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E3 wii speculation thread 2010 edition


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What are your speculations regarding the Wii this E3?


Like a lot of people already have said, there's a large likelyhood that Nintendo are going to show games that support the Vitality Sensor.

It's also basically confirmed that we'll see the next Zelda.


I believe that Nintendo are going to show some first party games. Maybe 1080 with balance board support?

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Personally I just care about Zelda. Keeping my fingers crossed it'll be awesome and not totally dumbed down like I worry it may be.


Apart from that, a 3DS introduction is likely, maybe 1 or 2 other big 1st party games, and lots of 3rd party games, and that's about it.

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What are your speculations regarding the Wii this E3?


Like a lot of people already have said, there's a large likelyhood that Nintendo are going to show games that support the Vitality Sensor.

It's also basically confirmed that we'll see the next Zelda.


I believe that Nintendo are going to show some first party games. Maybe 1080 with balance board support?


Metroid: Other M, Wii Party and Wii Pulse (Working title) will be the big 3 Wii games shown at the E3 conference.


Zelda trailer will be shown at the end of the conference.

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What happened to rumours of a Wii HD? I'm curious.


Looking forward to seeing what they do with the 3DS. Although it is real annoying that footage of it obviously won't be in 3D. I'm interested to see if they can justify me carrying round a dedicated gaming device when I have my iPod Touch (Which I only recently discovered was actually good for games).

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I predict a new design for the vitality sensor. It will be a wrist-based device so it can be used with the Nunchuck. That way real games can support it for little gimmicks so Nintendo can flog it to us gamers.


They'll also likely announce a big game for Christmas.

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Just Including Wii Stuff


-New Metroid Other M Trailer

-Vitality Sensor is built into a new nun-chuck, and if not, the Vitality Sensor itself is still talked about heavily

-Wii Party Demoed

-Surprise Reveal (Probably Retro's new game)

-Lots of 3rd Party Stuff

-Pikmin 3 Trailer

-Big Zelda Reveal

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I predict a new design for the vitality sensor. It will be a wrist-based device so it can be used with the Nunchuck. That way real games can support it for little gimmicks so Nintendo can flog it to us gamers.


They'll also likely announce a big game for Christmas.


That actually seems like a great idea.


I'd like Nintendo to bring back at least one of the following:




Excitebike (no, not excitetruck, excitebots or excitémon, but Excitebike or perhaps Excite Turismo)




Kid Icarus


Also it would be great if Nintendo'd do what they did in previous generations, and create an itteration of a famous franchise themselves. Like they did with Ridge Racer 64 and Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes.

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Apart from what's known or expected I'd like to see a new Mario game revealed. Possibly a new entry in the Paper Mario series or they may suprise us like last time and give us a second Mario Kart on the Wii. Also, House of the Dead Overkill 2 please!

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Apart from what's known or expected I'd like to see a new Mario game revealed. Possibly a new entry in the Paper Mario series or they may suprise us like last time and give us a second Mario Kart on the Wii. Also, House of the Dead Overkill 2 please!


I'd say a new Mario game is a given what with the 3DS being shown off. I think a Mario title will be the game that they'll show off with that, and they may even have a prototype demo of a new Mario Kart for it. Going to be more like 2004 in terms of the handheld stuff, with there not being many real 3DS titles on show; rather a lot of tech demoes to show off the console.


I'd like to say I'm optimistic about what's to come from Nintendo at this year's E3 but I'm not really. Yes, there are plenty of projects we know of/haven't seen anything of yet but I'm not even sure they'll appear during E3. Think it'll be a little thin on the ground Wii wise from Nintendo themselves with a slightly better showing of 3rd party titles I'd say. They'll probably save some stuff for a Fall conference as a last push with the Wii over the xmas period before next year's E3 where you'd think they'll announce the next home console.


