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Well I'll be damned that was good.



Well while a lot expected stuff happened, alot of unexpected stuff happened too.


Obviously Gomez and Hank dying was expected. Having Gomez dead right at the start was interesting though as I don't remember seeing him shot at the end of the previous?


Giving Hank that one final scene was good, I thought he'd just get shot and they'd be it. But drawing it out with Walt begging for them to try work out a deal. Hank knowing he had no way out but Walt being "too stupid to see it".


I was very surprised that Walt was willing to give up all his money though. I like to think in those few moments Hank regained some ounce of his former respect for Walt, in that Walt at that point showed him there were things more important to him than the money and that while Hank might have been willing to do anything to get Walt he realised he wasn't the same for Walt.


Todd using Jesse as a slave cook was interesting, while one of my speculated scenarios invovled Jesse being made to cook I expected it might have been alongside Walt (both forced) but that was under the assumption Jack didn't find Walts cash I guess. I was a little dissappointed we didn't get a bigger scene or exchange of words between Walt and Jesse before they "parted ways" though. Before Todd "saved" Jesse I was expecting Walt to give out to Jesse, tell him it was his (Jesse's) fault Hank was dead or something along those lines.


When he then told Jesse about Jane I was expecting him to continue saying why he let her die, how she was becoming a bad influence on Jesse and he let it happen cause he cared about Jesse and wanted him to become better again... maybe with more about how all he's ever done was try to get Jesse out of trouble but Jesse kept screwing up and then end it by saying "you brought this on yourself" or something.


But alas, none of that.



I was surprised Marie went to Skyler too. Though in hindsight I guess I should have expected it, there was an air of gloating on her part too which I should have seen coming. I was actually hoping at that point that Jack would find out about Marie and take her out before any other cops got involved.



What I didn't expect at all were

1: Walt Jr finding out


2: Skyler not standing by Walt. I honestly thought Skyler would have stood by Walt, packed her bags and they'd all run off. Though in my speculation Skyler wouldn't have known Hank caught Walt and Walt Jr wouldn't know what was going on. Even without Walt Jr knowing, Skyler expecting Walt to be in jail brought in by Hank, she had to question how it wasn't there and where Hank was.


Though I was surprised he wasn't given a chance to explain it all. If he explained he was trying to "take care" of Jesse like she asked him to do and didn't realise Hank was with him till it was too late I wonder if maybe things would have gone differently.


When Skyler was going for the knife it was like I could see two potential paths. With the phone on the table too I was wonder which would she go for? Was thinking she couldn't be going for the knife could she? Maybe she's going for the phone then? Maybe to call Marie, say sorry and hang up? But she went for the knife :heh:



The phone call then. He knew the cops were there, he knew they were listening. As Dogamoto was saying, Walt played that brialliantly to try to take any blame away from Skyler and all onto himself. So much emotion. I


I do wonder though if Skyler will work out what he was doing?





Ok just rewatched the phonecall, I think Skyler did work out what Walt was doing.. though when he took the blame for Hank I'm not sure given she doesn't know exactly what happened and maybe now she does think Walt killed Hank?







This all totally throws all my speculation for the flashforwards out of the water though, haha. After this it MUST become public knowledge he was/is Heisenburg, but I still question then why there was no indication in the flashforwards (the first in particular) that he was wanted? No signs of any wanted posters, you'd think all locals would know his face yet he walked into a decently crowded dinner, had a full convo with a waitress and nobody looked at him funny at all?



Anyway on to the speculation


So why the return to his home? Why does he need the M60 and the ricin?


Could he be for whatever reason going to save Jesse from being a slave cook?

Don't think so.

Pretty sure he's cut all ties with Jesse now, if Todd hadn't stepped in Walt would have let Jack shoot Jesse and Walt wouldn't have batted an eyelid.

He told Jesse about Jane, which would pretty much ensure Jesse could never be friendly with Walt again either.


Also as far as Walt would know, Jack tortured Jesse for info and once he got he killed Jesse.

How could he find out Jesse was still alive?


So here's what I think leads up to the flashforwards.


Jesse somehow manages to kill himself, not wanting to work for Jack anymore (there is the issue of his ex-gf and her son, but maybe Jesse reckons with him dead anyway Jack has no reason to harm the girl and boy?) Or maybe Jesse just accidently dies or something.


