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I very much doubt this will be as much the mess your trying to make it sound as that still-in-beta-mess that is MAG.


I'm not defending Choze here but practice what you preach and get your facts right - MAG is a fantastic game and your quote about it is wrong on all levels.


I finished the story earlier and although the ending wasn't as epic as MW2 I still enjoyed it just as much. Make sure you watch til the end of the credits. :D


I hopped online for a bit with my mates and we played against the bots, The game calls all of the bots by names that are on your friendslist! I was killed many times by Beermonkey and Cube. :)


I then hopped into some wager matches and I have to say I LOVE the one bullet one kill mode. You really have to gauge whether you stay and hide while the other players use up their lives or go all out and get some points but at the risk of being shot.

It really is though.




Okay, I'm not being biased or anything, I actually played the game a while and it's far from being bad. It's just not very good. It's a good effort, but it falls short of it's premise in pretty much every single account.

Are you gonna offer any sort of insight as to why you think it's so great, or is just great because you like it?

Posted (edited)
far from being bad. It's just not very good. It's a good effort, but it falls short of it's premise in pretty much every single account.


Great writing there your analysis is fantastic.


Are you gonna offer any sort of insight as to why you think it's so great, or is just great because you like it?


Hmmmm why do I like it? Well for starters it doesn't fall short of it's premise in any account - Zipper created a Massive Action Game with 256 online players.


MAG is an incredibly deep online shooter which rewards working together in an 8 man squad. Communication is key and some incredible strategic decisions can be made. If you just go on for a quick blast you'll be bitterly disappointed.


MAG is probably the most updated game on the Playstation - Zipper are constantly tweaking the game and listening to their community. The recently released MAG 2.0 update was fantastic.

QUOTE]Patch Alert: MAG 2.0

The big day is here!


There is so much new content in MAG 2.0 that telling you how important or huge this is for the game, its fans, and for us seems unnecessary. Take one look at the changes listed below and you’ll understand why we’re calling this MAG 2.0




PlayStation Move support, an increased level cap, our revamped skill tree, the new economy system, and our highly-demanded clan deploy feature are just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many fantastic new or improved items in MAG 2.0 it’s almost like a whole new game!


A big thanks to all of you who have helped us get to this point with your support, your suggestions, and your mad beta testing skills. We hope you have as much fun playing MAG 2.0 as we did making it.


Patch v2.0

Available September 30th, 2010 | 36MB (TPPS), 532MB (DLS)


Gameplay (General)

Character level cap has been increased from level 60

to level 70

Added new “Supply Depot†menu and in-game economy

system (see “Gameplay – Economy†section for details)

Implemented new “Clan Deploy†feature that allows

Clan Leaders and Officers to deploy into group queues of up to

128 players

Characters moving from MAG v1.XX to MAG 2.0 will

receive an immediate and automatic Respec the first time they

log in

Repair Kits can now inflict damage on enemy soldiers,

vehicles and objectives

XP rate for “Repair†has been increased from 1.5XP/

10pts to 3XP/ 10pts

Players can now track all “sprinting†enemies on the

mini-map without the need for equipment

All “Damage Bar†rates for “Domination†maps have

reverted back to their original (and identical) values

Tuned the frequency in which a player can jump to

eliminate “bunny hopper†techniques

Reduced helicopter settle time, widened turret

rotation and significantly increased health to strengthen their

use as a forward spawn point

The “Silent Step†OIC Leadership ability now works as

intended by allowing nearby squadmates to move at both regular

and running speeds without detection from the motion sensor –

does not stack with any related skills or modifiers


Gameplay – (Economy)

Added in-game currency known as “Currency Points

(CP)†that is awarded for by completing objectives, earning

ribbons, finishing missions, and killing enemies

All gear and weapons are now located by default or

can be sold or purchased in the “Supply Depot†menu


Gameplay – Skills (Overall)

All Skills cost only one point per unlock, allowing

players to purchase new skills with every level increase

Removed all gear and weapon attainment from the

“Skills†menu, they now reside in the separate “Supply Depotâ€

Added “Engineering, Medical, Resistances, Special

Ops,†and ‘Vehicles†meta-categories to the “Skills†menu

Removed “Electronics, Explosives, Heavy, Personal

Defense,†and “Support†meta-categories from the “Skills†menu

Each meta-category in the “Skills†menu now has

multi-branching paths

The “Advanced Grenades, Improved Resuscitation,

Improved Shot Detection, Improved Stealth,†and “Knives

Expanded Reach†skills have all been eliminated or rolled into

other skills (see Skills sub-sections below for details)

Respec Points progression has been changed from 1K,

2K, 3K, 3K-Repeat to 1K, 3K, 5K, 5K-Repeat

Respec Points can no longer be “banked†and are

capped at the amount needed for the next Respec


Gameplay – Skills (Assault)

