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3DS Console Discussion


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What game were you playing?


For instance... Pilotwings... full 3D I find really uncomfortable, but at around 30% and it's absolutely fine.


Zelda, I can whack 3D on full power and have no trouble at all.


Buy One!! :D Christmas is calling!


I agree, Pilotwings is such a headache with full 3D on, it's especially annoying when all of the balloons go into double vision :angry:


Other than that game though I generally have full 3D on all of the time - Because I'm hardcore.

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I agree, Pilotwings is such a headache with full 3D on, it's especially annoying when all of the balloons go into double vision :angry:


For the first few days, I only had the 3D Depth Slider set around half way but the more I played, the more comfortable I became with it :smile: I generally have it up as high as it will go, now :yay:


As for Pilotwings Resort, the balloons only really became a problem for in in that fantastic game when you would enter a cave or other dark area.. then I was seeing double a bit :heh:

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For the first few days, I only had the 3D Depth Slider set around half way but the more I played, the more comfortable I became with it :smile: I generally have it up as high as it will go, now :yay:


As for Pilotwings Resort, the balloons only really became a problem for in in that fantastic game when you would enter a cave or other dark area.. then I was seeing double a bit :heh:


Maybe it was just me, I've noticed that most 2D objects in a 3D environment tend to go into double vision for me ::shrug:


And I really liked Pilotwings Resort :P I just wish it was longer! More levels would have been great.


And that special edition 3DS does look nice but I'm not a huge Monster Hunter fan myself so I think I'd rather just get the Black and White 3DS! If only PKMN Black and White had come out on 3DS, it would be a match made in (Canand) heaven.

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My 29 hours suggest it was long enough.. for me, anyway :heh: It's the sort of game that it would maybe be nice to actually have some DLC on, such as a new mission every week..


How did you manage to spend such time on the game?! I thought my 10(ish) hours would be far more than the average gamer :p And that's only because I liked messing around WuHu island aimlessly popping balloons and such in Free Flight.

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Played the 3DS for the first time yesterday. It was only for about 5 minutes, but i was quite impressed. 3D effect is better than i thought, and looks nice and crisp. However, my eyes started hurting after that short amount of time, and the 3D slider thing was on half or lower the whole time. I'm more interested than before anyway. I'm still not getting one.


Not an owner myself but have played with / nando's / here and there since he got it. I only just became properly interested in getting a 3DS last week when watching some of the new 3D trailers because for the first time, seeing the 3D clicked for me. On other occassions it was nice but still blurry (maximum 3D is how I'll play when I have one, there can be no inbetween!), then this time watching Paper Mario, etc, the depth was just there for me and I properly appreciated what the 3DS is about. :cool:


Feels weird not owning the latest Nintendo tech but I still think I'm gonna wait it out for the inevitable dual-slide pad redesign. Means I'll miss out on all the initial Mario Kart 7 online mayhem but I know everyone will be playing it regularly for some time to come.

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Yeah but it's really not a case of maximum 3D = 'being a true hardcore gamer'!


Pilotwings can be really uncomfortable!


Ha, its more about wanting (or deluding myself into thinking I'm getting) the full 3D experience.


Maybe it was trying Pilotwings on maximum 3D before that prevented me from totally enjoying it. ::shrug:

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How did you manage to spend such time on the game?! I thought my 10(ish) hours would be far more than the average gamer :p And that's only because I liked messing around WuHu island aimlessly popping balloons and such in Free Flight.


Did you get a perfect score on every mission? That's what really increased the lifespan of the game for me :grin:

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Ha, its more about wanting (or deluding myself into thinking I'm getting) the full 3D experience.


