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Starfox 64 3D


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That's a(n extremely) small consolation for the retardedness that is no online play!


Not really. Not being able to play a game with friends simply because they don't own a copy is annoying.

Of course, online means you can play whenever you want. I don't get why they wouldn't have added it.

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I'd rather see online play that single card play; single card play is always gimped with less gameplay options and, in general, is fucking shit. If anything, it discourages players from buying with the simple options and stupid download times.


Online is, lets face it, a selling point nowadays; As much as I love Nintendo they really need to take their fingers out of the asses and hire some networking staff.

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Are we really that hard up for stuff to play online that we feel we need Starfox 64's dire multiplayer to fill the void? Would you really play this online more than twice? The answer should be no.

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Are we really that hard up for stuff to play online that we feel we need Starfox 64's dire multiplayer to fill the void? Would you really play this online more than twice? The answer should be no.


It'd be nice to have the choice. And if they've revamped it, you never know, it may be good!

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If it was significantly revamped, something co-op or akin to the multiplayer in Assault, which I remember being quite fun, I'd be more upset. The fact is it looks like the same sparse battlefield I played as a kid and grew bored of after about an hour.


It kinda sucks they left out something that should be easy to implement, plus they're not doing their poor online embracement image any favours, but it's no tragedy. I'm still day one. This game is fine, fine fun.

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This game was friggin' brilliant on the N64...However, don't have a 3DS and I did complete the original 100% at least a couple times, so prob not buying this anytime soon. Still, for you other guys, here's a little cover piece to keep you in the mood ;)



Played only a little bit of this at the time, but that was more than enough to blow my mind. Like wow...flying in 3D! :o


Lylat Wars I actually owned, and that was just balls-to-the-walls awesome! Which begs the question...where is the real sequel Nintendo? Like come on, this could be one of your best original series, if you could just be arsed to make the darn games!

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It would be awesome if they decided to resurrect Starfox 2 in its original form for the 3DS, I know parts of it would be similar to Starfox 64 but just to play the SNES sequel as originally intended would certainly be something...




... even though it won't happen.

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I would love to play the original again. I actually prefer it over Lylat Wars.


What makes you like it more - is it the over the top difficulty on anything other than the easy path, the horrendous framerate, or the fact it's difficult to tell where you are actually aiming? ;)


Obviously, I'm being a little tongue in cheek there, but I have great difficulty seeing what the original offers over the sequel except the excellent Corneria and Space Armada themes - oh, and I thought the intro and title screen were better too.


It would be awesome if they decided to resurrect Starfox 2 in its original form for the 3DS, I know parts of it would be similar to Starfox 64 but just to play the SNES sequel as originally intended would certainly be something...




... even though it won't happen.


StarFox 2 is entirely in all range mode and for me, that's what 64 is at its worst. In that sense, its nothing like the first so its not quite the sequel everybody seems to want. I prefer the corridor blasting of the linear paths where they can script really awesome events in real time to create a compelling experience.


If I want a game like StarFox 2, I'll play one of the Rogue Squadron games which frankly do things better with more variety.

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What makes you like it more - is it the over the top difficulty on anything other than the easy path, the horrendous framerate, or the fact it's difficult to tell where you are actually aiming?




I love them both as much. The OTT difficulty, simple polygons etc of Starfox/Starwing are part of the appeal for me.

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I love them both as much. The OTT difficulty, simple polygons etc of Starfox/Starwing are part of the appeal for me.


The simple, flat shaded geometry isn't an issue and does give it that early 90s attempted 3D charm. It's the framerate (despite huge boarders) and the pop up too - makes it difficult to react.


Back in the day, I was totally in love with the game... but playing it today, it's easy to see the flaws of the title. I can't imagine a newcomer to the whole StarFox franchise could sit down for long with the original before begging to have 64 back.

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I never liked the orginal Star Fox. Yeah it looked cool, but I never found the gameplay that enjoyable.


Now Lylat Wars was freakin awesome. Completed that game so many times on the N64. Me and my mate used to take tuns to complete it and see who could get the highest score. Used to get some damn good scores as well.


Multiplayer never used to get a look in with us. It was bland and boring. Plus if you were going to play any multiplayer game it was Goldeneye!

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Multiplayer never used to get a look in with us. It was bland and boring. Plus if you were going to play any multiplayer game it was Goldeneye!


I spent too much time in multiplayer try to find each other even with a radar and the ability to peak at their corner of the screen. It was a totally throwaway experience. MK64 (just the GPs really - battle mood was crap), GE, PD and CBFD all had really good multiplayer - this wouldn't get a look in back then.


But the single player rocked the house down and that's why we love it. And it's still perfectly playable today.

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What makes you like it more - is it the over the top difficulty on anything other than the easy path, the horrendous framerate, or the fact it's difficult to tell where you are actually aiming? ;)


Obviously, I'm being a little tongue in cheek there, but I have great difficulty seeing what the original offers over the sequel except the excellent Corneria and Space Armada themes - oh, and I thought the intro and title screen were better too.




That and this.



The music for the first game is simply outstanding. I also loved the way everyone spoke. Wubba da bubba! :D

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You could choose Wubba Wubba mode in Lylat Wars too.


But it wasn't the same. It was a completely different set of noises that just sounded like garbled speech... in fact, I think it was just the original lines but completely mangled unlike the more deliberate sounds used in the original. Whatever it was, it sounded awful.



I'm a big fan of Falco's Wubba da bubba ;)


Great music.


I really like the Scramble sequence as well, didn't quite have the same effect in Lylat Wars.


The intro with the attack carrier (so intimidating... like the start of each Star Wars film where the Star Destroyer flies over the camera - probably where they robbed it from) and then the scramble sequence are really cool and yes, much better than SF64 intro/stage opening that goes on for far too long.

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But it wasn't the same. It was a completely different set of noises that just sounded like garbled speech... in fact, I think it was just the original lines but completely mangled unlike the more deliberate sounds used in the original. Whatever it was, it sounded awful.


I think it's more of a random N64 Midi versus random Snes midi thing.


Anyway, the Lylat Wars english dub had very cool awkward "I would like to swear but this is a T-rated game" moments like "let's kick some tail", or my favourite: "doggoneit". (Also I loved hearing Pigma Dengar squeal...).

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Only the PAL version of StarFox64 had the SNES warbles - or Lylat language whatever it was called. Strange.

I'm not sure if it was in the chinese iQue versions either.


As much as I loved Starwing on the SNES and acrtually drew the scenes for one of my GCSE Art projects (showing age), I much preferred the N64 version.

It did seem to resolve more around planetary battles from recollection but with the Independance Day moments, Starwolf and epic branching paths rather than just difficulties, it just seemed more refined.


Both amazing games though. Shame I couldn't get into Command on the DS.


Also: Nintendo should bring this amazing game back:




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