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3 Days left utill Limited Edition Pikachu Nintendo 3DS XL Comes Out In Europe


Don't forget to pot loads of pictures once you get this Canand!! I really wanna see.

I did have a preorder in for it but had to cancel due to buying the Wii U.


Still, I will be getting one for Christmas but it will just be the white one with Mario Kart built in!

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Haha @Lens of Truth that Father Ted clip is priceless.


I remember seeing that when I was a kid and it still makes me laugh!


It's great that Nintendo look to be taking steps to correct their marketing anyway.

I think there are probably still people confused with the DS's and all the variations despite the fact the 3DS has been out for almost 2 years! :o.


With their next handheld, I definitely think Nintendo will step away from the 'DS' name. I also think they need to change the boxes, as it is really tricky to tell apart which ones are DS and 3DS games until you're up close. Naturally if the DS slowly phases out (unlikely) there wont be a problem, but as it's still having games released for it - it may still cause some confusion to the general public.


I can't wait to get a 3DS again for Christmas. I sold my old one in the summer as there was a bit of a game drought so I planned to rebuy one once there were more software titles I was interested in.

Now there's loads! And it definitely seems like the right time to buy what with Nintendo giving all XL owners / buyers a free game! :D

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Oh I agree. I'd be shocked if it wasn't all change for the next handheld and console from Nintendo. The Wii U and the 3DS are clearly evolutions and attempting to build and capitalise on the success of their predecessors, so in my view it's appropriate that they reflect that in the names, but they're surely the last. It was interesting when they brought up this graphic during a recent Nintendo Direct about Miiverse, with the other coloured shapes representing future Nintendo devices.


So whatever they are they'll have some important commonalities. It'll be great to see how Miiverse expands in years to come!

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Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what they come up with next.


I've said it before ages ago that I don't personally think the 3ds will have the longevity that the original DS had.


I also don't think we will see any more re-designs of the console either. New colours? Yep, probably. But a new design? No way. I think the XL will be the only one we get in terms of 'varying' the console.


I could be totally wrong of course. :heh:

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I've said it before ages ago that I don't personally think the 3ds will have the longevity that the original DS had.


I also don't think we will see any more re-designs of the console either. New colours? Yep, probably. But a new design? No way. I think the XL will be the only one we get in terms of 'varying' the console.


Agree. XL is the ultimate 3DS - I just don't see what else they could do with it (apart from things that they've dismissed, like dual analogue sticks).


I wouldn't be upset if 3DS only lasted about four years, although I'm still hoping for a Zelda, a 2D Metroid and a Dragon Quest...

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Agree. XL is the ultimate 3DS - I just don't see what else they could do with it (apart from things that they've dismissed, like dual analogue sticks).


I wouldn't be upset if 3DS only lasted about four years, although I'm still hoping for a Zelda, a 2D Metroid and a Dragon Quest...


Yeah totally.


The thing is though, I honestly don't see them adding the dual analogue sticks to this design.

I think this is the 3DS now - as you see it. An original version and an XL. No more.

The things they've dismissed will be looked at in the next console I'm sure.

Like I say I could well be very wrong - it's just the feeling I get.


And 4 years would be a perfect amount of time really.

Gives enough time for a Mario 3d Land 2, a new Zelda as you mention, oh and a new Super Princess Peach. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NINTENDO MAKE IT HAPPEN!!




See - even Peach want's it to happen. She's upset it hasn't happened already.

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And 4 years would be a perfect amount of time really.

Gives enough time for a Mario 3d Land 2, a new Zelda as you mention, oh and a new Super Princess Peach. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NINTENDO MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

I picked up that game cheap not expecting too much.. turned out to be one of my favourite DS games! Platforming perfection.

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Don't forget to pot loads of pictures once you get this Canand!! I really wanna see.

I did have a preorder in for it but had to cancel due to buying the Wii U.


Still, I will be getting one for Christmas but it will just be the white one with Mario Kart built in!


Even better how do you like a unboxing video


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Well me and my friends recently chipped in to get this for another friend. The console looks pretty damn amazing up close!


I initially had this down for a pre-order myself, but I cancelled it for the same reason you stated. I won't be using it, besides my Blue XL is luscious :)

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My XL CCP as arrived today:






It's a bit smaller than you would expect, it doesn't add much to the size of the XL. Have to play RE to know how it feels properly though. Good excuse for a replay! I'm sure there'll be a Monster Hunter bundle in March over here.

Edited by Ike
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