Pretty much something happens where Jesse can nolonger cook the meth and Todd starts cooking solo again but the quality again drops.


So Jack plans to get Walt back to cooking for him.

Jack finds out where Walt is hiding,

Maybe sends Walt a letter reminding him that he "killed" Jesse so Walt owes them that one more cook they agreed on

Walt refuses and Jack then kidnaps Skyler and the kids to blackmail Walt into returning to cooking full time instead of just the once more.


This then leads to Walt planning some kind of last stand/rescue attempt with the M60 and the ricin.

Still not sure what he'll do with the ricin. I see people keep saying once he's finished getting revenge he'll take the ricin himself to end it. But I can't see Walt doing that. I think maybe he has a Plan A and a Plan B and either it'll be the Ricin is plan A with the M60 being his last resort or the M60 is Plan A but the ricin is somehow his ace-in-the-hole insurance policy incase he fails?




GAH, why can;t next week just be a double ep and end it already!!!!!

Edited by Mokong
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I agree^.


So walt's basically lost his family and his money and his empire. What does he have left? Can we take his phonecall with skyler to assume he still cares about his family, or do we assume that he knew the cops were listening and was vengefully placing his wife as party to the crimes?


I don't think he'd go back to free jesse, but I can imagine him having a scarface moment and deciding that the white-power dudes haven't earnt the right at all, and maybe just figures it's all over so why not do a last-stand kinda thing and raid the place.


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Can we take his phonecall with skyler to assume he still cares about his family, or do we assume that he knew the cops were listening and was vengefully placing his wife as party to the crimes?


I don't see how you got that from it?

Everything Walt was saying was taking any blame away from Skyler and placing it all on himself. Claiming that she "couldn't do one thing he says", saying that he "warned her there would be consequences".


The "immitation"/"mocking" of Skyler saying "no Walt you have to stop this, it's immoral, it's illegal".


Then saying she knew nothing about it.

"What do you know anyway, you know nothing, I did this, I built this"


Then threatening her

"Tow the line or you'll end up like Hank"


If we only saw the convo from Skylers side you could easily think Walt was really pissed off, but we see Walt's side too. We see him fighting back tears as he talks and emotion in his face. He is struggling to act angry for Skylers benifit.


He knows the cops would be there, after Jr called them how could they not be there. So he said all those things to make it look like Skylers part in his activities were minimal and whatever involvement she had she was forced into.


All this so the cops would think she was a victim so Skyler and his kids would stay in the clear.


I'd like to think Skyler knew what Walt was doing for her in those moments, hope we see some sort of reference to it in the next ep. The only worrying part was that he took the full blame for Hanks death and since Skyler doesn't know the details of what happened I wonder if she will think Walt did kill Hank himself or not?








OH this, I like this idea.


I was after yesterday thinking maybe something happens to Jesse, Jack tracks down Walt and tells him he still owes him a cook session for killing Jesse, Walt refuses, Jack finds and kidnaps Walts family to use for blackmail and Walt comes to town looking for an M60 and the ricin.


But your idea I think could be closer to what happens now that I think about it.


Walt did what he did to support his family. He doesn't care about his own personal well-being, he knows the cancer will eventually kill him. But he just wants to make sure his family are supported.


Like after he buried the money and went home, when he woke up next morning and talking to Skyler he said "whatever happens don't give up the money, don't let what I've done be for nothing"


Going back to the phonecall yesterday, Walt finished it by saying "I've still got things left to do".


I didn't think much of that at first, thought maybe it meant giving the baby back which we saw he did. But maybe he is already starting to plan something to get back at Jack.


As you (Jay) said, Walt will prolly see Jack having his (Walts) money as Jack not having earned it. And Walt will still view it as his families rightful money that he earned for them.


Maybe he is somehow planning to raid Jacks gang and take back the money (or whatever is left of it) and somehow leave it with Skyler and the kids?


Thinking about the possible "happy" ending scenarios. If Walt were to survive which might be seen as a happy ending to some, to him it would mean nothing if his family aren't provided for BY HIM. If he can;t see to it that they get what he views to be their right to what he earned for them then he will have failed.