Added the following skills to the “Assault†menu:

“Assault Swap Speed†and “Rocket Launcher Reload Speedâ€

Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Assaultâ€

skills: “Assault Reload Speed, Assault Rifle Steady Aim,

Assault Swap Speed, Grenade Launcher Reload Speed,†and “Rocket

Launcher Reload Speedâ€

“Assault Reload Speed†skill has changed and now

decreases the reload time for all assault rifles and machine


“Assault Rifle Improved Stability†skill has been

renamed to “Assault Recoil Stability†and has been changed to

reduce the recoil on all assault rifles and machine guns

“Assault Swap Speed†skill has been changed and now

decreases the amount of time it takes to swap assault rifles,

machine guns, rocket launchers and grenade launchers


Gameplay – Skills (Marksman)

Added the following skills to the “Marksman†menu:

“Increased Scope Magnification, Marksman Fire Rate, Marksman

Recoil Stability†and “Marksman Swap Speedâ€

Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Marksmanâ€

skills: “Increased Scope Magnification, Marksman Fire Rate,

Marksman Reload Speed, Marksman Recoil Stability, Marksman

Steady Aim,†and “Marksman Swap Speedâ€

New “Increased Scope Magnification†skill increases

the level of zoom when using a scope on a sniper rifle

New “Marksman Fire Rate†skill increases the rate of

fire for all sniper rifles

New “Marksman Recoil Stability†skill reduces the

amount of recoil on sniper rifles

New “Marksman Swap Speed†skill decreases the amount

of time it takes to swap sniper rifles


Gameplay – Skills (Close Quarters)

Added the following skills to the “Close Quartersâ€

menu: “Close Quarters Fire Rate, Close Quarters Swap Speed,

Improved Knife Damage,†and “Knife Frequencyâ€

Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Close

Quarters†skills: “Close Quarters Fire Rate, Close Quarters

Recoil Stability, Close Quarters Reload Speed, Close Quarters

Swap Speed, Improved Knife Damage,†and “Knife Frequencyâ€

“Close Quarters Improved Stability†skill has been

renamed to “Close Quarters Recoil†stability and has been

changed to reduced recoil on all pistols, personal defense

weapons, submachine guns and shotguns

New “Close Quarters Fire Rate†skill increases the

fire rate of all pistols, personal defense weapons, submachine

guns and shotguns

New “Close Quarters Swap Speed†skill decreases the

amount of time it takes to swap all pistols, personal defense

weapons, submachine guns and shotguns

New “Improved Knife Damage†skill increases the

amount of damage knife attacks do to enemy soldiers

“Knives Improved Swipe Speed†Skill has been renamed

to Knife Frequency†skill, which decreases the time between

knife attacks


Gameplay – Skills (Special Ops)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Special Ops†menu: “Extended Tracking

Duration, Improved Acoustic Locator, Improved Explosive

Detector, Improved Motion Tracker, Improved Sensor Jammer†and

“Improved Suppressorsâ€

New “Extended Tracking Duration†skill increases the

amount of time a detected enemy is tracked on the mini-map and


New “Improved Acoustic Locator†skill increases the

effective range of an equipped Acoustic Locator gear item

New “Improved Explosive Detector†skill allows a

soldier with an Explosives Detector gear item equipped to

approach enemy mines while prone without triggering them

New “Improved Motion Tracker†skill increases the

range an equipped Motion Tracker gear item detects enemy


New “Improved Sensor Jammer†skill allows a soldier

with Sensor Jammer gear items to move at a faster rate before

being spotted by enemy Motion Trackers, as well as masking

nearby squadmates

New “Improved Suppressors†skill increases the

effectiveness of any suppressor when mounted on a weapon


Gameplay – Skills (Medical)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Medical†menu: “Heal Recharge Rate, Improved

Healing, Improved Resupply Rate, Medical Kit Heal Range, Self

Heal Speed,†and “Resuscitationâ€

New “Heal Recharge Rate†skill reduces the time

between medical kit and first aid kit applications

New “Improved Resupply Rate†skill reduces the time

it takes to refill your gear and ammo at supply points

New “Medical Kit Heal Range†skill increases the

range a medical kit can heal wounded teammates

New “Self Heal Speed†skill decreases the time it

takes to apply a first aid kit or medical kit when self-healing


Gameplay – Skills (Engineering)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Engineering†menu: “Advanced Electronics,

Advanced Explosives, Improved Repair Kit Damage, Improved

Repairing,†and “Mine Deploy Speedâ€

New “Advanced Electronics†skill decreases the amount

of time it takes to take control of battlefield

electronics-based objectives

New “Improved Repair Kit Damage†skill increases the

amount of damage the repair kit does to enemy soldiers,

vehicles and objective assets

New “Mine Deploy Speed†skill reduces the amount of

time it takes to deploy anti-personnel and anti-tank mines


Gameplay – Skills (Athleticism)