So to recap, the Wii stuff I expect to see at E3:


- Metroid Other M showing

- Wii Party/Wii Relax showing

- Vitality sensor will probably have too much time spent on it with little in the way of software outside of casual stuff (although I hope Nintendo have done the right thing and gotten an Eternal Darkness 2 game to go with it)

- Plenty of 3rd party stuff (The Conduit 2, Epic Mickey for example)

- Possibly Pikmin 3

- Trailer of Zelda Wii. Everyone is excited. Then announced it's not playable on the show floor. Excitement levels drop.

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Possibly a new entry in the Paper Mario series


I'm sure its inevitable but it would be great if it happens this year. :hehe:


I have them both for GBA, but what are the chances of a Golden Sun 1+2 compilation to precede Golden Sun 3? Slim at best, eh.


Nintendo and Treasure show off a new Gunstar game.


A new Four Swords game. With online.


Excitebots European release date!


Waluigi gets a game of his own and/ or a new Wario Land.


Finally, what we need is Nintendo to partner with Sega and get us Skies of Arcadia 2. :love: And what we really really need, is DKC 4 for Wii, Wiiware, DS or DSiWare. :love:

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3DS and games to play, backed by a 1st party franchise.

Golden Sun 3

2 'surprise' titles i.e Retro/Pikmin 3. Maybe Masahiro's new game at a push

Zelda trailer

Casual pish

The more 'big' 3rd party games

Usual sales data that makes us ponder what megatons they're gonna show next.


Only stuff I care about so far is the 3DS and Zelda. Any surprises will be pro.

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- Glass of water with three cubes of ice

- Packet of McCoy's Flame Grilled Steak to start

- Quick dash to toilet at about 5:40pm

- Refill drink glass with fresh orange juice at around 6pm

- Small likelihood of posting a news story or two at some point

- Megaton shit at 7:01pm.

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Has anyone got any tissue - there's a shit load of fan w@nk in this thread.


Expect a handful of Wii games from Nintendo (but i'm actually going to say we'll not see a new home console Zelda until a HD machine launch); but Nintendo's focus needs to be on 3DS. They need that thing flying before Apple gains too much ground with iPad.


I think we'll see releases for or updated info on:


Metroid Other M


Zangeki no Reginleiv



Wii Motion sensor (with compatible title) - although I wonder if this could be delayed for WiiFit HD?

Edited by david.dakota
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Has anyone got any tissue - there's a shit load of fan w@nk in this thread.


Expect a handful of Wii games from Nintendo (but i'm actually going to say we'll not see a new home console Zelda until a HD machine launch); but Nintendo's focus needs to be on 3DS. They need that thing flying before Apple gains too much ground with iPad.


I think we'll see releases for or updated info on:


Metroid Other M


Zangeki no Reginleiv



Wii Motion sensor (with compatible title) - although I wonder if this could be delayed for WiiFit HD?


Well, actually I believe that Miyamoto and Fils Aimes both have confirmed Zelda for this E3, so that's not really speculation, it's a fact. Plus that we don't know when the next gen formats are coming. Some people think that future consoles will have ca 10 year lifespans.

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They need that thing flying before Apple gains too much ground with iPad.


The iPod Touch hasn't affected the DS in any way, so I doubt that Nintendo are concerned about the iPod Touch XL.

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d not totally dumbed down like I worry it may be.


why are people constantly saying this. What gives you the idea it will be dumbed down?


Super mario galaxy 2 proves they are willing to make games harder if they have their help options in place. it's in no way dumbed down so why can't have faith in zelda.

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Has anyone got any tissue - there's a shit load of fan w@nk in this thread.


Expect a handful of Wii games from Nintendo (but i'm actually going to say we'll not see a new home console Zelda until a HD machine launch); but Nintendo's focus needs to be on 3DS. They need that thing flying before Apple gains too much ground with iPad.



Holy crap it's Pachter!


I honestly thought this was a joke post at first. I laughed :blank:

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