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Football Season 2010/11


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Jeez, Utd cut it close today.


I literally could not contain my excitement when Hernandez scored!


I felt like we were the better the team but we need to be taking chances more, there was a few times that Rooney seemed to delay in making a killer pass or shot.


EDIT: Van Der Sar needs credit as well! Where would we be without him!!

Edited by Mike1988uk
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Watched both united and chelsea live - both games were vaguely unexciting in large parts. Everton were clearly out of the game, and united stepped up a gear for the last 10 mins of both halves - it wasn't 'til giggs came on that they started to utilise their corners, but ultimately a well-deserved goal.


Chelsea's game was ridiculously waterlogged - lending a hand to torres' goal. The celebration was fantastic, mind you! You could see the relief in everyone.


The spurs-brom match had the best goals. In terms of the league standings, though, it was a fairly standard game. Another week towards a united crowning - games vs. arsenal and chelsea are obviously of utmost importance!

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Fucking hell, we were the better side in the first half but, missed penalty aside, I'll admit we were absolutely peppered for the entire second half and Cohen pops up at the end with a lucky winner. Glad we defended so much better than we did against Stoke last weekend, even with all Arsenal's pressure in the last half an hour, Jaaskelainen only had one save to make from Nasri's glorious chance.


Good to watch Wenger throw yet another temper tantrum! I like Arsenal, but I hate that guy.


All over for Arsenal.

Edited by Dog-amoto
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Surely this is the nail in Wenger's coffin? How many more seasons can he go trophyless and not be given the boot? If I were an Arsenal fan I'd be calling for his head!



Absolutely not. I've thought of many things wrong with Arsenal over the past month and i've never once thought about removing Wenger. There's only so long you can peddle the bringing through new players drivel but I certainly don't think getting rid of Wenger is the solution. We need a bit of investment in key areas, which will hopefully be available. I've never doubted Wenger and I still don't.

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Bolton you beauties! Bye Bye Arsenal! :D




As always :D


If you still want us to do you a favour maybe you shouldn't rub it in so much.


Well this was to be expected, Bolton fresh from their defeat to Stoke the other week, Arsenal on the back of a hard fought game with Spurs. No excuse this time though, we have our better players fit for this run in but we seem mentally drained and unable to find the spark.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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If you still want us to do you a favour maybe you shouldn't rub it in so much.


Well this was to be expected, Bolton fresh from their defeat to Stoke the other week, Arsenal on the back of a hard fought game with Spurs. No excuse this time though, we have our better players fit for this run in but we seem mentally drained and unable to find the spark.


Arsenal would never let Manchester beat them even if it meant letting Chelski take the title.

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Absolutely not. I've thought of many things wrong with Arsenal over the past month and i've never once thought about removing Wenger. There's only so long you can peddle the bringing through new players drivel but I certainly don't think getting rid of Wenger is the solution. We need a bit of investment in key areas, which will hopefully be available. I've never doubted Wenger and I still don't.


I think Wenger is extremely capable of producing the results if he has the players available but he never does. He seems to refuse to buy anyone other than bargains and young players. They need some experience in the squad and need to get rid of the deadwood. First of all they need a quality keep, VDS for Man Utd has proved that a good goalkeeper can win them games. Scyszney will be a good keeper in the future but he isn't ready yet. The defence is a shambles, Vermaelan is quality but he's always injured. Everytime I've seen Koscielny play he's made a mistake of some sort.


The rest of the squad is very strong but I feel they could do with a Viera-esque midfielder still. I don't think either Song or Diaby is up to the job. Wilsher and Fabregas are quality.


In terms of forwards I think they're great. RVP is fantastic (although constantly injured). Nasri has come into his own this season and Walcott is great, I think he'll make the move as Henry did to an out and out striker soon enough. Arshavin is hit or miss, mainly miss this season tbh.



tl;dr: Arsenal need defenders and a goalkeeper.