Added the following skills to the “Athleticism†menu:

“Increased Launcher Move Speed, Increased Move Speed,†and

“Improved Sprint Speedâ€

Added three upgrade tiers to the following

“Athleticism†skills: “Advanced Paratrooper, Increased

Endurance, Increased Launcher Move Speed, Increased Move Speed,

Improved Sprint Recovery,†and “Improved Sprint Speedâ€

New “Increased Launcher Move Speed†skill increases

the top speed a soldier moves and aims while holding a rocket


New “Increased Move Speed†skill increases the top

speed a soldier moves normally

New “Improved Sprint Speed†skill increases the top

speed a soldier moves while sprinting


Gameplay – Skills (Vehicles)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Vehicles†menu: “Improved Smoke Screen Rate,

Improved Turret Cooldown, Improved Vehicle Awareness, Improved

Vehicle Impact Damage, Increased Vehicle Speed,†and “Vehicle

Mine Resistanceâ€

New “Improved Smoke Screen Rate†skill reduces the

amount of time between smoke screens activated by the driver of

the vehicle

New “Improved Turret Cooldown†skill reduces the time

it takes for the soldier’s turret weapon to cool down after it

has overheated

New “Improved Vehicle Awareness†skill makes the

mini-map visible while a soldier is manning a vehicle or bunker

turret and can be upgraded to add base Acoustic Locator and

Motion Tracker functionality

New “Improved Vehicle Impact Damage†skill increases

the amount of damage inflicted on enemy soldiers when impacted

by the driver’s vehicle

New “Increased Vehicle Speed†skill increases the top

speed of the vehicle the soldier is driving

New “Vehicle Mine Resistance†skill decreases the

amount of damage a vehicle the soldier is driving takes from

enemy anti-vehicle mines


Gameplay – Skills (Resistances)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Resistances†menu: “Chemical Damage

