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On the timeline theory:


If the timeline went into an alternate path when he came back in time then his clocks and plans and stuff wouldn't match up as his first action (series 1 on the BMX with Nathan) would have changed the timeline completely. Therefore everything that happens must have already happened. Therefore him going back in time will change nothing i.e. Alisha(sp?) will still die or whatever.


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It's her dying that causes Simon to go back in the first place so maybe he is only part of the plan to save her. Doesn't he say 'We're not going to let that happen' or something. Maybe the others are working going to save her while he has to play his part in getting to that point.



Or some shit like that. That probably doesn't make sense to anyone but the voices in my head.

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It's her dying that causes Simon to go back in the first place so maybe he is only part of the plan to save her. Doesn't he say 'We're not going to let that happen' or something. Maybe the others are working going to save her while he has to play his part in getting to that point.



Or some shit like that. That probably doesn't make sense to anyone but the voices in my head.


But the fact that his plan doesn't change no matter what his actions do implies that he can't change the course of events, only be part of them. For example, he saved Nathan from the virgin-people on his BMX. Therefore in the original series of events (where he didn't go back in time) Nathan wouldn't have been saved, wouldn't have died and everything that happened after that wouldn't have happened the way it did. The only explanation is that Simon always goes back in time in every course of events, therefore he can't change what happens.


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Yeah, he can't but the other misfits can. We don't know what they're doing according to future Simon's timeline. So Simon can't change what happens to him but that the past has been change means that this time (and every time since going back in time - paradox blah) that Alisha can be saved, although obviously not by Simon since he's now dead.


The time line where Alisha dies can't exist now because Simon went back in time.


I'm well confused.



I have no idea, actually. :heh:

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Yeah, he can't but the other misfits can. We don't know what they're doing according to future Simon's timeline. So Simon can't change what happens to him but that the past has been change means that this time (and every time since going back in time - paradox blah) that Alisha can be saved, although obviously not by Simon since he's now dead.


The time line where Alisha dies can't exist now because Simon went back in time.


I'm well confused.



Yeah but if we look at these:


I have no idea, actually. :heh:


Here we go, a dodgy paint diagram to make things clearer:




Wikipedia calls these type 2 (mutable timeline) and type 3 (alternate timelines) universes. Type 1 universes don't allow paradoxes at all.


If we accept the parallel universe to be the case then as soon as Simon went back in time (or from his first action i.e. the BMX incident) he would have completely changed the timeline and therefore the events that unfolded would be completely different to how he experienced them, ergo his plan would no longer apply as he wouldn't know what was about to happen. But as he knew what was going to happen throughout despite intervening at several points along the timeline, this implies that the timeline won't change no matter what simon does. Therefore Alisha will still die and so will Simon.


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He's just kept going back in time over and over again until he got it right. Trial and error style. Maybe we're only seeing the times he gets it right.


Or maybe it's just a fictional story and the writers are too lazy to think of this sort of thing.



Alisha apparently dies after her and Simon get together, so saving her from the GTA guy seems pointless as now she'll still die after her and present Simon get together since future Simon isn't around anymore and no one else knows the events that happen.


Edited by Goafer
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As far as I remember there was never a suggestion that Alisha would die in the future. When Alisha asked 'Am I going to die?', Simon responds 'I'm not going to let that happen'. I thought that simply referred to him jumping in front of the bullet that would have killed Alisha - she would have died, but he jumped in front of her and stopped it from happening. Who's to say she didn't just tell him that at a later date, at which point he (with his cleverness and all) knew that he would have to go back and do it, because otherwise the present that they lived in would never have existed. Or it's all just a load of old bollocks and they haven't thought it through

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He's just kept going back in time over and over again until he got it right. Trial and error style. Maybe we're only seeing the times he gets it right.


Or maybe it's just a fictional story and the writers are too lazy to think of this sort of thing.


That could work. And this time was the first time he'd jumped in front of GTA man. Whereas before he'd tried all the other things and therefore knew what happened afterwards.

