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Election 2010 - Con/Lib Government


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lol, that's what I love about this forum. You can be on the verge of ripping someone's face off (hyperbololz) and then instantly realise you're being ridiculous and forget everything about it. N-E ftw.


Random aside: my girlfriend has been in bed for the past 40 minutes. Screw you guys. :p

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I'm saying that using hyperbole to trash talk a party is being like a politician; I'm aware these are also human beings but they have traits that I wouldn't be proud to admit to share. Spinning actions to sound worse than normal is one...


He tried to make an action sound worse than it worse and trash the party for that reason; whether heat of the moment or not. And I'll leave it at that!


We're all the same disgusting ilk. You may not like it, and you probably won't like to admit it, but human beings are fucking horrible.


And you essentially said "it could be a few things...but I've decided it is this" which tickled me.


And for that reason I'm out. In fact, I'm out because look at the time! Some of us old codgers need to watch Frasier (keep my pretension topped up ;)) then sleep.


But yeah its fun to debate. Its something I get cock teased on in my current job. Nice to vent.

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lol, that's what I love about this forum. You can be on the verge of ripping someone's face off (hyperbololz) and then instantly realise you're being ridiculous and forget everything about it. N-E ftw.


Random aside: my girlfriend has been in bed for the past 40 minutes. Screw you guys. :p


In the words of Yul Brenner (Cool Runnings) "Hey, this doesn't mean that I like you"


But I may, just may, kiss your lucky egg.

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This whole argument is pretty bloody pointless. But...


Which, as it stands, is that Tories have a record of fucking the public sector up the bloody arse (to put it politely). Prior to the last Conservative leadership public sector jobs were seen as the pinnacle sector (in terms of pay, work-life balance, benefits etc). By 1997 they were pretty much aligned with the private sector. Not completely of course, it still has some benefits, but compared to 30 years ago its shit all.


They align public sector jobs with the private sector and they've fucked it up the arse? What planet are you living on exactly? I'm not going to get involved in this debate as it's quite clearly gone too far already but that's just crazy.

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This whole argument is pretty bloody pointless. But...




They align public sector jobs with the private sector and they've fucked it up the arse? What planet are you living on exactly? I'm not going to get involved in this debate as it's quite clearly gone too far already but that's just crazy.




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No, I just finished writing a 12,000 word dissertation last night and my mind needs a shed load of time to recover.


Political banter is always worth a crack though, even if my mind and hands are running on empty. My index finger, that's another matter ;)


Sheikah, I admire that you care about politics when nearly half the population doesn't. I admire the fact you will defend and justify your views, even if some of us don't agree. It's much better trying to explain stuff to people who know what you mean rather than the majority that prefer to watch Britain's got Talent or something else resembling 'entertainment.'


Keep it real homeboy. :hug:


Now I must go wipe the blue stains off my face... ;)

lol, that's what I love about this forum. You can be on the verge of ripping someone's face off (hyperbololz) and then instantly realise you're being ridiculous and forget everything about it. N-E ftw.


Random aside: my girlfriend has been in bed for the past 40 minutes. Screw you guys. :p

Well, if this was an action movie, you guys just fucked up the ending. :p


In all seriousness, though, this was an interesting debate to follow. :)

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This whole argument is pretty bloody pointless. But...




They align public sector jobs with the private sector and they've fucked it up the arse? What planet are you living on exactly? I'm not going to get involved in this debate as it's quite clearly gone too far already but that's just crazy.


Well as I see it (and as I was trying to say, but perhaps did so badly) public sector jobs were the 'better' jobs (to grossly simplify the term 'better' to make life easier) for numerous reasons and they were bought in-line (in a downward fashion) with the private sector. I interpreted that as losing the benefits of public sector working, but I suppose on the flip side it could be seen as improving private sector working. Its that glass scenario.


Whether there should be extra perks of working for the public sector is the other debate I suppose, which I hadn't considered. Possibly because I work for the public sector :heh:

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I just think same job = same pay/perks. At the end of the day it's our tax money being wasted every time a public sector job is paid above it's market rate. Money that could be spent on a better NHS or whatever else.


Anyway, David will be moving into number 10 soon so we can all go to bed happy. I'm off to watch Lost.

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I wasn't thinking of the same job scenario though personally. But anyway that's enough cup of coffee for another day.


And I doubt we'll all be going to be happy David will be moving into number 10. I'd imagine a lot of people will be lumbered with a sense of disappointment and disenchantment. Personally I'm going to try and see if he can possibly work alongside others and amend some of his fucked up (IMO of course) ideas. But I remain cynical, but what's new (pussycat? woooooah-oh-ooooh!)


(just to clarify perhaps public sector work should have come more into line with other jobs, but when I said "fucked up the arse" I meant from the view of public sector workers during the 70's/80's.)

Edited by Ashley
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So the weekend update (with Seth Meyers):


While Clegg and Cameron talk to their parties about their options protesters gather in London to ensure electoral reform is still a priority.


Kay Burley of Sky News proves



While Labour MP John Mann calls for Brown to back down.


Thoughts, opinions? Anyone at the protest (other than Mr-Paul)?


The Burley thing is outstanding, for all the wrong reasons. Total lack of professionalism (perhaps not helped as earlier someone shouted "sack Kay Burley. Watch the BBC. Sky News is shit," which must have been annoying but she is supposed to be a professional) as well as fucking stupid statements such as "65% of the British public voted for a hung parliament so what's the point in protesting against it?" No. Most people would have voted for a party (granted some voted tactically, but not all) and they're not protesting against it, they're making sure PR isn't swept under the rug.