So if this show is to have a happy ending from Walts perspective it will have to be one where his family survive and get a sizeable amount of the money he earned (if not all). Walt living or dying at the end does not matter so long as he believes he's done right by his family. Either way anyway Walt living or dying in a shootout/raid or whatever would mean little as he's still got cancer.


I reckon if Jack doesn't kill him, even if we see Walt still standing and alive as we get that final fade to black, we'll likely be reminded he's not got long left anyway. Or we'll see him die from the cancer....



As far as Walt is aware, Jesse was killed after he was tortured so it's unlikely he'll find out he's actually alive.


Yeah, Walt surely would have no way of knowing Jesse still lives. Even if he did I don't see him caring anymore at that point about Jesse's wel being.


But going along with Jays "last stand" idea to get back at Jack for taking what he (Jack) didn't "earn". What if when Walt raids Jacks lab, he runsinto Jesse.... the question now is what do they each do?


Would Walt on seeing Jesse still alive go mad and kill Jesse himself? Or vice versa?


Or with possibly being in the middle of a shootout/or both backed into a corner somehow, will they both see it is mutally benifical to them both to work together one last time. Could we see Walt and Jesse gritting their teeth and breifly putting aside their differences to take out their now mutal enemy?


In a situation like that I think it could be possible Jesse could survive this show now.


If they were going to kill Jesse it would have been in yesterdays episode. Keeping him alive now, short of something going wrong for Jack or Jesse, I think we could now very well see in the final ep Jesse and Walt helping each other then on walking out of Jacks lab/HQ just going their seperate ways for the last time.





Does anyone know what is the time difference between the end of ep14 and the first flashforward?

I don't think he'd go back to free jesse, but I can imagine him having a scarface moment and deciding that the white-power dudes haven't earnt the right at all, and maybe just figures it's all over so why not do a last-stand kinda thing and raid the place.

Edited by Mokong
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We are getting more Breaking Bad!!!




The final two episodes Breaking Bad are to be extended, it's been confirmed...


If you're one of the many who got to the end of the last episode of Breaking Bad with your jaw in unnatural proximity to the floor, not least because you're wondering how everything can be wrapped up now in just a couple of regular length episodes, then this is for you.


It's been revealed that the final two episodes of Breaking Bad ever are going to be extended ones. Instead of the usual 47 minutes or so (once the ads have been chopped off), the last two episodes have been extended. They'll run to 75 minutes apiece, although given that that'll include commercials, closer to an hour of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman's adventures is more likely.


Nonetheless, any extra Breaking Bad is good with us. It's going to leave a very big gap in our viewing once it's finally finished...


On the note of the latest episode it was insane say there were 5 major plot points in the episode:


Hank Dying (how the fuck did this happen and it not end up being the most emotional part of the episode)

Jesse being handed over and worked as a slave

Marie forcing Skyler to tell Junior about Walt

Walt and Skyler's fight

Walt and Skyler's phone conversation and Walk's subsequent AWOL




If just one of these had happened in a single episode it would have been insane. BUT all of them. I have literally no idea where the show is going now but one things for sure Walt and Jesse aren't done to my mind as I can't get this image out of my head:





That's taken from here:




There are lot of them that are a bit meh but plenty that will blow your mind lol.

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That's taken from here:




There are lot of them that are a bit meh but plenty that will blow your mind lol.


That a good read, very interesting.... though...



I hope they are wrong that Walt might kill Skyler :(


I saw his making the 52 in the flashforward just as something to remind him of the life he once had. Trying to hold onto some kind of tradition and such.


The using Skylers maiden name might just have been again him trying to keep his family in mind.


Afterall, the way the call convo went it seemed like Walt was trying to help Skyler so the cops wouldn't charge her with anything.... why then would he kill her?



The Jesse/coat connection is interesting too... be interesting to see how that would come about as if that was right Walt would have to have killed Jesse before he returns to his home in teh flashforwards.


OR it just might simply be that Walt thinks Jesse is dead, cause Jack said he'd off him after they interogate him.


Really good spots though on everything else like the bread crusts and the ice in the whiskey and such.... I'd never have picked up on that kind of stuff




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That a good read, very interesting.... though...



