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The Conduit 2

Zechs Merquise

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WTF kind of interview was this?... "OMG I love Conduit so much"... that's not even gramatically correct!

The source is apparently this GameFAQs post, where Bob from High Voltage decided to answer questions he'd received through private messages and "other channels" (read: himself, based on the last question).


Toy Story Mania was released on the Wii in 2009 according to Wikipedia, so I guess High Voltage is porting it or something. 55% on GameRankings! "Good shooting gallery" indeed.


I wonder if he's really excited about their projects or if he's just happy that they've somehow managed to stay in business despite only releasing mediocre trash.


Edit: Victorious: Taking the Lead looks awesome, though.

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I'm looking forward to what HVS bring to WiiU. The Conduit wasn't bad, spot on gameplay, a robust online component - it just let itself down with poor design and art. I would rather they prioritise The Grinder for WiiU though, soak it in beasts and mythology from all over the world and you're onto a winner (well, perhaps there's a little more than that).

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I'm looking forward to what HVS bring to WiiU. The Conduit wasn't bad, spot on gameplay, a robust online component - it just let itself down with poor design and art. I would rather they prioritise The Grinder for WiiU though, soak it in beasts and mythology from all over the world and you're onto a winner (well, perhaps there's a little more than that).


What ever happened to that game? Is it still in development?

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The Grinder started out looking like an awesome Wii version of Left4Dead. It featured monsters - with the horde monster being feral vampires. It was an FPS and featured 4 different characters all who looked cool and had different traits.


Here is a video of its awesomeness:



The game then disappeared. No one heard anything about it. Then all of a sudden it resurfaced on the 360 and PS3 as an isometric top-down shooter which looked at best utterly average and forgettable.



After it's E3 showing in that form is disappeared again - most likely due to it's poor reception in this form.


The Grinder actually looked pretty good and I was more interested in it than I was The Conduit, it's sequel or Tournament of Legends (their fighting game which was utter shite).


Also, anyone that claims The Conduit had a 'robust' online component clearly never played any of the COD games on the Wii or Medal of Honour Heroes 2. That's how FPS games should be dealt with! The Conduit had awful match making, the worst way ever of choosing a game mode, map and weapon set and the maps were all arenas with zero personality.


The one thing it did have going for it at the time was Wii Speak - which seemed great. Until Black Ops came out with an awesome headset. But let's be honest here, even with the higher player count and the Wii Speak, The Conduit was nowhere near as good as Modern Warfare Reflex or World at War!

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I only played one level of The Conduit, but that was much better than the 360 version of World at War.


If you read what I said, I was clearly referring to the online component.


World At War had much better maps, much better levelling (which actually granted you something for levelling up), better weapon variety, proper classes and never ended up in 20 minute matches where all anyone had was a rocket launcher.

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Allow me to explain The Conduit to you haters:


It is the lovebaby of HVS and the Wii, because it's an exclusive FPS franchise from a 3rd party for the Wii.

I don't believe there's any other game like The Conduit in terms of the former.

I can believe that it pales in comparison to the online modes of franchises that have been around for ages and are then ported to the Wii with care (because, let's be fair, a COD game with no robust online is quite frankly a shitty game), but The Conduit franchise has a certain charm.

It gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling watching a child grow up over the years on 1 platform, learning along the way whilst you're sipping your tea. It gives one the satisfaction to know that there are still developers out there who try to work with the Wii, instead of crying about the fact that it's hard to work with because of its limitations compared to the other consoles


On top of all that, The Conduit 2 clearly had improvements over the first one and the mythos has lots of potential for growth. Presidents in space appeal much more to me than 'the enemy of the nation' or some stuff like that. Or the Russians, or the Chinese or whoever America has chosen to be their enemy this time.


All I'm trying to say is, The Conduit isn't that bad.: peace:


Disclaimer: I'm a sucker for new franchises :laughing:

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Nah, I just have a distinct relationship with the franchise and it hasn't given me AIDS.

When was the last time you were tested, though? :heh:


You should always be tested for STDs after playing The Conduit.


And if you enjoyed it, you may also want to get your brain checked!

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Right, let me fully clarify my position on The Conduit:


I was super happy when HVS decided to make a 3rd party exclusive FPS for the Wii. But HVS massively over-hyped it. It's one thing conceiving a new and relatively interesting IP, but don't go claiming it's the second coming! They wounded it because it was never going to live up to the hype unless it was basically Halo 3 on the Wii.


When it did come out it was slightly underwhelming and generic. However it still looked quite good, played smoothly enough and I enjoyed it to a degree. So it's not a total stinker. It's just a run of the mill shooter. But the disappointment set in for many as we'd been told it would be so much more. We were also told it was going to wonderful and customisable in the control department, yet it felt jittery and less intuitive than COD or MoHH2.


I did however enjoy the single player. Despite being generic and having a very limited run of weapons it was fun, moved along at a good pace and had some fun moments. Sadly, it didn't have a good ending.


As for the multi-player - I'll start with the good; I had a good time playing with the N-E lot and really enjoyed the banter on Wii speak, we had some good nights.


But then comes the bad - when games like WAW and MoHH2 already existed it was unforgivable that HVS included literally a 2-3 minute wait in match making queues. What's more, it was a lottery as to what weapons, time limit or game type would be played. This meant that after waiting minutes, you could end up playing a game that was total crap and you hated.


This is unforgivable. All HVS had to do was look at COD and see how it was done. What's more, when you did soldier through it you were rewarded with what? A new f*cking emblem!?! Nice. No unlocks, no new weapons, perks or attachments - just a new emblem.


I can deal with it being generic. I can deal with it not having a massive budget. I can deal with the over-hype. I could even deal with the maps which were poorly made arenas with literally no landmarks. All of this would have been tolerable if you could have simply jumped in and played a proper TDM or free for all with normal weapons.


But no, more often than not you'd end up in a shitty map for 20 bloody minutes playing with rocket launchers all because the Mario Kart way of picking a map and game mode simply doesn't fit an FPS.


I do really respect HVS for putting in effort and trying to do this on the Wii. I understand they didn't have a monster budget or have help from bigger and more experienced studios. But making idiotic choices that literally ruin the game (when there's several much better and proven ways of doing things on the market) makes me wonder what was going on at HVS.


For all their talk about making this great exclusive shooter for the Wii, had they actually sat down and played other shooters? Had they looked at the competition and asked themselves what was good about other games? This massive error makes me wonder if they were even gamers! This huge screw up made me dislike the game so much I was less ready to forgive all the other issues.


As a postscript to this - Modern Warfare Reflex on the Wii had annoying moments, especially with lag in some poorly matched games. However because the fundamentals - the map design, the weapons, the levelling and the rewards were so good you forgave the odd poor game. Also, when you got into a poor game you could back out and jump into a new one in 30 seconds.

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