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I don't know why everyone is calling it a remake. That's just a rumour at this point.


Exactly, I just don't see how on earth it can be a remake - Microsoft and Rare are certainly not stupid enough to sell rights etc. (or at least I think they're not).


It's either gonna be an entirely new, albeit shitty game based on the film, or more likely, some unrelated piece of shit with the name Goldeneye to con people into buying it. If it's the latter, I seriously suggest we consider boycotting it.

Is there really any point in news articles about what analysts say? You may as well make an article based around what you read in some random tweet.


I like Pachter. If it was some other analyst, I doubt I would have posted it.


Even if he's not always right about this sort of stuff (and I wouldn't expect him to be), its always interesting to read about (or listen to) what he says. At the very least, he has some interesting ideas.

Exactly, I just don't see how on earth it can be a remake - Microsoft and Rare are certainly not stupid enough to sell rights etc. (or at least I think they're not).


What on earth would MS and Rare do with the rights? It's not like they can release a remake or a sequel. The only thing they've been able to do so far has been to reuse a few maps in PD Zero.




hoping that this contains the same multiplayer levels as the N64 version, just re-buffed.


and it is quite supprising that this is a Nintendo Exclusive... it would sell like shit hot on the 360.


The design of Rare's N64 FPS games is outdated. You can tell by playing Perfect Dark on XBLA. It's only fun if you played it when it was released and hence are overwhelmed with nostalgia, or if you are led to believe it was made by only a few people. If they remade it and kept everything how it was, a retail release would just feel like theft. Whereas if the developers make something where they have a little more creative control, we might not get a soulless update of a fond memory.


James Bond blows.

What on earth would MS and Rare do with the rights? It's not like they can release a remake or a sequel. The only thing they've been able to do so far has been to reuse a few maps in PD Zero.


Not saying they'd use the rights to make money, rather deny others from profitting from a remake. And no one's gonna want to pay that much for the rights as it wouldn't be financially viable, even if it were just a VC release.


What a lot of whining and moaning. There is an actual chance of one of the greatest shooters of all time being remade just for the Wii and being online with 8 players and people are moaning... damn this is sad.

What a lot of whining and moaning. There is an actual chance of one of the greatest shooters of all time being remade just for the Wii and being online with 8 players and people are moaning... damn this is sad.


The thing is, its a VERY small chance given everything else we know about the original game at this point.

The thing is, its a VERY small chance given everything else we know about the original game at this point.


Ah, but a small chance is what presents us with hope young Skywalker... hahaha, or something like that anyway


You're just going to build yourself up for disappointment. Normally I think speculation is a good thing, but in this case, it just seems too unlikely to happen.


If it does happen it would need to be a remake on the scale of resident evil remake. You'd barely know that was a remake If you made a side-by-side comparison but EVERYTHING is dated in goldeneye, so just about everything would need to be changed and then it wouldn't be the game everyone knew and loved



so why oh why do we want a remake? Just port it and give it on-line leaderboards and gameplay and everyone is happy.

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