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That's so dumb. She's trying to argue that people went out and voted for a hung parliament, and so it's what they wanted. Since when do people think 'God I hope we can have a hung parliament!' Not that you can even vote for such a thing, anyway, at least not without knowing what the final vote count would be beforehand. She should be sacked, then never allowed to work in news ever again. The bad news is that she'd probably manage to get a column in the Daily Mail.

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She's the same bitch that attacked Peter Andre for no reason whatsoever. Shit journalist.


Bolded bit = Lol. From Wiki, ofc:



Burley received some criticism following Sky News' coverage of the 11 September 2001 attacks when she said: "If you're just joining us, the entire eastern seaboard of the United States has been decimated by a terrorist attack".[4]


In an interview in February 2008 Burley asked the wife of Suffolk serial killer Steve Wright: "Do you think if you'd had a better sex life he wouldn't have done this?".[5]


It was alleged[6] that Burley was involved in a "small incident" outside Uxbridge Magistrates Court during a media scrum surrounding a court appearance by Naomi Campbell in 2008. There is some video footage[7] of the alleged altercation showing a hand around the neck of Associated Press photographer Kirsty Wigglesworth, pinning her to the wall. There is also a photograph[8] showing Burley's hand around Wriggleworth's neck. Wigglesworth sued Burley, but lost the case.


On February 3, 2010, Burley interviewed Peter Andre less than 24 hours after Katie Price and Alex Reid were married in Las Vegas. Andre was booked in advance to promote his new album, when Burley questioned him about Price, Reid and his children. He was also asked to comment on an interview Dwight Yorke, the father of Price's first child Harvey, had given to Sky News in October 2009. When the questions advanced to asking whether Andre feared losing custody of his children to Reid, he became visibly upset, declared "I was not prepared for this", and asked to end the interview.[9][10] Burley's blog entry describing the incident, entitled "Team Pete", attracted over 430 angry comments from viewers dismayed with her interviewing technique.[11].


On Saturday, 8 May 2010, Burley was heckled during an interview on College Green by a handful of supporters of electoral reform pressure group 38 Degrees. A protester chanted "Sack Kay Burley. Watch the BBC. Sky News is shit."[12] The protesters were apparently angry at her interview with 38 Degrees' David Babbs, on which The Guardian commented "Paxman, it ain't."[13] Burley, who was talking to a representative from Ipsos MORI, commented that "they don't like The Sun, they don't like us, they don't like Rupert" before the interview was cut for a commercial break.[13] She later agreed she had acted unprofessionally but said the protestors were getting "too much".

[edit]Dancing on Ice


Burley was a contestant for the second series of the ITV reality television show Dancing on Ice beginning on January 20, 2007.[14] She was skating for MacMillan Cancer Care, in memory of her mother who died of breast cancer[15]. She also donated her appearance fee to the charity. Kay went out of the show in the fifth week following a skate-off.[16][17]. She was described as "ugly" by the host Jason Gardiner, which his fellow judges agreed with


Gotta love cheeky editors.

Edited by dwarf
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So Brown has stepped down (report). Interesting. I've always had a bit of faith in Brown that as much as he clearly wants to be prime minister he will still act in his party's/the public's best interest and if there's one thing the electoral campaign has shown he can handle being a punching bag. It must be personally humiliating but...oh well. Or something? I dunno.


Anyway. More crazy drama, will have to wait and see what happens next.

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I thought Brown was OK. I think he meant well, but just couldn't show it, and was socially inept. Ah well.


Same thoughts here really.


No mention of him retiring from politics though. I guess he's keeping his place as an MP. It'll be interesting to see if he will keep a low profile, wouldn't be at all surprised to see him go from PM/Labour leader in to another (Shadow?) Cabinet position (Chancellor again?).


Whatever he does I really hope he gets a break from all of the slander he's been getting from the right-wing media. They've created a lot of animosity towards him with a lot of people blaming GB for the recession, for redundancies and all manor of other things (Not that he doesn't bear some responsibility, but a global problem all on one man's head? I think not).

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Yeah the Tory press has been ridiculous. If I could be bothered/had the skills I would have edited one of those annoying Injury Lawyers 4 U adverts to say something like "Had an accident at work, at home or on the road? It's Gordon Brown's fault. Bought to you by The Conservatives, because everything is Brown's fault". The amount of shit levied at GB is ridiculous. And the way Cameron acts about the recession; as if he was in charge we wouldn't have suffered from the GLOBAL recession is just silly. Yes, perhaps the extent wouldn't have been so bad, who knows. But he just comes across as "with me we would have been completely fine." Urgh.


Still, petty name calling and slander is to be expected in politics. Shame, politics are so much better when there's sex.


Oh and to paraphrase Dan Dare; I would love to get a poster of Cameron's facial reaction if a Labour/Lib-Dem government was formed.

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The best thing would be for the Conservatives to setup a minority government alone, which would mean another general election in future months, within which time he and his party will have had to implement a bunch of unpopular cuts, everyone will hate them and they'll get booted out!

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I'll miss Brown actually :( He was so human compared to the likes of Blair/Cameron/Clegg. Who now for Labour then?


The party will host an in-party election to decide that. Presumably in the next day or two to keep things moving.

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