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I think Wenger is extremely capable of producing the results if he has the players available but he never does. He seems to refuse to buy anyone other than bargains and young players. They need some experience in the squad and need to get rid of the deadwood. First of all they need a quality keep, VDS for Man Utd has proved that a good goalkeeper can win them games. Scyszney will be a good keeper in the future but he isn't ready yet. The defence is a shambles, Vermaelan is quality but he's always injured. Everytime I've seen Koscielny play he's made a mistake of some sort.


The rest of the squad is very strong but I feel they could do with a Viera-esque midfielder still. I don't think either Song or Diaby is up to the job. Wilsher and Fabregas are quality.


In terms of forwards I think they're great. RVP is fantastic (although constantly injured). Nasri has come into his own this season and Walcott is great, I think he'll make the move as Henry did to an out and out striker soon enough. Arshavin is hit or miss, mainly miss this season tbh.



tl;dr: Arsenal need defenders and a goalkeeper.


That much is clear for anyone to see. Wenger has to splash out on 1 quality defender at least and a veteran keeper that still has 1 or 2 seasons left in him to aid Szczesny's development.

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That much is clear for anyone to see. Wenger has to splash out on 1 quality defender at least and a veteran keeper that still has 1 or 2 seasons left in him to aid Szczesny's development.


They're not going to win the league with this squad and from what it looks like Wenger hasn't seemed to realise this. It's been 6 years since they was won a trophy. For a club like Arsenal that's appalling.

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They're not going to win the league with this squad and from what it looks like Wenger hasn't seemed to realise this. It's been 6 years since they was won a trophy. For a club like Arsenal that's appalling.


And I completely agree with you, talented youth can only take you so far, experience and fighting spirit can turn that 0-0 into a win. Man United have proved that all season. While the youth needs game time to develop, that little bit of wisdom and security that comes from veteran players can make all the difference and make them better players in the future.

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Interesting, because i think the current Arsenal squad + a new GK and a couple of players, is capable of winning the league. I don't they're as far away as being said. Also, @Charlie, do you really think Song is not good enough? I think he's class, and one of the better midfielders of his type in the league.

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Interesting, because i think the current Arsenal squad + a new GK and a couple of players, is capable of winning the league. I don't they're as far away as being said. Also, @Charlie, do you really think Song is not good enough? I think he's class, and one of the better midfielders of his type in the league.


He's OK but I think he gives the ball away too much and generally doesn't do all that much! I think there are far better defensive midfielders out there.

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First off, chuffed with the result yesterday. Hernandez is god-like. Although, United left it very late. Had me nervous. :heh:


I'm happy about the Arsenal result, although it doesn't mean the title is won or anything at this point. There's still 4 games to go. It could still go anywhere.


About Arsenal: Yeah, they do play good passing football. I said before, if football were a game that was played solely in midfield, between their box and their opponent's area, then Arsenal would be one of the best teams in the world. However, that is not how football is played. My issue with Arsenal is that it is all pass, pass, pass. They have no plan B, and year after year they still struggle to find ways out of tight situations.


Teams get a bad rep if they knock the ball down the field to the big striker (route 1) but that is another way to play the game. Another way is to use the wingers and get some crosses into the box (provided you have players in there). There's different ways to play the game. It pisses me off a tiny bit when all these pundits and people get a hard on for Arsenal's "technically correct" football when that is just one aspect of the game. The aim of the game is to score goals and to stop the other team from scoring. Somewhere along the line, Arsene Wenger seems to have forgotten this.


Another thing: Arsenal clearly have quality players. However, there are a few in there who do not perform up to the standard they should be playing at, and they've been getting away with it for a while. This season has seen Theo and Samir step it up a gear, but Arshavin? Rosicky? These two should be instrumental and should be dictating play. You can't even use the "oh, they're young" line, between they are 29 and 30! Not saying these two are solely the reason why Arsenal are not winning trophies, but these are experienced players. They should be running the game, and I don't think either has performed anywhere where they should have.


