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Rumor: Devs already working on 'new Nintendo platform'


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Look, the point I'm trying to make isn't that the Wii is a bad console, or anything like that. Really, I've had a Wii since the day it came out, and I've played some great games on it. What I'm objecting to is the attitude that someone who doesn't own a Wii isn't a core gamer, or that everything on other consoles is a mainstream game. People who say stuff like this are just as bad as people who say stuff like "Teh Wii haz teh no games lulz". Both attitudes are ridiculous. Sure, other consoles do have mainstream games, and yes, they tend to be the most popular, just like Wii Play is one of the most popular (in terms of sales anyway) Wii games. Mainstream games should by definition be the most popular, but that doesn't mean there aren't games for the core.


People here (and I'm not talking about you, because I know you have just about every console ever made) tend to have double standards somewhat. They say they are hardcore because they're the only ones who can appreciate Wii games, yet they don't even want to try and play games on other consoles. I'm not saying everyone has to own all the consoles to be a core gamer, or anything like that, but like you said you have to appreciate a wide range of art from any medium to really be a fan of that medium.


People who only play the mainstream games on other consoles and say there's nothing on those consoles thats new, its all just the same old stuff, are just as bad as the people who say that the Wii sucks because Wii games suck, because they only played Wii play or something like that.


Also, the game prices you listed seemed rather cheap compared to what I've seen them going for, I was putting them more in the $25 range.


Your second last paragraph doesn't make sense, but if you're saying that anyone who can't find something enjoyable out of the games you listed isn't a core gamer, you're probably right, you listed off some great games. The problem is, just like any console, there are lots of niches that just aren't filled on the Wii. I mean, there's nothing like Fallout 3, or Battlefield on the Wii, and there's a good chance there never will be. A person who enjoys games similar to either of the two games mentioned the most, isn't going to be happy with just owning a Wii for the most part. If they can only afford, or only have the time to play games on one console, regardless of how much they like games, they're going to play the games they like playing the most. Just like if you could only watch one movie a month, you'd probably pick something you'd enjoy the most.

Edited by Emasher
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Look, the point I'm trying to make isn't that the Wii is a bad console, or anything like that. Really, I've had a Wii since the day it came out, and I've played some great games on it. What I'm objecting to is the attitude that someone who doesn't own a Wii isn't a core gamer, or that everything on other consoles is a mainstream game. People who say stuff like this are just as bad as people who say stuff like "Teh Wii haz teh no games lulz". Both attitudes are ridiculous. Sure, other consoles do have mainstream games, and yes, they tend to be the most popular, just like Wii Play is one of the most popular (in terms of sales anyway) Wii games. Mainstream games should by definition be the most popular, but that doesn't mean there aren't games for the core.


Oh, then I completely agree, both mindsets wind me up. If you only have one console then there are more than enough games for you to actually play through, you can be happy. On the flipside, you will also be missing out on some fantastic software, whichever console you own.


Also, I think you can be a serious core gamer with only one console, whichever one that is; I mean, not everyone can afford 2 or 3 machines. My only problem is people claiming to be a core gamer and slagging off another console (which typically is the Wii). People can think the Wii is shit, or the nice loving Wii owners think the PS3 is; fine. Just don't try and act above yourself and proclaim yourself as a core gamer.


It's fine to just like FPS and Fifa (like a few of mates); or fine to just like playing retro games, or quirky wii games, or only like motion control. All these are fine. But, for me, someone who likes quality games and experiences, irrespective of how much production value, what console they're on, how good the graphics are etc etc These are core gamers to me.


In other news Emasher, how come you're not joining in our Conduit League?!

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That is absolutely brilliant. :bowdown:


Anyways, it could be a new... wait for it... GAMEBOY?? The Third pillar resurrected.


I can't see Nintendo announcing a successor to the Wii or the DS at all this year.


The Wii has 4 huge AAA games on the way this year (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DQ10) plus whatever Nintendo is holding back from announcing (Pikmin 3, Starfox, F-Zero)


I honestly think they will do a double reveal at E3 2011, Wii's Successor and the DS2. We'll get an early 2011 announcment for the DS2 but E3 will be where all is revealed (specs, games etc)

Edited by lostmario
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5 bucks says it's nothing at all. This rumour, much like every other rumour Nintendo fans have hyped (Zelda trailer in October 2009, anyone?) is almost certainly fake.


