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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

he y mothrt fckers i'm totllyy wasterd Yo know yo sghold really listen to  AND CALLED THE hAAN The Hnna The Hunna the fcking Hyunna fiukcing lisyen to tyhem fckyo yo piece of shit gonna leve them here tyo b[pirece of shiyt.



Play the Hunna

Drnjk Maertins My mouthing is numb as fcuck help me fucking music evdrywhere

You know i've been thing of houaing  VAGERNT IF YOU WANT WOOOOOO!!!!!!


laughing crying fucking lyingh listent to the fucking hunna you cunyts

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everything si fucking s[pinning for fuck sake fucking jhelp me, my mouth is burning.

Whiskey whiskey whiksey fuck you borning burning

I'm fince don;t have to wrorry abotu me going on a cold ass plane. Seriousyly aircdraft asdre really go cold wwear somthing warm/.

Edited by martinist
fuck you
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  • 1 month later...

Skipping all the post I missed like a fucking boss. This fucking whiskey j have js godduckingaqful. Like. Its worse than hottom shwlf alcohol. But dammit it was expensicw so here i am seinjing ir. 


Never thought id say this, but i wish i had some gin. I hate gin. 

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I found a bottleo f Rose in the fridge. I'll be with you in a few hours after that and a few whiskies...


Hi its me

kinda drunk bigy not as drnuk as i though ti would be. Kinda tired bumight go eat something

like her yer ma's feckin minge


Edited by martinist
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Kinda drunk! Jusr wanna say that this is sucj an awesome forum to just hang around at and be a lurker. Will work on posting some more thouh, bit I'm not really that big of a discusser.. and being from Norway (and drunk) don'thelp with my language xD

Getting my vuddy from manchester over tomorrow though, so might end up here after downing a piss poor bottle of whisky! Hahaha

Love you all, hope y p u have a great cjristmas! 

Aaand a haopy new yeear!

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its not new year you retarrs. Aslso whixky is onlt wixskey if its's fuxckuing stcoych. Enought of your cheep engish noerweegen shit'

informer you know sifgmhogjotyhokjformerwer if you playing i lickk you nboomboom naaw

dilly dun dilluy dung sung sun g sung witch wite asss bot [erternding to be jamacan

i'm jist kittdding i like lla our asses and your facses and tour bodys, sometimes i beven plesuret myself to your imageds

i'm fonna stop now sooeee you laters boooy

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18 minutes ago, martinist said:

informer you know sifgmhogjotyhokjformerwer if you playing i lickk you nboomboom naaw

I have no idea what's going on here :bouncy:

And I'll have you know that this piss poor whisky is a scotch. But a real bad at that. The Johnnie Walker White Walker GoT Limited Edition (thank god it's limited :P)

It's the one in the middle here:


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  • 1 month later...
8 minutes ago, martinist said:

Am I the vkonly one that fdrigjkns? Am I the onkyl one that dribks and rememvers to post here?

Grow some balls you susssy cunts.

Drink some thshit and oost some more shit like youre ma lat gnight.

Get wrecjekd

But I don't drink.

Oh my daze! I actually understood that. What's happened to me?

Edited by Glen-i
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3 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

But I don't drink.

Do it. Makes ou do things on impulse like dgo dow to London and see Gilbert and sULLIVAN'S Pirates of Penance. I need to se that muisical. For the love of got d i need to see it.

Edited by martinist
get fucked
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  • 1 month later...

Hi rare semi-sober post here for me.

So i'm on my 3rd Mojito and I just realised that I've demolished a 3rd of a bottle of Bacardi in about an hour and a half.

How can Mojito's get you so fucked up?

I'm really feeling it! It's Reyn time!

Edited by martinist
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