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Teenage Dream - Katy Perry


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I'm guessing zero people on here will like this anyway, but I thought why not. New single from the album of the same name. I like. Sounds like the kind of song you might hear whilst driving back from some American style beach party. Not that I've ever been to one.



Artwork for the album:




*I may have had a glass of wine or two, but that's no excuse for me spelling "Hear" like "Here". I feel shame.

Edited by Slaggis
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Katy Perry is like an annoying fly you just can't swat. Makes similar noises too.


And I hate her hypocrisy/general 12 year old persona. "I was raised Christian but hehe I'm singing about kissing girls! Oh no someone's mocking Christians how dare they! Hehe I'm shooting cream from my boobs!"

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I permanently have Self-Inflicted from her first album in my head. I don't even know how it goes apart from that single chorus line. These wounds are self-inflicted/Just one more thing I'm addicted (to!)


Not sure why. I don't particularly like it, or have ever listened to it intently, apart from when I remember It's always in my head and I see it on iTunes.


I also liked Thinking of You, but I'm always one for a power-ballad. Her voice is 7 times out of 10 incredibly grating.

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Wow that was one boring song! And didn't like her voice on it.


Tbh I quite like Thinking of you, Waking up in Vegas was ok'ish, and I like Hot & Cold (that bit at the end of the video where she's doing the 'retro' dance moves just makes me smile for some reason :))... but OH MY do I hate Kissed A Girl!... rage inducing!!


Last song was just nothing really, and just makes me dislike stupid L.A. even more!

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I'm well jealous of Russel Brand. I would love to rattle her.



I actually quite like her music, it's good fun, upbeat sort of music. I saw her at T in the Park last year and she was pretty good. Apart from her annoyingly high pitched voice and saying "honestly" far too much.

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How can she have a go at Lady Gaga for being sacrilegious and then play God on her album cover??
haha, yeah I know I was thinking that the other day. I think she should be focusing more on her pure mediocracy, than wasting time having ago at artists who are actually doing something with their career!
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haha, yeah I know I was thinking that the other day. I think she should be focusing more on her pure mediocracy, than wasting time having ago at artists who are actually doing something with their career!


I know. I have to admit, the Gaga video she was referring to was a bit of a mess. But still, she's now made herself look really dense. She must have known she'd get called a hypocrite with that album cover. Maybe she just IS really dense.


God frollicks about on candyfloss whilst naked?!!


No but he lounges around on fluffy clouds in a loincloth! :P

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I guess it's understandable you wouldn't want to pound her if you don't like women.


Actually I wouldn't want to pound her because I do like women... just not women like her, can't a guy have standards? :p

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What is so un-christian with kissing girls? Not that I'm a big fan of Katy Perry but that argument rubs me up the wrong way.


Making this comment a little lighter, it sounds like she is having an orgasm when she sings "You can travel the wor-erld" and "you can party with uh-us" in California girls, no?

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