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Mario Kart 7


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So then have you guys seen this? http://www.facebook.com/MK7Tournament


Nintendo UK is running a Mario Kart 7 competition online where you have to enter a community and get the most points, the 2 people with most points in the community get invited to race at a grand finals in Birmingham. I've already entered, anyone else gonna enter? If you win you get free Nintendo games for a year :eek:


Yeah im definitely entering this.


Although now i'm slightly dismayed, there's no way ill be able to get more points than the mighty @f00had

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Its not really a competition for the best Mario Kart 7 player, its for the player who has the most time free to play it.
Indeed. I'm not even going to attempt going for the top 2.

Will still register the community code though as it should be a good one to play in, i.e. busy and less people disconnecting. :wink:


Good luck to @f00had, @Eightbit and anyone else on N-E that's going for the win. : peace:

If I come across any of you in this competition community, I'll go easy on you. :heh:

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Thanks Red Shell :) Don't worry about going easy on me though, I'd rather have interesting races than boring wins.


How many hours have you put into the game?

137 hours and 5 minutes :D I used to play the game constantly until I started taking part in the league in February (I think?) and now I just play it every Thursday with you guys.

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Don't worry about going easy on me though, I'd rather have interesting races than boring wins.
Now that's the kind of attitude I like to see. icon14.gif


Anyway, it looks like the site has updated:



Didn't realise it was going to be multiple community codes though. They're even split by gender! :hmm:

The female Northern Ireland community only has 2 players, guaranteed win for those two then. :laughing:


The male community for England is currently the one with most players, 359 according to the site. So that be the one I'll join, and should join anyway. :hehe:

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had my first race with @RedShell, there are loads of Metal Marios lol
Hehehe, yeah. Expect there to be many more Metal Mario/B Dasher+Red Monster combos on this. :grin:

Anyway good races, seems like there's gonna be a lot of good players taking part too. So getting those points won't be quite as simple as who plays the most. ;)


Kinda wish I was a N. Irish girl so I wouldn't have to play so much :p
Classic. :laughing:

You should join that community and then just attend the final in drag. :heh:

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I've entered, I'll see what I can do.


EDIT: Bloody hell, I haven't even had 10 races yet I've a seen a bunch guys colluding already. So far it's been myself, a bunch of toads & Metal Mario and it appears as the toads are the defence. They hold off every other racer while Metal Mario sprints to the finish without stopping. It's happened at least 5 times already.


I know I can catch and beat the lead racer, but by the time I get 2nd place, the gap is far too big after battling out with racers 3,4 & 5.


Edited by -Dem0-
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I took a break to have dinner and watch TV and now the top 2 guys are 300 points ahead of me! I can't be arsed to play that much, they can have the free games.


I haven't noticed any people teaming up although the racer who currently has the most points Casey B is very laggy. Threw 3 red shells at him when he didn't have any items and none of them managed to reach him

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, next week on a Sunday I'll be taking a part in a Mario Kart 7 tournament in Utrecht which is more or less hosted by NINTENDO.


I must thank @lostmario, because one had to show why they should be chosen as one of the 64 participants, and I used the league tables of 09 (when I was champion) and the table of MK7 to really state that I've been an active Mario Karter for years now.


I also used this to show all the good times we had on MKWii before we switched to MK7:



with a shout-out to @RedShell :D


Also a big THANK YOU to all the chaps who've had the joy of taking part in the Mario Kart Leagues here at N-Europe, because without you, all those tables would've been slim and unimpressive.


I'm slighty worried when it comes to how they chose to set up the tournament though, because apperently it's 1 Grand Prix with 4 racers instead of a full house and only the highest 2 can advance onto the next round.

1 Karter will remain on Saturday (out of the 32) and 1 will remain out of the other 32 on that fateful Sunday, which means that the Finals will be a 1 vs 1 match: :blank:


Now. if that isn't a time trial, and the signs indicate that it isn't, it'll be one hell of a psychological battle.

I hope I can make it that far :laughing:


Anyway, what I'd like to ask is: Do you guys have any hints/tips regarding certain stages or just about MK7 in general?

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I'm slighty worried when it comes to how they chose to set up the tournament though, because apperently it's 1 Grand Prix with 4 racers instead of a full house and only the highest 2 can advance onto the next round.

1 Karter will remain on Saturday (out of the 32) and 1 will remain out of the other 32 on that fateful Sunday, which means that the Finals will be a 1 vs 1 match: :blank:

Hmm... :heh:

Yeah, that is an odd set up. :blank:

I'm not a fan of 4 player MK7, nowhere near as much fun as 8 player. :shakehead


Anyway, what I'd like to ask is: Do you guys have any hints/tips regarding certain stages or just about MK7 in general?
Come on Fused King, you don't need any tips!

You're not nervous are you? :hehe: If so, that's my tip... don't be nervous. :D


Seriously though, you know how to play the game (you wouldn't have won the MKWii League and be 3rd in the MK7 one otherwise) so just stick to your usual way of playing. :)

The rest is all down to luck...


...So Good Luck!

: peace:


Try to avoid getting hit by any blue shells.
That's a good tip. :laughing:

But seeing as it's 4 player only, Blue Shells will be few and far between. There will probably still be some, but nothing like the amount that there would be with 8 players. ;)

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So... How did it go?


Got past the first round, . . .


Then, in the quarter-finals, a Blue Shell took my right to second place overall which would have allowed me to continue :(


Seriously though, some of those guys were machines, using alls sorts of strange shortcuts.


Local competitive Mario Kart 7 is some fucked up shit. When I was in first place during DK Pass, my heart was pumping blood so fast it was like I had an inner dubstep beat or something. I nearly exploded.


As intense as that stuff was, I've never been that succesful at competitive gaming and I much rather enjoy a good cup of tea and something along the lines of Paper Mario 3DS or Last Window: Secret of Cape West.


Looking forward to racing with you guys again:D


Still, it was a much grander event that this, and, because I was a participant in this tournament, I got to enter the showfloor early and spent time with Wonderful 101, Game&Wario, Rayman Legends, and Pikmin 3. Heck, me and a friend o' mine even had a crack at Ni no Kuni :)

OH, also played ZombiU a little too.



Still, playing upcoming games on a noisy showfloor like that really doesn't do it for me. I'd much rather try out games at a site where constant dubstep isn't blown into your right ear whilst you're trying to play one of those music levels in Rayman Legends :/

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