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X-Men: First Class


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Indeed I was thinking the same thing.


Though it may have been possible Frost told Eric about it and that's how he knew to use it?


I would say maybe Charles found out when he scanned Frosts mind... but he had no idea how Shaw blocked him at the end of it

Don't forget Shaw was wearing it when he infiltrated the CIA and was wearing it when they confronted the newbie group, of which she was among them, he takes it off after asking the other telepath whether the X-men telepath was present. Put 2 and 2 together, y'know



Having not been a follower of X-Men I felt it was a pretty sweet movie.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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Don't forget Shaw was wearing it when he infiltrated the CIA and was wearing it when they confronted the newbie group, of which she was among them, he takes it off after asking the other telepath whether the X-men telepath was present. Put 2 and 2 together, y'know


Ah, good spot. I forgot about that part.

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Don't forget Shaw was wearing it when he infiltrated the CIA and was wearing it when they confronted the newbie group, of which she was among them, he takes it off after asking the other telepath whether the X-men telepath was present. Put 2 and 2 together, y'know



Having not been a follower of X-Men I felt it was a pretty sweet movie.


Ah, good spot. I forgot about that part.


Indeed, I feel a bit silly now :heh::blush:

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I loved.


I loved so much.


+++ I love Hugh Jackman and REBECCA ROMIJN (no one's mentioned!)'s cameos, as their characters from the original films!+++


Like...just the film the series needed to like...hammer the actual points/themes behind the series home. OF COURSE Mystique was a main character. Her actress was slightly less stunning, despite her being oscar-nommed. But yes. Yes. YES.


Magneto was absolutely everything to me.


Emma Frost was so bored with life it was perfect. I love how you have to assume she chose not to escape the CIA when it showed her easily being able to break out. She'd rather wait it out. So Emma.


Accents - HMMMMMMM. Please Fassbender. Why are you Irish? Though he gave the best performance so I'll assume he just got lost in the moment/s. Moira was needlessly not Scottish - I'd rather it wasn't even Moira tbh. Banshee didn't have to be Irish, but he may as well have been.


Also I really ENJOYED Banshee's portrayal generally, since his flight ability always annoyed me in the comics as it felt unresolved/unexplained. I feel so satisfied now.


I love how I felt Bryan Singer's influence all over the material.


Shaw was ok/Hellfire club's plan was ok/worked for the story. As a group, more could have been done. Like Riptide...? Why. Just have Harry LeLand for a more stunning, less "Oh we need more blockbusting CGI" effect.


I LOVED the inclusion of Azazel actually, since its so clear where Nightcrawler fits into the mythos now (in the comics Mystique and Azazel are his parents, who both end up in the brotherhood at the end of this...).


RE: The actual first class. Eh. Beast was fine/good. Havok was nothing. I'd almost rather he was someone else, just to avoid annoyingly having to change his relation to Scott.


Darwin should have died. His power is boring and crap. If you're going to have the 'adapter', have Lifeguard, of all the X-Men to choose. Felt needless anyway.


Angel was a joke choice, felt more could have been done. They should have characterised her more like her comic counterpart - how Grant Morrison wrote her. Would have made more sense, her deserting the X-Men. She does that in the comics anyway.



But yes, I love and need another one. It wasn't perfect or even GREAT! by any means, but really enjoyed since X-Men is still the best 'superhero' concept around. Come ON allegorical.

Edited by Paj!
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I watched the first X-Men film on Film 4 last night and noticed a few things...


In First Class are Charles and Erik meant to be 17!? In X-Men Professor X mentions he first met Magneto when they were 17. They clearly don't look it and with the whole going to Oxford, becoming a Professor thing (I know he's really clever) but surely he/they both couldn't be that young.


Also after seeing the relationship between Charles and Raven I find it really hard to believe that Mystique would do anything to hurt Professor X, which she does by poisoning Cerebro - or did she know that it would just comatose him for a short period and not actually harm him?


Professor X saying Magneto helped build Cerebro and that was how he found a way to block it? Well Beast built the first one and Magneto was gone before they moved back to the mansion and so he didn't help with the second one and he could block it (presumably) because of the helmet, which Professor X should know.


