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Kid Icarus Uprising


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How do you deal with the jelly things in the air sections? They always get me. Are you not supposed to shoot them and just dodge? They don't seem to die.


I am getting better at the land parts. Still finding it hard when i have to watch my footing. It is far too easy to fall off platforms etc when dodging attacks, it is pretty annoying. Also find it hard when enemies are all around me not just accross the room. I am getting better at timing the dodges but that is pretty impossible when attacks are coming from all directions. I still find the powers useless and i can never use them, apart from health recovery as i can do that when i have a breather.


I usually try with intensity on 6 which i can do most of the time, but sometimes i get knocked down to 5 when i die. I did chapter 9 last night which was pretty cool. I suppose the most important thing is that i am enjoying it, which i still am!



You gotta melee them or charge shot their asses into oblivion, or at least that's usually how I get them to leave me alone.


I have tried every possible method for controlling Pit in the land sections - ABXY movement/circle pad movement, circle pad movement and thumbstrap aiming, various combinations using my thumb on the touch screen and I keep returning to the stand/circle pad/stylus control scheme. It's a bit like pitching a tent - it sucks to carry around and takes a bit of time to get it all set up and decent, but you're better off with it than without it.


I also find Pit to be kind of a chore to move around on the ground. The sensitivity is very Smash Bros. in that it's good for those fast, lunging maneuvers but starts failing when any kind of precision is required. Luckily those situations are few and far between, but present enough to create enough frustration to keep this absolute gem from a perfect score.


As a note for people who are brave and using the thumbstrap, be sure to use the right "camera" shoulder button to focus in the direction Pit is facing. This SERIOUSLY helps.


Intensity 5 or 6 is my sweet spot too, but it's dropping rapidly as I progress through the game. Having visited later stages on 9, I'm kind of baffled as to how I'm supposed to complete them without some kind of nuclear power weapon to fend off the hordes of enemies.


Babel Club is my favourite multiplayer weapon. The wind attacks are absolutely devastating and if you can fuse the right combination of weapons, you'll have good speed and bonus starts to support during melee. It's actually so good I expect it'll be one of the first things to be nerfed if a patch is released.


Regarding the powers... yeah, I think they'll be coming into play a lot more later. Right now they're just a distraction. Multiplayer is another story though. I find it almost essential to be using shields, lasers and abilities non-stop. Even simple health regeneration is handy, plus using the d-pad on the default setup to flick through them quickly with "down" to activate is a lot easier in hectic "stylus-heavy" situations.




Anyone know if a soundtrack is being released for this gane? I NEED to walk to work with those epic flight themes singing into my ears.

Edited by Guy
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For those who have yet to purchase Kid Icarus Uprising, if you buy it from Zavvi you will also get a download code for the Gameboy Kid Icarus for free. http://www.zavvi.com/games-3ds/kid-icarus-uprising-includes-3ds-stand-and-free-dlc/10300633.html


I ordered from a different website just a few minutes before Zavvi announced that and now I can't cancel my order :( I'm gonna take it out on you guys online!

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For those who have yet to purchase Kid Icarus Uprising, if you buy it from Zavvi you will also get a download code for the Gameboy Kid Icarus for free. http://www.zavvi.com/games-3ds/kid-icarus-uprising-includes-3ds-stand-and-free-dlc/10300633.html


Even though I'm not particularly interested in the Game Boy version of Kid Icarus, it's looking like the thing to push me over the edge and finally order Uprising :eek:


EDIT Done..

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@Mike (or anyone else that's completed the game), how are you doing with the...

...various treasure hunts now?



Palutena: 109/120 (Pretty much hit a brick wall there now - there aren't too many left that I can do right now, and some of them, like defeating bosses whilst in crisis mode, seem quite difficult as they have no health bar)

Viridi: 51/120 (haven't specifically gone for many here yet)

Hades: 26/120 (Ditto)




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Palutena: 109/120 (Pretty much hit a brick wall there now - there aren't too many left that I can do right now, and some of them, like defeating bosses whilst in crisis mode, seem quite difficult as they have no health bar)

Viridi: 51/120 (haven't specifically gone for many here yet)

Hades: 26/120 (Ditto)




Yeah, it's pretty annoying not knowing how much damage is left to do.

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I got the game yesterday and am enjoying it! Only finished four chapters, but it's good so far. Some of the dialogue had me giggling already haha.


The land battles do take getting used to though. I reallllllly suck at controlling that camera. I wish it was easier to do. I keep forgetting I have to flick to get it to move, not just use it like I would during air battles.

I hope I get used to it quickly so I can up the intensity a bit. So far I'm playing at a veeery low intensity haha.

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The land battles do take getting used to though


If you have time you should get into the multiplayer, it's fun & fast paced and you'll get used to the controls very quickly, not ignoring the other benefits such as earning more hearts and acquiring new weapons & powers.