Resistance, Extended Bleedout, Explosive Damage Resistance

Flashbang Resistance, Impact Damage Resistance,†and “Increased


New “Extended Bleedout†skill increases the time a

soldier can remain incapacitated before he bleeds out

New “Flashbang Resistance†skill decreases the

duration a soldier is affected by flashbang grenades



Increased base damage on most automatic weapons by an

average of 15%

Improved the spread rate of Assault Rifles and

Submachine guns when auto-firing so that they remain accurate


All suppressors now reduce shooting detection range

by half of their old default value

Knife tuning: Reduced range by roughly 30 centimeters

and decreased default “facing†damage bonuses

Knife tuning: Changed knife attack angle so that a

hit requires target to be closer to the center of the screen

Shotgun tuning: Corrected issue that prevented all

shotguns from reloading when the player was still holding the


Explosive tuning: Anti-personnel Mines now have a

“line of sight†check for detonation and have been given a more

realistic damage cone

Explosive tuning: Increased “Anti-tank Mine†damage

to vehicles by 50%


Gear and Apparel

Explosives Detector no longer beeps when in proximity

of a teammate’s mines — only when near an enemy’s; beep

frequency has also been adjusted

Motion Tracker has been updated so that it is no

longer based on an enemy’s speed and is now based on an enemy’s

stance, detecting movement for all un-jammed players

The Sensor Jammer had been updated so that all prone

movement by the equipped player is masked; can be enhanced with

“Improved Sensor Jammer†skill to mask crouched movement at

level 1, walking at level 2 and sprinting at level 3

Light/ Improved Light Armor base speed has been

reduced by nearly 3%

Heavy/ Improved Heavy Armor base speed has been

increased by nearly 3%

Light and Heavy Armor types have been given “bonusâ€

modifiers when used in conjunction with “Speed†skills so that

Light Armors receive greater benefits and Heavy Armors receive

lesser benefits



Added “Community News†page to better inform players

in-game of all MAG-related events or promotions

Different grenade types now show specific in-game

icons when thrown

Repaired bug that would sometimes result in the

post-game results screen displaying the incorrect amount of

earned XP

Added “Total Awarded Currency Points†to “Bonusesâ€

section of the character “Stats†page


Audio/ Visual

Thrown or launched grenades now have a “trail†effect

as well as an updated overall appearance to make them more

visible on the battlefield

Solved issue that prevented equipped grenades to

appear in the player’s hand prior to throwing them

An assortment of camera and animation optimizations

for various scenarios including but not limited to iron sight/

laser sight zoom, ladder climbing, mine placement,

self-healing, and weapon swapping

Improved presentation of the character “jumpâ€


Updated various pieces of artwork with newer versions

for better performance

Fixed issue that sometimes prevented medical device

appearance and/ or animations from displaying properly

Increased the Sensor Array’s animation time to match

the duration of its usage

Repaired bug that prevented the “Alarm†audio from

being played when charges were planted at “Objective C†in the

“Syr Daria Uplink†and “Darrien Network†maps

Slightly lowered the amount of camera shake from air

strikes, explosions, and when firing weapons

Repaired camera “pop†problem that would sometimes

occur when sprinting out of a parachute drop

Removed “shiny†graphics that would randomly appear

on bridges for all maps in which a bridge is present

Fixed issue that prevented win/ loss voice-over from

being played when game clock expires in “Interdiction†mode

Improved visual appearance of the Ribbon awards



MAG now fully supports the PlayStation Move


Fixed “Spooning Elevator†bug that allowed players

who revived downed teammates while laying on top of them to

float upwards and reach areas not intended to be accessed

“MVP†criteria no longer considers bonus XP modifiers

in its equation

Repaired issue that disconnected some members of

large-sized clans from the MAG game environment when logging in

Fixed issue that would sometimes halt the patching

process at 99% of the install period

Resupply Depots have been optimized so that the meter

accurately reflects what is being resupplied and the resupply

process itself is more efficient

Players can no longer take the driver’s seat in

vehicles that are not their squad’s “spawn†APC, but can take

any other seat in the vehicle regardless if their squad “ownsâ€

the APC or not

Repaired issue with “Happy Hour†timer that would

sometimes shave a few minutes off the correct total

Solved problem that sometimes caused incapacitated

players to rotate and move around

Players are now prevented from spawning inside a

helicopter that is headed out of the map

Mended problem that caused the “Primary Objectives

Completed†stat to sometimes double for various game types

Made additional fixes for rare “game crash†scenarios

Various localization updates and changes




The DLC for the game has been fantastic and adds even more bang for your buck.


Is there really any point in me praising this game though? you've obviously made up your mind already.


Less talk about crappy other games tell more about Black Ops Oxigen:bouncy:


Sorry man but had to answer him. Anyway - back to Black Ops...

Edited by Cookyman
Automerged Doublepost

Dead-Ops mode is so much fun. Its like playing Smash TV but with zombies! It would be even better if you could play it online in a co-op mode but I can't seem to find the option anywhere. :(


Its not really a spoiler as you unlock it at the main menu by doing a few things but I will post how to do it anyway.


Look at your hands at the main menu and press the R trigger and L trigger a few times. Once you are walking around go to the back of the room to a computer and type in DOA. This will unlock the game. If you want another achievemnt/trophy type in ZORK.



Dead-Ops mode is so much fun. Its like playing Smash TV but with zombies! It would be even better if you could play it online in a co-op mode but I can't seem to find the option anywhere. :(


Its not really a spoiler as you unlock it at the main menu by doing a few things but I will post how to do it anyway.


Look at your hands at the main menu and press the R trigger and L trigger a few times. Once you are walking around go to the back of the room to a computer and type in DOA. This will unlock the game. If you want another achievemnt/trophy type in ZORK.



I've been spoiling myself in anticipation of this, not on the campaign but looking up clips of zombie mode and i just literally found a video showing that!


That mode looks awesome, zombies and a smash tv minigame :hehe:

Great writing there your analysis is fantastic.




Hmmmm why do I like it? Well for starters it doesn't fall short of it's premise in any account - Zipper created a Massive Action Game with 256 online players.


MAG is an incredibly deep online shooter which rewards working together in an 8 man squad. Communication is key and some incredible strategic decisions can be made. If you just go on for a quick blast you'll be bitterly disappointed.


MAG is probably the most updated game on the Playstation - Zipper are constantly tweaking the game and listening to their community. The recently released MAG 2.0 update was fantastic.

QUOTE]Patch Alert: MAG 2.0

The big day is here!


There is so much new content in MAG 2.0 that telling you how important or huge this is for the game, its fans, and for us seems unnecessary. Take one look at the changes listed below and you’ll understand why we’re calling this MAG 2.0




PlayStation Move support, an increased level cap, our revamped skill tree, the new economy system, and our highly-demanded clan deploy feature are just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many fantastic new or improved items in MAG 2.0 it’s almost like a whole new game!


A big thanks to all of you who have helped us get to this point with your support, your suggestions, and your mad beta testing skills. We hope you have as much fun playing MAG 2.0 as we did making it.