Maybe it was trying Pilotwings on maximum 3D before that prevented me from totally enjoying it. ::shrug:

Yeah the 3D itself is a wierd one though (I realise you've played the 3DS so I don't mean to sound like I'm telling you about it)... because it differs in all games, and the '3D' in Pilotwings, just seems to act as a 'depth of field' slider. In that you still get the exact same experience, but it's almost like you're just moving the scenery back further away from yourself... and actually I found that I didn't like playing it like that... I prefered things to feel closer... at what I felt was the right distance instead of what felt like elongating everything!
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Did you get a perfect score on every mission? That's what really increased the lifespan of the game for me :grin:


I didn't, I always assumed it would be impossible because some of those missions are gnarly. I only got 3 stars in the first set of missions :p I spent most of my time trying to unlock the trophies. (or whatever they were called :p)


Some of them were very impressive! The first pop out 3D I saw was with the diorama of the plane, the literally stretched out, I had to touch the screen in amazement (which ruined the whole illusion :p)

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Some of them were very impressive! The first pop out 3D I saw was with the diorama of the plane, the literally stretched out, I had to touch the screen in amazement (which ruined the whole illusion :p)


Yeh.. that's the first time I saw something actually come out of the 3DS screen :hehe: I was thinking.. HELL YEH :grin:


I got 3 Stars in all the missions in Pilotwings Resort earlier in the year and decided to come back to it a couple of months later to get a perfect score on each mission :smile: At first, it perhaps does seem impossible but you soon get each mission figured out and, hopefully, you get there eventually..


I loved it :heh:

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Yeh.. that's the first time I saw something actually come out of the 3DS screen :hehe: I was thinking.. HELL YEH :grin:


I got 3 Stars in all the missions in Pilotwings Resort earlier in the year and decided to come back to it a couple of months later to get a perfect score on each mission :smile: At first, it perhaps does seem impossible but you soon get each mission figured out and, hopefully, you get there eventually..


I loved it :heh:


In that case I might go back to it in a few months (well, early next year after I've exhausted Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land :P) The only reason I didn't bother going back to the missions is because I was starting to get quite tired of WuHu island, especially because I aped the flight mode of Wii Sports Resort aswell.


One thing I did notice about WuHu island in Pilotwings is that it doesn't have random Mii's walking about or looking up at you, it made the place feel eerily quiet.

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Yeah I thought that was really disspointing about the island. And it makes things like the guy giving plane tours, or the fireworks seem pointless etc...


Mission Mode was BY FAR my favourite part of the game. Loved it!

The Free Flight stuff I'd already done on Wii Sports Resort, so didn't find it very interesting.

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How did you manage to spend such time on the game?! I thought my 10(ish) hours would be far more than the average gamer :p And that's only because I liked messing around WuHu island aimlessly popping balloons and such in Free Flight.


I've spent 25 hours on it (2nd only to Ocarina of Time), which included completing Free Flight 100%, but not Mission Mode. I still need two stars, and that's without perfecting the later missions.

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Yeah some games the depth is too much, pilot wings being one of them. Capcom for me have the best 3d, absolutely flawless, full whack in Street Fighter and Resident Evil. It's awesome.


And snowman, I just don't know how you can actually go on without playing Mario land and Mario Kart, crazy!! Buy a 3DS AND buy the redesign, easy! Don't deprive yourself of the christmas fun!

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Yeah they are region locked.


This depresses me (I already knew but still, every time it is mentioned I get filled with rage) - Some of my favourite DS games were imports like Ossu! Tatake! Ouendan! (sp?) and Taiko No Tatsujin!


@Retro_Link I'm glad someone agree's! I thought I was the only one that was disappointed by the lack of Mii's. I loved in the Wii version how you found random ones, I thought it was so cute when I found that Mii couple at the end of the beach :love:


@Grazza Ocarina of Time takes up most of my 3DS usage too, I quite like looking at the high scores and seeing how long I've spent on what :D I'm a nerd for things like that (Which is why I love Smash Bros - So...many...statistics!)


@Dyson - I feel your pain. I went and got a blue 3DS mere weeks before the red one was released over here. For some reason I assumed Nintendo wouldn't release the red one in Europe 'till about November to go along-side the Mario titles but then there I was, in September, writing about how it's being released in the UK that very same month :red:


Yet, it's not all bad. As good as the red 3DS looks, I can't get over just how shiny and beautiful my 3DS is. It's like, the box isn't deceiving for once and it really is as shiny in real life!

Edited by Josh64
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