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Dangers of game saves


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I've always wondered what'd happen if you were saving and had a powercut?


I've wondered the same when you are downloading the latest firmware update for the Wii and there was a powercut half way through.


Would it just reset to before the update?

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I've wondered the same when you are downloading the latest firmware update for the Wii and there was a powercut half way through.


Would it just reset to before the update?


It'll be fine if it's just downloading. Your in trouble if it was updating though.

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I've always wondered what'd happen if you were saving and had a powercut?


It's never happened to me yet, thankfully. Am I the only one that gets really conscious of it happening after I've finished something really difficult in a game and before I've had a chance to save?


Like in Dragon Quest VIII (Journey of the Cursed King), which has post-final boss gameplay. I'd defeated the final boss and the following celebratory cutscenery went on for ages. After the first five minutes, I was humorously thinking 'Wouldn't it be funny if there was a power cut now'. Then after ten minutes, it was all I could think about.

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I've always wondered what'd happen if you were saving and had a powercut?


Speaking from experience, you definately have a higher risk of losing your game save. I've shed many a tear over lost PSO saves from back when I was on the token based electricity system.

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Also, when applicable, these reasons are all why I use multiple save slots in everything.

^ Yes that. Although my two most played Wii games (Brawl and Animal Crossing) can't be backupped. If my Wii ever breaks I lose over 500 hours of my life, and even a virtual life and town... :blank:

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I see- thanks. However I will give anyone who reads this some advice, security x -ray destroys game saves, happened to my pokemon red


Strange, when my friend went through with Pokemon Blue this didn't happen... Is it possible that this only affects Pokemon Red?


Please confirm soon as I go on holiday next week and would love to keep my save file, which I have had for 9 years.

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I see- thanks. However I will give anyone who reads this some advice, security x -ray destroys game saves, happened to my pokemon red


Really? see I wondered about this but recently I took my Xbox 360 (complete with hard drive) and my DS (with game cards) through a security x-ray and have suffered no loss of data.

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I've recently lost the last few months of game saves. Most annoyingly, I've lost my Mass Effect 2 game saves. Although it does give me a reason to play though it two more times before the next one is out. Perhaps when the next DLC is out.

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Speaking from experience, you definately have a higher risk of losing your game save. I've shed many a tear over lost PSO saves from back when I was on the token based electricity system.


OMG! You too!?


You guys too? This happened to me when I clocked 370 hours into it. Then this happened:


When I lost my 200 hour Tales of symphonia save something in me died. I've never been the same since. And the game isn't as loved and cherished anymore.


I feel your pain. Exactly what happened to me. I loved going on PSO with on of my friends, we had so many good times then my data got corrupted and it was all lost. Was just never the same again.

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on the topic in general though..


you know these days how we have it nailed into our heads to save before shutting down and how the games mostly remind us anyway..


oh man when I got a ps1 after the megadrive I couln't get used to this for a long while. Goos times :)

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I've always been a compulsive saver in games. Every chance I get pretty much, it's why I never attempted Resident Evil in my youth, I figured I would just run myself out of Ink Ribbons. I think it was on FF7 where a save file got corrupted, and that's when I always made sure to have multiples. I know some people that have lost files, and still don't ever think to use more than just one slot.


Of course, the trend now seems to be going towards autosaving at preset points, which can create some nice saves just before death or while trapped in a room...hurray for replaying back to that point >_>

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There is so much data that are on my memory cards and such, I am soooo very glad I have yet to lose any, even the FFVII file where I have EVERYTHING lvl 99 all characters and so fourth.


I know some people who had HUGE saved pokemon files on the Gameboy and now have lost it all.


I don't know how I would feel if I had lost ma Shin Megami Tensei Nocturn, Persona 3, Persona 4 and my main Dragon Quest VII file...more then a piece of me would be lost thats for sure :(

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When I was trying to load my Resident Evil 4 (Wii Version) save, something froze and I had to unplug my console. When I turned it back on, I couldn't get passed the health and safety screen and I had to send my console in to Nintendo to get it fixed. Lost just about all of my save data, aside from my Zelda save which I just happened to have on an SD card. I'm pretty sure the SSD corrupted, and it having some key OS files on it...

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I feel your pain. Exactly what happened to me. I loved going on PSO with on of my friends, we had so many good times then my data got corrupted and it was all lost. Was just never the same again.


Man, PSO EP1&2 were terrible for corrupting people's saves. Thankfully mine never did, but it meant I didn't play online as much as I wanted too because I was so scared of my save corrupting.


I've lost my Pokemon Gold and Crystal saves, though I'm not that bothered about that. Would have been nice if I still had them for nostalgic reasons I guess.

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you know these days how we have it nailed into our heads to save before shutting down and how the games mostly remind us anyway..


I'm used to never having to save, thanks to autosave. Which was a big problem when I didn't even think about saving after a 5-hour stint on Spirit Tracks.

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