Patch v2.0

Available September 30th, 2010 | 36MB (TPPS), 532MB (DLS)


Gameplay (General)

Character level cap has been increased from level 60

to level 70

Added new “Supply Depot” menu and in-game economy

system (see “Gameplay – Economy” section for details)

Implemented new “Clan Deploy” feature that allows

Clan Leaders and Officers to deploy into group queues of up to

128 players

Characters moving from MAG v1.XX to MAG 2.0 will

receive an immediate and automatic Respec the first time they

log in

Repair Kits can now inflict damage on enemy soldiers,

vehicles and objectives

XP rate for “Repair” has been increased from 1.5XP/

10pts to 3XP/ 10pts

Players can now track all “sprinting” enemies on the

mini-map without the need for equipment

All “Damage Bar” rates for “Domination” maps have

reverted back to their original (and identical) values

Tuned the frequency in which a player can jump to

eliminate “bunny hopper” techniques

Reduced helicopter settle time, widened turret

rotation and significantly increased health to strengthen their

use as a forward spawn point

The “Silent Step” OIC Leadership ability now works as

intended by allowing nearby squadmates to move at both regular

and running speeds without detection from the motion sensor –

does not stack with any related skills or modifiers


Gameplay – (Economy)

Added in-game currency known as “Currency Points

(CP)” that is awarded for by completing objectives, earning

ribbons, finishing missions, and killing enemies

All gear and weapons are now located by default or

can be sold or purchased in the “Supply Depot” menu


Gameplay – Skills (Overall)

All Skills cost only one point per unlock, allowing

players to purchase new skills with every level increase

Removed all gear and weapon attainment from the

“Skills” menu, they now reside in the separate “Supply Depot”

Added “Engineering, Medical, Resistances, Special

Ops,” and ‘Vehicles” meta-categories to the “Skills” menu

Removed “Electronics, Explosives, Heavy, Personal

Defense,” and “Support” meta-categories from the “Skills” menu

Each meta-category in the “Skills” menu now has

multi-branching paths

The “Advanced Grenades, Improved Resuscitation,

Improved Shot Detection, Improved Stealth,” and “Knives

Expanded Reach” skills have all been eliminated or rolled into

other skills (see Skills sub-sections below for details)

Respec Points progression has been changed from 1K,

2K, 3K, 3K-Repeat to 1K, 3K, 5K, 5K-Repeat

Respec Points can no longer be “banked” and are

capped at the amount needed for the next Respec


Gameplay – Skills (Assault)

Added the following skills to the “Assault” menu:

“Assault Swap Speed” and “Rocket Launcher Reload Speed”

Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Assault”

skills: “Assault Reload Speed, Assault Rifle Steady Aim,

Assault Swap Speed, Grenade Launcher Reload Speed,” and “Rocket

Launcher Reload Speed”

“Assault Reload Speed” skill has changed and now

decreases the reload time for all assault rifles and machine


“Assault Rifle Improved Stability” skill has been

renamed to “Assault Recoil Stability” and has been changed to

reduce the recoil on all assault rifles and machine guns

“Assault Swap Speed” skill has been changed and now

decreases the amount of time it takes to swap assault rifles,

machine guns, rocket launchers and grenade launchers


Gameplay – Skills (Marksman)

Added the following skills to the “Marksman” menu:

“Increased Scope Magnification, Marksman Fire Rate, Marksman

Recoil Stability” and “Marksman Swap Speed”

Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Marksman”

skills: “Increased Scope Magnification, Marksman Fire Rate,

Marksman Reload Speed, Marksman Recoil Stability, Marksman

Steady Aim,” and “Marksman Swap Speed”

New “Increased Scope Magnification” skill increases

the level of zoom when using a scope on a sniper rifle

New “Marksman Fire Rate” skill increases the rate of

fire for all sniper rifles

New “Marksman Recoil Stability” skill reduces the

amount of recoil on sniper rifles

New “Marksman Swap Speed” skill decreases the amount

of time it takes to swap sniper rifles


Gameplay – Skills (Close Quarters)

Added the following skills to the “Close Quarters”

menu: “Close Quarters Fire Rate, Close Quarters Swap Speed,

Improved Knife Damage,” and “Knife Frequency”

Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Close

Quarters” skills: “Close Quarters Fire Rate, Close Quarters

Recoil Stability, Close Quarters Reload Speed, Close Quarters

Swap Speed, Improved Knife Damage,” and “Knife Frequency”

“Close Quarters Improved Stability” skill has been

renamed to “Close Quarters Recoil” stability and has been

changed to reduced recoil on all pistols, personal defense

weapons, submachine guns and shotguns

New “Close Quarters Fire Rate” skill increases the

fire rate of all pistols, personal defense weapons, submachine

guns and shotguns

New “Close Quarters Swap Speed” skill decreases the

amount of time it takes to swap all pistols, personal defense

weapons, submachine guns and shotguns

New “Improved Knife Damage” skill increases the

amount of damage knife attacks do to enemy soldiers

“Knives Improved Swipe Speed” Skill has been renamed

to Knife Frequency” skill, which decreases the time between

knife attacks


Gameplay – Skills (Special Ops)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Special Ops” menu: “Extended Tracking

