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Pokémafia DeathVoid - Game Thread


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Vote Mundi - 1 - Marcamillian


15 Players. Majority is 8.


The town could not reach a majority before the sun went down.




Get your PMs in, day phase starts when all PMs received or at 11:00AM 29th August.













Paj Meen Ah





Its this kind of thing thats caused days to end and then people complain.


Lol! I didn't read this before my next post. True though. :p

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I've already got my suspicions and voiced them.


I don't mind who people want to lynch but it seems that alot of people are waiting on someone like Tellyn to come forward with something than coming up with their own theories or looking for anything.


Its this kind of thing thats caused days to end and then people complain.


Hope you ain't directing stuff at me there :p *waits for day phase*

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Something must have been scary about the night as few Pokemon left the safety of their huts.


A light purple Pokemon watched a large proud Pokemon sit in its hut all night, reading a newspamplet.


A white Pokemon was attempting to see what a friend was doing however it was knocked off its feet as it got close to its target.


A light pink Pokemon threw an egg out towards a light yellow and red Pokemon, however the egg shattered. Leek.


A blue and pinky red Pokemon squeezed its face, but nothing happened.


Elsewhere, the light pink Pokemon was feeling sad that its egg had smashed. It heard a fluttering above it, and looked up to see a perfectly spherical brown ball heading towards it at great speed. It did not have time to dive out of the way, it threw an egg upwards, but the egg shattered into dust due to the severe and deadly speed. Like a bullet the round Pokemon hit Chansey. But Chansey was too strong, and the Pokemon simply bounced off. Behind Chansey a small grey Pokemon stepped out of the bushes, and simply stood still, glancing around for witnesses. The round Pokemon dusted itself off and stared at Chansey, who had readied a battle stance....


The golden and brown Pokemon was watched by what seemed like a small army. The minions returned to the hut.


Chansey was in a fierce battle with the small vicious round Pokemon. The round Pokemon kept attacking Chansey, spinning and hitting it at speed. Quick Attack! Tackle! Take Down! Chansey was kneeling, in pain. Battered blue and black all over, you could hardly see it was pink anymore. Double Edge was used, the constantly replenishing egg in Chanseys frontal skin pouch smashed, and Chansey collapsed.




Marcamillian is dead. He was Chansey, the protecting member of the town.




14 players remain. Majority is 8.












Paj Meen Ah




Edited by ReZourceman
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I have no info so I'd like to reiterate this:


A blue and pinky red Pokemon squeezed its face. A tiny red, navy and white Pokemon was surprised to hear word of the blue and purple Pokemon. Beady eyes pattered the blue and purple Pokemon from behind, ALTERATION A light purple witnessed this. ALTERATION[/color]


On this night martinist targeted Dannyboy. I'm not sure what's going on here so I'd like to hear from them both.


And to start things off I'm going to Vote:Martinist

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I'm just not a very talkative person in general, and to be honest I don't really know what to say in these kind of games. People start accusing people with these long and complex reasons. I just really can't follow it too well, so I decide to keep my input to a minimum. Like this guy did something to this guy which involved that guy so i'm accusing this guy, I just can't follow it too well so I decide to not post and see where it goes. I could post more often if you want though.


think blue count one two

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