Maybe, but the Zelda thing was just wishful thinking. This isn't 100% confirmed but with what Iwata has been saying lately, point to something being revealed.


What's going to be revealed, I have no idea.

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This will be nothing. Don't get hyped. Companies have press events all the time and nothing significant is revealed.


Wait for E3, that's when Nintendo will reveal what they've got ready.


Also, Pikmin 3 was already announced at E3 2008 by Miyamoto. It just hasn't been revealed yet.

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Maybe, but the Zelda thing was just wishful thinking. This isn't 100% confirmed but with what Iwata has been saying lately, point to something being revealed.


What's going to be revealed, I have no idea.

I still highly doubt it. Look at the first post. An anonymous employee was tipped off by another anonymous employee that he heard a rumour. Real concrete stuff.


As for Iwata, the guy's been saying that the next Wii (lets refer to it as Wii 2) wont simply include HD functionality with nothing more. Suggesting it wont be an incremental upgrade (like the DS to a DSi). Granted, it could be a hand-held but you only need to look at the ridiculous numbers Nintendo are pulling to see they have no real reason to announce something.


Again, I'm not saying it definitely wont happen, but the probability of a new console reveal is extraordinarily slim.

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I still highly doubt it. Look at the first post. An anonymous employee was tipped off by another anonymous employee that he heard a rumour. Real concrete stuff.


As for Iwata, the guy's been saying that the next Wii (lets refer to it as Wii 2) wont simply include HD functionality with nothing more. Suggesting it wont be an incremental upgrade (like the DS to a DSi). Granted, it could be a hand-held but you only need to look at the ridiculous numbers Nintendo are pulling to see they have no real reason to announce something.


Again, I'm not saying it definitely wont happen, but the probability of a new console reveal is extraordinarily slim.


At the end of the day, we both have no idea. Everyone thoughtthe PS3 slim rumors were fake, but turned out true. Theres no point debating this anyway.

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At the end of the day, we both have no idea. Everyone thoughtthe PS3 slim rumors were fake, but turned out true. Theres no point debating this anyway.


Well, PS3 slim was so bad design that people actually thought that rumors WAS fake. But hey, this big (but slim) thing was real and it was hard to believe, for me at least.

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I saw this little rumour rear it's head over at VGChartz...




Adds a little fuel to the fire it may be the announcement of a slightly beefed up Wii, or maybe a new remote including motion plus!




I'm not convinced we'll see any hardware from Nintendo this summit. Maybe there is an argument for a revised Wii MotionPlus remote, but i'm just not convinced that nintendo will risk the confusion.



Nintendo have really seemed to step back from DS, the only significant release in the last two years has been Spirit Tracks - perhaps there is an argument that they're prepping games for a handheld (but would they really risk canibalising their own market?) As for Wii, Nintendo have a great year lined up for Wii, with a couple of third parties planning great content too. The only way Nintendo will release a HD Wii at this time is to either reschedule the games for Wii 2 or - as MS are rumoured to be doing - make them 'forwards compatible' with any HD successor (is Nintendo really able to forward plan like that?)

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Nintendo have really seemed to step back from DS, the only significant release in the last two years has been Spirit Tracks - perhaps there is an argument that they're prepping games for a handheld (but would they really risk canibalising their own market?)


Maybe they expect Sony to show a new handheld and in that case would need to show something as well. I mean imagine if Sony showed something new and Nintendo had nothing to keep up. Sure the DS would keep selling for some time but then Sony would have a large library of next-gen games already when the next Nintendo handheld would finally be released.

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Maybe they expect Sony to show a new handheld and in that case would need to show something as well. I mean imagine if Sony showed something new and Nintendo had nothing to keep up. Sure the DS would keep selling for some time but then Sony would have a large library of next-gen games already when the next Nintendo handheld would finally be released.


Excellent point. Sony must be feeling the pressure from the iPhone/iPod Touch, especially as the PSP never took off properly, and the PSP Go was even worse. They must surely be preparing the PSP 2.


Also, I thought Nintendo actually planned to release the DS 2 a while ago, but the DS was still too popular, so they made the DSi as a stop-gap.

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