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Rumor: Devs already working on 'new Nintendo platform'


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I reckon it ought to be rumour, like colour or honour.


Let us support the extra u, for it's all that is left of Great Britain's cultural heritage.


In all fairness (and in more history), 'u'-less words are the original British spellings that went over to America and then we tried to make ourselves look smarter (or at least the Lords did) by adding superfluous letters and bastardising our own language.

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In all fairness (and in more history), 'u'-less words are the original British spellings that went over to America and then we tried to make ourselves look smarter (or at least the Lords did) by adding superfluous letters and bastardising our own language.


Interesting, I didn't know that. Thanks Ashley!

As an upcoming student of the English language and culture, much obliged: peace:

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In all fairness (and in more history), 'u'-less words are the original British spellings that went over to America and then we tried to make ourselves look smarter (or at least the Lords did) by adding superfluous letters and bastardising our own language.


But really when you think about it, the language is called "English", not "American". Its not like english today is like it was back in the Elizabethan era or anything like that. Languages evolve over time. The way the language evolved in the country where it started should be the real proper version of the language today, not how the language was back when another country started up and adopted the language.

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I got Lindsey a pink Micro and that was sublime


I have the pink micro, very nice. Only use it to play Turtles GBA (awesome game).


So when is this media summit? This Wednesday? Would be nice for some announcements. I'm a sucker for new stuff. So tricky, DS is still doing incredibly well, still getting incredible software and has pretty much no competition. But it's relatively old. The Wii is also doing very well, but is not doing so well on the software front - it's not getting the huge 3rd party games and it doesn't have very good sales generally. So for me, Nintendo need to reinvigorate the Wii market, which I think they could do with the Wii HD.


So the options are:


1. Wii HD. What I really hope for. Keep the Wii and the Wii HD going, the Wii HD providing core gamers with everything they need, and the Wii for everything else.


2. DS 2. It's time for it so seems the most likely, but Nintendo simply have no need as it's dominating with sales and software....


3. GameBoy or DS Slate. The ONLY thing I can see damaging Nintendo is the Iphone/iPad. Nintendo could attack early and unveil a similar device. A slate device with a fantastic downloadable service.


Either way, online is the thing Nintendo REALLY needs to sort out. They are abysmal and they have to realise they are. We all know the friend code system is a joke, and I'm pretty confident this won't be around much longer. But aside from this, they need to have an online account rather than a console account - this causes so many effing problems for consumers.


Games people download need to be synched to this account in the same way the Iphone works. If I change my iPhone, it doesn't matter. It has to work this way. Nintendo also need to make it MUCH easier to download the games and browse the game. The difference between the iPhone and the DSi is a joke. The Wii is better but barely. Sort it out and speed it up; whether you like it or not, downloading games/software is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger...


I try and tell people that I speak American.


But you don't, you speak dumb English :)


Why do you try and tell people that? What's the difference between the languages bar a few spelling errors? You have a few meaning changes (fanny), and use different words for things (trash) but then so do the different region sin England. It's still English!

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When you say Wii HD, are you referring to a console that upscales games (not renders at, but upscales), has an HDD, ect, or do you mean otherwise? In all honesty, the first thing just isn't going to happen, its too late in the cycle for something like that, and too early for an all new console the way the Wii is selling right now. Not to mention, they would save an announcement like that for E3.


Once again, Nintendo has an event around this time every year. Nothing ever comes from it. Don't expect anything, and just be pleasantly surprised if you do get something.


My opinion of what Nintendo's online needs:


-Mandatory Wii Speak Support

-Headset that can be used instead of Wii Speak

-Everything is tied to a central account

-People just need to add the name of that account and wait for you to confirm, to add you as a friend

-Mandatory Demos for downloadable games

-Demos for retail games that are small enough.

-More appropriate pricing for the shop channel

-Syncing of VC games (Besides the N64 ones) to a DSi that is tied to the same account.

-Multiple online accounts per console for different family members

-External HDD support

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-More appropriate pricing for the shop channel


Eh? This isn't really a substantial problem, I think you're getting a bit picky. I don't think it's something many people feel is an issue. I personally think the pricing is perfect.


Why do you try and tell people that? What's the difference between the languages bar a few spelling errors? You have a few meaning changes (fanny), and use different words for things (trash) but then so do the different region sin England. It's still English!


Oh look, dont start with the fucking semantics shit again. You know what I call "semantics"?... Wank!


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1. Wii HD. What I really hope for. Keep the Wii and the Wii HD going, the Wii HD providing core gamers with everything they need, and the Wii for everything else.

Seriously guys, from here on in can we refer to it as follows: Wii 2 would be the next big step (like from GameCube to Wii, or NES to SNES) while a Wii HD would be simply a slight upgrade that upscales or has a HDD (ie: DS to DSi)

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Eh? This isn't really a substantial problem, I think you're getting a bit picky. I don't think it's something many people feel is an issue. I personally think the pricing is perfect.


While I'm fine paying the listed prices for games like Mario and Zelda, and stuff like that, that's actually worth the price, there's some stuff that's a huge rip off if you compare it to what you can get for the same price on similar services.


I don't think you could possibly justify paying 500 points for clu clu land, or balloon fight or something like that. Just compare that to what you can get for the same price on the App store, or the PSN store, or similar services.

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I don't think we'll see major hardware updates announced this week. New DS/Wii colours perhaps, integrated Motion+, perhaps an announcement of a larger flash drive as standard. Talk of Vitality too (hopefully, confirmation that the tech will be included into a new style nunchuk.


I see a release for that bizarre Wii TV channel from Japan, but perhaps tied to more meaningful programming from networks, or a Wii No Ma skinned Youtube Channel. I'd actually like an update to the Wii menu too; going for a 3x3 grid but with a column for freinds update (who is playing what etc), whats in store at Wii Shop etc. Perhaps some real quirky Facebook integration too (updating your status with what your playing). I'd like to see Nintendo join with Google for better services like Weather, News, viewing Googledocs, interweb searches direct from the Wii Menu. Overhaul of Wii Shop too.


On the DS side, again some partnership with Google; again an overhaul of the DS shop, an integrated Amazon MP3 download service, VOIP services and maybe VOD services, linking your Wii and DS via the FCs to veiw and shop remotely. Potentially minor update to include 3G out of the box, but highly unlikely. Announcement of rumble-stylus compatible games.


And just a general run down of forthcoming announced games.





You just wanted to say "Fanny", didn't you.

Edited by david.dakota
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But you don't, you speak dumb English :)


Why do you try and tell people that? What's the difference between the languages bar a few spelling errors? You have a few meaning changes (fanny), and use different words for things (trash) but then so do the different region sin England. It's still English!


I was being facetious.

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This can only be a couple of new game announcements and more info on the games we already know about.


The vitality sensor and Zelda have been confirmed for E3 2010 numourous times.


More on Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid would do me, i've come to the conclusion it's better to expect 'nothing' then to expect anything...very few of these conferences actually give out thrilling news to be honest.

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