Duration, Improved Acoustic Locator, Improved Explosive

Detector, Improved Motion Tracker, Improved Sensor Jammer” and

“Improved Suppressors”

New “Extended Tracking Duration” skill increases the

amount of time a detected enemy is tracked on the mini-map and


New “Improved Acoustic Locator” skill increases the

effective range of an equipped Acoustic Locator gear item

New “Improved Explosive Detector” skill allows a

soldier with an Explosives Detector gear item equipped to

approach enemy mines while prone without triggering them

New “Improved Motion Tracker” skill increases the

range an equipped Motion Tracker gear item detects enemy


New “Improved Sensor Jammer” skill allows a soldier

with Sensor Jammer gear items to move at a faster rate before

being spotted by enemy Motion Trackers, as well as masking

nearby squadmates

New “Improved Suppressors” skill increases the

effectiveness of any suppressor when mounted on a weapon


Gameplay – Skills (Medical)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Medical” menu: “Heal Recharge Rate, Improved

Healing, Improved Resupply Rate, Medical Kit Heal Range, Self

Heal Speed,” and “Resuscitation”

New “Heal Recharge Rate” skill reduces the time

between medical kit and first aid kit applications

New “Improved Resupply Rate” skill reduces the time

it takes to refill your gear and ammo at supply points

New “Medical Kit Heal Range” skill increases the

range a medical kit can heal wounded teammates

New “Self Heal Speed” skill decreases the time it

takes to apply a first aid kit or medical kit when self-healing


Gameplay – Skills (Engineering)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Engineering” menu: “Advanced Electronics,

Advanced Explosives, Improved Repair Kit Damage, Improved

Repairing,” and “Mine Deploy Speed”

New “Advanced Electronics” skill decreases the amount

of time it takes to take control of battlefield

electronics-based objectives

New “Improved Repair Kit Damage” skill increases the

amount of damage the repair kit does to enemy soldiers,

vehicles and objective assets

New “Mine Deploy Speed” skill reduces the amount of

time it takes to deploy anti-personnel and anti-tank mines


Gameplay – Skills (Athleticism)

Added the following skills to the “Athleticism” menu:

“Increased Launcher Move Speed, Increased Move Speed,” and

“Improved Sprint Speed”

Added three upgrade tiers to the following

“Athleticism” skills: “Advanced Paratrooper, Increased

Endurance, Increased Launcher Move Speed, Increased Move Speed,

Improved Sprint Recovery,” and “Improved Sprint Speed”

New “Increased Launcher Move Speed” skill increases

the top speed a soldier moves and aims while holding a rocket


New “Increased Move Speed” skill increases the top

speed a soldier moves normally

New “Improved Sprint Speed” skill increases the top

speed a soldier moves while sprinting


Gameplay – Skills (Vehicles)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Vehicles” menu: “Improved Smoke Screen Rate,

Improved Turret Cooldown, Improved Vehicle Awareness, Improved

Vehicle Impact Damage, Increased Vehicle Speed,” and “Vehicle

Mine Resistance”

New “Improved Smoke Screen Rate” skill reduces the

amount of time between smoke screens activated by the driver of

the vehicle

New “Improved Turret Cooldown” skill reduces the time

it takes for the soldier’s turret weapon to cool down after it

has overheated

New “Improved Vehicle Awareness” skill makes the

mini-map visible while a soldier is manning a vehicle or bunker

turret and can be upgraded to add base Acoustic Locator and

Motion Tracker functionality

New “Improved Vehicle Impact Damage” skill increases

the amount of damage inflicted on enemy soldiers when impacted

by the driver’s vehicle

New “Increased Vehicle Speed” skill increases the top

speed of the vehicle the soldier is driving

New “Vehicle Mine Resistance” skill decreases the

amount of damage a vehicle the soldier is driving takes from

enemy anti-vehicle mines


Gameplay – Skills (Resistances)