I hope they are wrong that Walt might kill Skyler :(


I saw his making the 52 in the flashforward just as something to remind him of the life he once had. Trying to hold onto some kind of tradition and such.


The using Skylers maiden name might just have been again him trying to keep his family in mind.


Afterall, the way the call convo went it seemed like Walt was trying to help Skyler so the cops wouldn't charge her with anything.... why then would he kill her?



The Jesse/coat connection is interesting too... be interesting to see how that would come about as if that was right Walt would have to have killed Jesse before he returns to his home in teh flashforwards.


OR it just might simply be that Walt thinks Jesse is dead, cause Jack said he'd off him after they interogate him.


Really good spots though on everything else like the bread crusts and the ice in the whiskey and such.... I'd never have picked up on that kind of stuff




Yep I'll be honest I only noticed two of them:

Bread crusts cutting and him simulating Gus by staying in character at the car wash.


It's perfectly possible that Walt could kill Jesse before the flash forward time, he could easily have killed him sometime between his 51st and 52nd birthday.


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I don't think it's the same coat, anyway :P


I'll admit that did cross my mind, I mean you could make up the fact it's darker is due to it being dirty but to me the pockets do look different.


One thing I was wondering today.....was the cold open where there was shrine to Heisenberg ever properly resolved? Can't remember which season around the time of the twins....

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Only just got around to seeing ep 14. Amazing episode.


I agree^.


So walt's basically lost his family and his money and his empire. What does he have left? Can we take his phonecall with skyler to assume he still cares about his family, or do we assume that he knew the cops were listening and was vengefully placing his wife as party to the crimes?


I don't think he'd go back to free jesse, but I can imagine him having a scarface moment and deciding that the white-power dudes haven't earnt the right at all, and maybe just figures it's all over so why not do a last-stand kinda thing and raid the place.

The call was definitely to vindicate Skylar. Lines like "you always complained about how I make my money, just dragging me down while I do everything", "you have no right to discuss anything about what I do, oh what the hell do you know about anyway? Nothing! I built this, me alone no one else!", that's not true, Skylar was deeply seated in the money laundering and even egged Walt on to kill Jesse. The whole call was to put a record in the hands of the police, essentially a full confession. There were tears in his eyes at the end. Powerful shit tbh!


She knew, as well. You can see the realisation hit her, I'd even say that's why she says sorry.


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It's perfectly possible that Walt could kill Jesse before the flash forward time, he could easily have killed him sometime between his 51st and 52nd birthday.



I don't see though how Walt would find out Jesse is still alive.


And even if he did, the idea that he kills Jesse before the scenes we see in teh flashforward would mean then that Walt travelled back home to find and kill Jesse, left to go back into hiding and then returns on his 52nd birthday looking for an M60?


Don't see why he would risk returning once before coming back for his last stand?




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Anyone feel like we've already seen a few false endings?


Him "winning" against Gus at the end of s4. His retirement and settling down to a quiet life with his family. Him being arrested by Hank



This is also how it could have ended for Walt - alone, dying, knowing he is powerless to help his family. But him not knowing what the vacuum guy (brilliant casting there by the way) would do with his money, plus his rage taking over when he heard what Gretchen and Elliot had to say was the catalyst for yet another one of his egomaniacal decisions. He truly has nothing left but his pride. And as simple as it was, it was an effective enough reason for him throwing caution to the wind and going back.



Next week, we'll get to see the real ending. And I can't wait.

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Anyone feel like we've already seen a few false endings?


Him "winning" against Gus at the end of s4. His retirement and settling down to a quiet life with his family. Him being arrested by Hank



This is also how it could have ended for Walt - alone, dying, knowing he is powerless to help his family. But him not knowing what the vacuum guy (brilliant casting there by the way) would do with his money, plus his rage taking over when he heard what Gretchen and Elliot had to say was the catalyst for yet another one of his egomaniacal decisions. He truly has nothing left but his pride. And as simple as it was, it was an effective enough reason for him throwing caution to the wind and going back.



Next week, we'll get to see the real ending. And I can't wait.


If we hadn't already seen the flash forward for much of the episode we could have been left to assume this was the case. He didn't completely throw caution to the wind however he made the phone call presumably to distract police efforts to find him. I love how it's Gretchen and Elliot who ended up drawing him out as the bitterness over the business and the fact that if they had gone in together he may never have ended up selling meth kind of brings to thing full circle.