They were a couple of others but I can't remember them :heh:



Really enjoyed First Class, thought it was fantastic and am actually hoping that they end up making it a re-boot and not try to tie it in with the other 3 (has it been confirmed that it's just a prequel)?!

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Well Franklin Richards fucks with the time stream all the time, it's no big deal.


It's only because we live in a linear non-alter-dimensional world that we cling so firmly onto continuity. Accept that there's time-travel and dimensional variance, and then enjoy the film for what it gives to you.

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I watched the first X-Men film on Film 4 last night and noticed a few things...


In First Class are Charles and Erik meant to be 17!? In X-Men Professor X mentions he first met Magneto when they were 17. They clearly don't look it and with the whole going to Oxford, becoming a Professor thing (I know he's really clever) but surely he/they both couldn't be that young.


Also after seeing the relationship between Charles and Raven I find it really hard to believe that Mystique would do anything to hurt Professor X, which she does by poisoning Cerebro - or did she know that it would just comatose him for a short period and not actually harm him?


Professor X saying Magneto helped build Cerebro and that was how he found a way to block it? Well Beast built the first one and Magneto was gone before they moved back to the mansion and so he didn't help with the second one and he could block it (presumably) because of the helmet, which Professor X should know.


They were a couple of others but I can't remember them :heh:



Really enjoyed First Class, thought it was fantastic and am actually hoping that they end up making it a re-boot and not try to tie it in with the other 3 (has it been confirmed that it's just a prequel)?!


how about

I know most of you are going to write this one off because it was a shite film but in wolverine: origins. Professor X was standing and clearly older than he was in first class. He lost the use of his legs in first class


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It is an alternate reality as Chair says. Wolverine prob/possibly takes place in the same realm/universe of X-Men, X2 and The Last Stand, but this one is cleary a divergent timeline, the result of a What If? storyline.


What If? Sebastien Shaw was a Nazi who discovered and trained/tortured Erik Lensherr? I mean the film even goes back to the very start of X-Men 1 to visually show the similarity then divergence.


It annoyed me at first as it felt like they were half clinging-on, half weren't, but it's fine now.

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Just got back from it, loved it :) Watched out specifically to see if Mokong and HoT were right about the 'mistake' only to find someone beat me to the correction :heh: Think I'm going to dust off the first two films now.


In First Class are Charles and Erik meant to be 17!? In X-Men Professor X mentions he first met Magneto when they were 17. They clearly don't look it and with the whole going to Oxford, becoming a Professor thing (I know he's really clever) but surely he/they both couldn't be that young.

It's a movie, a blockbuster movie. Two 17 year olds would not have carried off those parts that well. Look at the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, of Smallville, of Glee, of American Pie, of... pretty much any US show or film set in/around a high school in the last 10 years. All the characters are played by actors 10 years older than themselves.


But the time doesn't exactly fit anywhere anyway. Compare the ages of Striker and the age difference with Erik to the original films.

Edited by Shorty
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This film is obviously meant to fit in the same timeline. Why bother referencing the other movies at all if not? Mystique looks the same, Wolverine is the same, Lensherr has the same origin (not sure why you assume the torture didn't happen in the original timeline, Paj?), it even has Stryker in it for no reason except that he is a key character in the original trilogy.

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This film is obviously meant to fit in the same timeline. Why bother referencing the other movies at all if not? Mystique looks the same, Wolverine is the same, Lensherr has the same origin (not sure why you assume the torture didn't happen in the original timeline, Paj?), it even has Stryker in it for no reason except that he is a key character in the original trilogy.


The Stryker in First Class though is the father of the Stryker from the other films though was he not? When Charles read his mind in their first meeting didn't he say "and you are thinking of your son William"


But yeah I agree on it being "meant" to fit in with the other films


Plus I can't see Hollywood wanting to go messing with "timelines" if they want to make an X-Men film that has no connection with the other ones they will do a proper reboot and show zero similaritys between them.

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Saw it today, loved it.


I was under the impression it was still part of the time line, but I just accepted mistakes/inaccuracies because this film was better than all the previous.


Didn't expect the kid from Skins to play Hank/Beast so well.

Edited by Ramar
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