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If you have time you should get into the multiplayer, it's fun & fast paced and you'll get used to the controls very quickly, not ignoring the other benefits such as earning more hearts and acquiring new weapons & powers.


I'm afraid the multiplayer might be a bit overwhelming for me though. I'm already feeling like things are going too quickly in the solo game haha.


Maybe after I've played a few more chapters will I try to venture into multiplayer mode. =P

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The number of AR cards keeps increasing!...


...it was up to 404 the other day, with the Rare Palutena card. But now a flying version of Dark Pit has surfaced, numbered 407.

Originally I was only going to scan digital AR cards of idols that I'd already unlocked in-game, but seeing as I'm not even going to attempt collecting the actual cards, I decided to scan all of the ones that are currently available online.


I've now got 289 idols unlocked on my game, 231 of which have also been AR card scanned. So that's 23,100 hearts obtained that way too. :smile:


I'd say even people that are going to try and collect the cards should just go ahead and scan the digital versions, the hearts will come in handy much more now than they will in like 8 weeks time. :blank:

And at this rate, the majority of AR cards will probably be online before Nintendo even send out the stars catalogue card packs! :heh:


Here's a great site to scan AR cards:



It's got a collection of US, European and Japanese cards. And you can even set-up any 2 cards side by side for AR battle. :cool:


: peace:

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Still not found anywhere selling this in store. Phoned up a few places as well. Shame for me, but good for the game (though more stock is needed soon please!)
Do you have to buy it in store?

Because if not, and you order from here before 5:00pm, it's basically guaranteed that you'll receive it tomorrow. :)

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Check this out:




There are now a lot of numbers in my records list, but for some reason, shots narrowly avoided stays persistently on 0. :hmm: Even after really trying to get some numbers on this stat, it's still 0. ::shrug:

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong... or right? :laughing:


The only reason I'm bothered by this, is it unlocks a panel on Palutena's Treasure Hunt.

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Despite all my problems about the controls, I decided to get this. I've only done the first mission and some practice so far.


I'm just using my thumb on the touch screen so far and it's not actually to bad. There's lots of options for adjusting so I've altered it so I don't have to even move my finger from the bottom right of the screen. I've also made L and R attack as I found myself trying both. A kind gentleman is sending me an original DS strap, which should make it easer for me to control. Also, as my thumb is covering the bottom screen, the option to move the subtitles to the top is a nice option.


This is why Nintendo should to more demos and release them before the game.

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Yeah, I had that problem with shots narrowly avoided too. What you need to do is stop shooting completely until Pit starts to glide. Then you should be able to tap the circle pad to do a quick dodge when a projectile / laser is close to hitting you. It's really not that natural to do, and I've only done it to get the achievement. Your best bet is to set the difficulty to 0.0 so that you don't have to worry about shooting, then go into Chapter 1. You won't get very much firing at you at that intensity, of course, but after a couple of tries of the level you should have managed the 5 dodges you need.

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Yeah, I had that problem with shots narrowly avoided too. What you need to do is stop shooting completely until Pit starts to glide. Then you should be able to tap the circle pad to do a quick dodge when a projectile / laser is close to hitting you. It's really not that natural to do, and I've only done it to get the achievement. Your best bet is to set the difficulty to 0.0 so that you don't have to worry about shooting, then go into Chapter 1.
That's the thing you see, I've pretty much mastered that no shooting air dodge move. At first I couldn't pull it off consistently, but now, by tapping in one direction and then very quickly tapping in the reverse direction, I'm able to perform it 99% of the time.

And I've spent quite a while doing that move on various stages, avoiding shots (very narrowly as far as I can tell :blank:) and even repelling them!


I haven't however, tried it on intensity 0.0, so I'll give that a go next.


You won't get very much firing at you at that intensity, of course, but after a couple of tries of the level you should have managed the 5 dodges you need.
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I finally managed to get a few narrowly avoided shots done! :yay:

Did it on intensity 2.0 in the end, not much firing at you on that difficulty either.


Turns out I've been trying to use the doge move I mentioned in my previous post, but it only registers as a narrowly avoided shot if you do it in exactly the same way as you do on land battle, whereby you just need to tap in a single direction at the very last moment.


Not sure why there are 2 different type of dodges for air battle then. ::shrug:

And I'm sure that I'd attempted the single tap way loads of times before too. :blank:


Oh well, at least now I can start going for that achievement. :)


What to the hearts do, and what is the best way to spend them?
You're going to need loads of them (and I mean loads :hehe:) if you want to invest in the more powerful weapons, there are also some achievements that are linked to how many you've accumulated.

I just unlocked one of those at 300,000 hearts! :cool:


My advice would be to try and save as many as you can at first, so don't gamble too many on the Fiend's Cauldron. Also try to get as many AR cards scanned as you can, there's a potential 40k+ hearts to be obtained that way.

: peace:

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