I cannot wait for next week it's gonna be amazing!!!


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Walt will have his stand off with Jack, get killed on purpose, which will lead the police to Jack and his gang. That'll be his revenge on them. As for Jesse, I can't see it ending well for him. I'd love for him to kill Todd, finish the show free and with Brock, but this is Breaking Bad after all so it's likely that he'll survive, but he'll be put in jail for life.


At least we know (I think) what happens to Saul. But as for the other main characters, Skyler will be arrested, Flynn and Holly will end up living with Marie (which will be the only kinda good ending for any of the characters)


As for the ricin, it's looking likely it's for Gretchen and Elliot as Walt's revenge which will go to show just how bitter and twisted he has become. But who knows? Could be a red herring.


It's a shame that they didn't make two full seasons rather than splitting s5 in two. As I feel there's more story to be told, but they're having to race toward a conclusion


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Walt will have his stand off with Jack, get killed on purpose, which will lead the police to Jack and his gang. That'll be his revenge on them. As for Jesse, I can't see it ending well for him. I'd love for him to kill Todd, finish the show free and with Brock, but this is Breaking Bad after all so it's likely that he'll survive, but he'll be put in jail for life.


At least we know (I think) what happens to Saul. But as for the other main characters, Skyler will be arrested, Flynn and Holly will end up living with Marie (which will be the only kinda good ending for any of the characters)


As for the ricin, it's looking likely it's for Gretchen and Elliot as Walt's revenge which will go to show just how bitter and twisted he has become. But who knows? Could be a red herring.


It's a shame that they didn't make two full seasons rather than splitting s5 in two. As I feel there's more story to be told, but they're having to race toward a conclusion


I dunno about racing to the end at some point there was always going to be this surge to the end much like there has been in previous seasons...Just this time the stakes are far higher.

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I dunno about racing to the end at some point there was always going to be this surge to the end much like there has been in previous seasons...Just this time the stakes are far higher.


I don't think there's a race to the ending at all. Its been so carefully planned out with everything leading up to this final episode.

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But I'm sure it wasn't Vince Gilligan's original plan. He wanted to make season 5 and 6 the usual 13 episodes, but AMC wouldn't pay for it. So they ended up settling on 16 episodes rather than 26.




Not that you'd notice that easily though. They've done a great job with the pacing thus far, but they have a lot of loose ends to tie up next week.

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I don't think there's a race to the ending at all. Its been so carefully planned out with everything leading up to this final episode.


Yeah I was saying I didn't think it was racing just a surge towards the end. Yes though there have been way too many slow moments for it to be called a race.


Good review over at den of geek:



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Yeah I was saying I didn't think it was racing just a surge towards the end. Yes though there have been way too many slow moments for it to be called a race.


Good review over at den of geek:




Sorry my response was more to Dogamoto than it was you!

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In the end, it will come down to Walt and Jesse. I think Walt will die, but he will achieve something that he's been after. I can't take a guess about Jesse, I want him to be happy and survive, but not sure that's possible. The ricin will be for Andrea, or someone else will take it accidentally.




Now that I'm up to date I'm finding it REALLY hard waiting a week for each episode!!

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But I'm sure it wasn't Vince Gilligan's original plan. He wanted to make season 5 and 6 the usual 13 episodes, but AMC wouldn't pay for it. So they ended up settling on 16 episodes rather than 26.


I actually disagree that there's more story to be told as quite frankly the story could've been told in 4 seasons, Seasons 2 and 3 were incredibly drawn out for no good reason and could've been just 1 season.


But it was a stupid decision on AMC's part not letting him have two 13 episode seasons, since the show is incredibly popular and has been on such a winning streak ever since season 4 started.

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In the end, it will come down to Walt and Jesse. I think Walt will die, but he will achieve something that he's been after. I can't take a guess about Jesse, I want him to be happy and survive, but not sure that's possible. The ricin will be for Andrea, or someone else will take it accidentally.




Now that I'm up to date I'm finding it REALLY hard waiting a week for each episode!!


She was shot in the last episode. Unless you mean Gretchen.


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