting him to stay in. As Charlie mentions perhaps 4chan have got involved.



Not that I mind, I love the fact that he's still in it. not to piss off Simon Cowell, but just the fact that I'm happy for Wagner.


hope he does get an entertainment job after x-factor.

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Katie was good this week. She looked awful though. Bring back her nice hair and face. She looked like an ugly young boy.


I always watch it late/on itv player so I can skip through the shit like Wagner and One Direction.


Meh at the results. I skipped Paije too. I prefer Cher, but she has a very weak and bleety voice at times. All I want to hear is her do Turn My Swag On properly from her first audition. That was stun.

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Yeah Creep is a pretty crap song by Radiohead standards. I actively haven't listened to Pablo Honey as I've only heard bad things and prefer to imagine The Bends as their debut.


I'll watch this show once it's on itvplayer. What's the theme? Radiohead? Lozl.

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I'll watch this show once it's on itvplayer. What's the theme? Radiohead? Lozl.


The theme is "rock".


So far they've sung: Radiohead, Bryan Adams, U2, Avril Lavigne and U2.


I didn't even think that U2 were "rock"...

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Avril Lavigne certainly isn't.


I try to avoid x factor like the plague but my brother had it on. I hate all the falseness associated with it, I can't even go into it because I just fundamentally disagree with every aspect of the show. I hope Wagner wins because it would show X Factor up as the mockery to music that I believe it is.



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Very late seeing as the show has already aired but meh, I'm talking about last week.


Glad Paige is gone, I found him horribly boring and I'm not a fan of how he sings. Usually I listen to the first 20s of Paige and skip him every week.

Rebecca is becoming stale for me. Little variety wouldn't hurt.

Matt, found him interesting for a change doing "come together".

Wagner, I actually loved him before the live shows. Now he's just a puppet. An annoying one.

I love Cher and Mary :D

Thought Katie was pretty awful singing Help, I know it's a Beatles' song but Katie's version sounds like crap when I'm used to listening to Tina Turner's version. I'm glad she got a brake though.

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