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I think Nintendohnut is likely to be right about the die comment. As for the parallel v.s. single universe thing, I agree that a single universe is more likely because of all the timings etc., but it's possible that the parallel universe is just sufficiently similar to the previous one for Simon to guess what will happen. Or more plausibly, he may have worked things out by trial and error like you're saying. But I wouldn't worry too much about this, because script writers almost always conflate the two time travel possibilities, meaning that they can just let things happen however they want.

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^I agree. There's only two options.


1) He kept going back in time, over and over, repeating the same events until he knew the exact time they took place. If they're really going with the "someone must die" thing, then he obviossuly thought he was the natural choice.




2) Someone in the future has some sort ability that knows certain turning points in time that causes deviations in the timeline and gave him the exact situations/times/dates.

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2) Someone in the future has some sort ability that knows certain turning points in time that causes deviations in the timeline and gave him the exact situations/times/dates.


Maybe that has something to do with why Curtis can only jump back at/to certain times.

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Xmas Special seem interesting:


Christmas promises to be boring for the super-teens, until one of the gang notices some graffiti offering `money for powers', leading them to an address where they meet Seth, a drug dealer who was also struck in the storm - and now has the ability to `deal' powers. There follows a chain of events involving a disgruntled priest, quick-fix money-making schemes, lost powers and a bizarre nativity scene - just another day for the Misfits.


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Didn't think this was a great episode. The last two were brilliant though so I'm not too bothered.


What's so great about this show?


I watched the first episode of the second season, and thought it was rubbish. The characters also annoy me.


Why don't you GTFO and watch the first episode of the first season.


What were the reasons you found it rubbish?




Lovely place I grew up eh? :)


Haha! Not so sure about that. :hehe:

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Not too sure exactly. Just didn't get the usual zingy vibe I normally get. Maybe it was just because it was yet another freak-o-the-week. Whatsherface, the girl, she seemed to just disappear at the end, didn't look like she was going to come back and although I have no problem with that because she was pretty annoying, it would be nice to have a bit more continuation.


Maybe I'll change my mind when I eventually rewatch it sometime. It wasn't a bad episode, just not one I'd recommend if I were talking to someone about the show.

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Not too sure exactly. Just didn't get the usual zingy vibe I normally get. Maybe it was just because it was yet another freak-o-the-week. Whatsherface, the girl, she seemed to just disappear at the end, didn't look like she was going to come back and although I have no problem with that because she was pretty annoying, it would be nice to have a bit more continuation.


Maybe I'll change my mind when I eventually rewatch it sometime. It wasn't a bad episode, just not one I'd recommend if I were talking to someone about the show.


yes, maybe not the best episode, but I thought, apart from the usual weekly stuff, that it had some good development with Aleshas character, her reaction to Curtis's new girlfriend, her jealousy towards Simon getting with someone else, and saving him. Besides, them all in superhero costumes was just priceless too.

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GTFO[/b] and watch the first episode of the first season.


What were the reasons you found it rubbish?


What's with the hostility?


Well maybe your right, as in the fact that I've only watched one episode and so can't give it a fair summary. But the characters infuriate me.


Tell you what, I'll watch the entire 1st season on 4OD and see if that makes a difference.


My question to you is, why do you enjoy it so much?

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yes, maybe not the best episode, but I thought, apart from the usual weekly stuff, that it had some good development with Aleshas character, her reaction to Curtis's new girlfriend, her jealousy towards Simon getting with someone else, and saving him. Besides, them all in superhero costumes was just priceless too.

This is all true. Like I said, it wasn't a bad episode. I just felt it was lacking a bit of flow.


What's with the hostility?


My question to you is, why do you enjoy it so much?


I meant it jokingly. Lost in Internet Translation FAIL. I do think it's a silly place to start watching it, though. Even if season two is better than the first.


Why do I enjoy it? Like I said a couple pages ago, "It's witty and stylish. It swings between being funny and dark pretty effortlessly and it couldn't come from any other country." There's nothing like it on television.

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