Lastly, Van Der Sar has been fucking immense for us this season. It is no coincidence that after Schmeichal left we struggled defensively. Van Der Sar helps to keep the defence calm. If your defenders miss a cross, you need to know that the keeper behind you is going to help you out. Nobody talks about this anymore, but in that second leg against Barcelona when we won the Champions League, Van Der Sar was the coolest guy on the entire field. We were being pushed back so deep, yet I knew we had a chance with him there. What does it say about Arsene Wenger if he's having to bring back an ex-keeper, a keeper who he shipped out a few years back, a keeper who he demoted to a bench player?

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I think Wenger is extremely capable of producing the results if he has the players available but he never does. He seems to refuse to buy anyone other than bargains and young players. They need some experience in the squad and need to get rid of the deadwood. First of all they need a quality keep, VDS for Man Utd has proved that a good goalkeeper can win them games. Scyszney will be a good keeper in the future but he isn't ready yet. The defence is a shambles, Vermaelan is quality but he's always injured. Everytime I've seen Koscielny play he's made a mistake of some sort.


The rest of the squad is very strong but I feel they could do with a Viera-esque midfielder still. I don't think either Song or Diaby is up to the job. Wilsher and Fabregas are quality.


In terms of forwards I think they're great. RVP is fantastic (although constantly injured). Nasri has come into his own this season and Walcott is great, I think he'll make the move as Henry did to an out and out striker soon enough. Arshavin is hit or miss, mainly miss this season tbh.



tl;dr: Arsenal need defenders and a goalkeeper.


I wouldn't say Vermaelen is always injured, he's had one serious injury that has kept him out till now, no accounting for that. Koscielny was seriously shaky in the early days but he's come on leaps and bounds since becoming the senior centre back, certainly not mistakes every game as you put it.


Walcott is far too streaky, one game he can be immense, the other useless. He's still young but he's now one of the senior squad members and has to start performing on a regular basis. I really like Song and think he's great player for us but he's not the physical force that Viera was and that is something we badly need. Arshavin hasn't had a great season but for the last few months he's normally thrown on with 20 minutes to go and not easy to build a lot of confidence up that way.


I feel we need a solid defensive midfielder in the vain of Veira/Khedira/Essien etc, A an experienced shot stopper and an out and out striker. Hopefully Wenger will strengthen the squad, I don't feel we're that far away from being where we need to be to win trophies

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So much I could type, but I've only just got home from the game (raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu etc). I'll save it for tomorrow.


The Reebok is nicer than I thought it would be though..

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Should have said you were coming up Ramar. Would have said hello!


Sorry! Very uncharacteristic of me, I usually post up when I'm going to aways but I must have forgot this time.


The game, firstly allow me to say well played to Bolton. They played well, exploited our obvious weakenesses, aside from a few choice tackles it was on the whole a fair and clean game.


Arsenal at the minute are our own worst enemy. Our offensive game is just off at the minute, we don't counter properly, we don't drive the attack on, we can't cross the ball and worst of all we don't shoot. Several gilt edge chances were missed because players didn't shoot, Jack Wilshere passing in the box in the second half made my blood boil.


Defensively we're frail, but I think they've improved. The problem is I don't think the defense are getting any help on the training ground. How many years have corners or set pieces been our weakness? Too many, so why against Bolton a big strong side do we find Gael Clichy making Gary Cahill? In what world does that even make fucking sense. Are the players that stupid not to match up like for like?


Wojciech done well in goal, but he clearly needs a mentor. Jens coming back into things has been good for him and if we can get the mad one coaching him next season I'll be happy with that.


Personally I don't think Wenger's 4-3-3 (which is nothing like Barca's and is more a 4-5-1) doen't work. Van Persie drifts too much, doesn't hold the line enough. Fabregas doesn't play so well up the field, which effects how we counter.


In response to who to buy, I dunno who's available to be fair but I'd like a centre back, left back, defensive mid (to cover song), out and out winger (who can cross the ball) and a number 9.


In summary: Wall-o-text I saved you from yesterday, brought to you today.


Edit - Wow, can't believe I said fair and clean.. completely forgot the dive for the penalty... I'll let it slide because it was taken awfully by Davies.

Edited by Ramar
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