Added the following skills, all with three-tiered

upgrades, to the “Resistances” menu: “Chemical Damage

Resistance, Extended Bleedout, Explosive Damage Resistance

Flashbang Resistance, Impact Damage Resistance,” and “Increased


New “Extended Bleedout” skill increases the time a

soldier can remain incapacitated before he bleeds out

New “Flashbang Resistance” skill decreases the

duration a soldier is affected by flashbang grenades



Increased base damage on most automatic weapons by an

average of 15%

Improved the spread rate of Assault Rifles and

Submachine guns when auto-firing so that they remain accurate


All suppressors now reduce shooting detection range

by half of their old default value

Knife tuning: Reduced range by roughly 30 centimeters

and decreased default “facing” damage bonuses

Knife tuning: Changed knife attack angle so that a

hit requires target to be closer to the center of the screen

Shotgun tuning: Corrected issue that prevented all

shotguns from reloading when the player was still holding the

“fire” button

Explosive tuning: Anti-personnel Mines now have a

“line of sight” check for detonation and have been given a more

realistic damage cone

Explosive tuning: Increased “Anti-tank Mine” damage

to vehicles by 50%


Gear and Apparel

Explosives Detector no longer beeps when in proximity

of a teammate’s mines — only when near an enemy’s; beep

frequency has also been adjusted

Motion Tracker has been updated so that it is no

longer based on an enemy’s speed and is now based on an enemy’s

stance, detecting movement for all un-jammed players

The Sensor Jammer had been updated so that all prone

movement by the equipped player is masked; can be enhanced with

“Improved Sensor Jammer” skill to mask crouched movement at

level 1, walking at level 2 and sprinting at level 3

Light/ Improved Light Armor base speed has been

reduced by nearly 3%

Heavy/ Improved Heavy Armor base speed has been

increased by nearly 3%

Light and Heavy Armor types have been given “bonus”

modifiers when used in conjunction with “Speed” skills so that

Light Armors receive greater benefits and Heavy Armors receive

lesser benefits



Added “Community News” page to better inform players

in-game of all MAG-related events or promotions

Different grenade types now show specific in-game

icons when thrown

Repaired bug that would sometimes result in the

post-game results screen displaying the incorrect amount of

earned XP

Added “Total Awarded Currency Points” to “Bonuses”

section of the character “Stats” page


Audio/ Visual

Thrown or launched grenades now have a “trail” effect

as well as an updated overall appearance to make them more

visible on the battlefield

Solved issue that prevented equipped grenades to

appear in the player’s hand prior to throwing them

An assortment of camera and animation optimizations

for various scenarios including but not limited to iron sight/

laser sight zoom, ladder climbing, mine placement,

self-healing, and weapon swapping

Improved presentation of the character “jump”


Updated various pieces of artwork with newer versions

for better performance

Fixed issue that sometimes prevented medical device

appearance and/ or animations from displaying properly

Increased the Sensor Array’s animation time to match

the duration of its usage

Repaired bug that prevented the “Alarm” audio from

being played when charges were planted at “Objective C” in the

“Syr Daria Uplink” and “Darrien Network” maps

Slightly lowered the amount of camera shake from air

strikes, explosions, and when firing weapons

Repaired camera “pop” problem that would sometimes

occur when sprinting out of a parachute drop

Removed “shiny” graphics that would randomly appear

on bridges for all maps in which a bridge is present

Fixed issue that prevented win/ loss voice-over from

being played when game clock expires in “Interdiction” mode

Improved visual appearance of the Ribbon awards



MAG now fully supports the PlayStation Move


Fixed “Spooning Elevator” bug that allowed players

who revived downed teammates while laying on top of them to

float upwards and reach areas not intended to be accessed

“MVP” criteria no longer considers bonus XP modifiers

in its equation

Repaired issue that disconnected some members of

large-sized clans from the MAG game environment when logging in

Fixed issue that would sometimes halt the patching

process at 99% of the install period

Resupply Depots have been optimized so that the meter

accurately reflects what is being resupplied and the resupply

process itself is more efficient

Players can no longer take the driver’s seat in

vehicles that are not their squad’s “spawn” APC, but can take

any other seat in the vehicle regardless if their squad “owns”

the APC or not

Repaired issue with “Happy Hour” timer that would

sometimes shave a few minutes off the correct total

Solved problem that sometimes caused incapacitated

players to rotate and move around

Players are now prevented from spawning inside a

helicopter that is headed out of the map

Mended problem that caused the “Primary Objectives

Completed” stat to sometimes double for various game types

Made additional fixes for rare “game crash” scenarios

Various localization updates and changes




The DLC for the game has been fantastic and adds even more bang for your buck.


Is there really any point in me praising this game though? you've obviously made up your mind already.


I haven't made my mind up, no. I tried it and "liked" it, it just didn't stand out as I'd expected it to. While it indeed is 250+ players, it never feels like you're playing with more than 20 people, which eventually renders the whole 250+ kind of useless.

When it comes to straight action, COD is better, when it comes to strategic "squad" action, Team Fortress 2 takes the prize and Bad Company isn't far behind, probably tied with MAG. As I've always played both those regularly, MAG was a disappointment to me (I was quite looking forward to it when it came out).


As for all the DLC, I obviously didn't try that so it's absent from my "opinion" of MAG.


But if you so solemnly insist on it's greatness, I guess I'll give it another more prolonged try. Seeing as it's so cheap now.


Less talk about crappy other games tell more about Black Ops Oxigen:bouncy:


It's quite awesome. Everything that annoyed 'bout MW2 is gone, it's more based on skill this time around... The wager matches are a blast, Zombie mode's tweak with new weapons is awesome... It's pretty much everything I wanted it to be, multiplayer-wise. Still haven't touched the single player, lol. The currency system works really well, as you can fit into your style of play right from the start. The barebones playlist is awesome. Dead-Ops is also awesome. It's pretty much a good package. Wether or not it's brilliant remains to be seen, but so far, so great.


Choze; I'm not a DIECORE fan of any game enough to go and join group masturbation sessions. I recognise that, ultimately, these games are just a means to an end -- that is, a way for the producers to get our fucking money. So why should I care that much?


Regardless of how much of the internet is covered in your grease, the point is that on this forum there's a certain way we run things. Firstly, don't presume that everyone behaves as you do. Don't assume that everyone knows what you do. This forum is about discussion and debate, not the measuring of various penises or pointing out/overlooking whatever smeg you feel is a tarnish on the penis that you'd otherwise suck.


The point is that you added nothing to this thread. Feel free to post things that back you up, and learn to be succinct. I don't understand why people ever argue the way you do - you're not going to convince anyone to change their mind with the way you argue, you're just going to make people think that you're a dick.


A problem for me with the Call of Duty franchise has been replayability. On the older titles i complete the campaign and then i put it down. I'm not really the type for online multiplayer but i enjoy the campaigns enough to play through them every time.

While Spec Ops was...okay the zombie mode in World at War kept my attention span for longer and this game from what i'm getting has more modes and secrets to keep me amused for even longer.


Now all i can do is wait and hope that Play actually gets this to me tomorrow morning. Goldeneye came on time but they posted this saturday, will be a bit peeved if it's not here tomorrow. :blank:


Jtothe7 just laid it down, so leave it now.


Kind of wanna go grab this now.


My brothers got in touch with me today asking if I was picking it up at midnight.


To be honest what will eventually make me get this will be for some decent multiplayer time with family.


CoD for me has become a tool for odd computer game bonding with my brothers.


We used to all sit around an N64 for some GoldenEye/PD.


Now it's scattered across the country with CoD.


It oddly holds a spot in my gaming heart next to GoldenEye and PD.


Was 4th in the que at GAME, but the que ended up being huge, felt ace walking out with the game with everyone looking at me!!


Got a free poster, dvd, avatar item, double reward points and entered into a raffle. + Got this and Fallout: NV for £42 thanks to the offer and a £22 gift card! :)

Was 4th in the que at GAME, but the que ended up being huge, felt ace walking out with the game with everyone looking at me!!


Got a free poster, dvd, avatar item, double reward points and entered into a raffle. + Got this and Fallout: NV for £42 thanks to the offer and a £22 gift card! :)


You have 56,000 G????? Jesus christ, you must be the least productive person on the planet! :eek:


Asda was actually insane, the queue went all the way across the supermarket and back. It was like being in a mosh pit of CoD fans.


Played the first 3 levels and it's been a bit meh, but I think it's gonna get better.


Sigh. It's completely borked on PC. Multiplayer has lag issues and severe frame rate drops with frequent server disconnects. Singleplayer has framerate issues too, and even the main menu interface has input lag/freezing issues. It's a real shame because when I actually managed to get a lag less experience, the game was loads of fun. It could be because the maps seem infinitely better than what MW2 had to offer but it's early days yet. Oh and it's not just me having problems. The people on the 5 different servers I played were complaining of the same issues, and the steam forums are full of complaints. I also read that treyarchs forums went down, probably because of the amount of people trying to voice their opinion.


I'm going to take some PS3 games down to GAME/ASDA to see if i can get the money to get this. ASDA trade in prices were alot better than GAMEs last time i traded in some games.


What do you guys think of it then?



Been playing for an hour or so.

-I like the new system of unlocking things

-Too many people are running about like headless chickens with SMGs and just mowing you down, no real tactics going on at the moment making it hard to get kill streaks

-Can't comment on the levels until I play them a bit more to get to know them

-The aiming feels a bit 'floaty' and less responsive than MW2. I got BF:BC2 and had the same problem but fortunately BO is much better than BC2 in that respect. Still, not as sharp as MW2 was

-Does the text really need to be that small?!?


The online is a bit knackered at the moment. If you try to play player matches with your mates it keeps kicking everyone out of the party so you end up in seperate matches. It was doing it all last night and its continued to do so today.


I've had a few matches on Nazi Zombies and its as fun as always. Although I don't care much for the crawler type enemies that spew gas out. I can't remember them being in WaW.

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