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Lost: The Final Season


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The Lost group http://www.facebook.com/LOST?ref=nf posted this link:




didn't realise you could watch them via this...on ABC's actual website...


:o I had no idea either. You are now my bestest friend 4 eva; I don't have to resort to illegalities. :hug:


But...I now have to wait until the weekend before I can watch, because if I see it before my girlfriend there is a strong chance she'll kill me or I'll die from holding in spoilers.

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I was thinking that through the whole show, thinking sayid would be the 'vessel'. Wondering why the smoke-monster-personified-dude-currently-in-locke never said his name, but that's typical Lost stuff I suppose.


Generally speaking, I was unsure about these eps. The last season had such a massive cliff-hanger we had no clue whatsoever of the direction this one would be going in. The 'temple' stuff is a bit of a get-out because - oh, look, more 'others'.. It's a bit annoying. How do they fit into the Everything That Has Ever Happened?


No doubt we'll find out. That stewardess being there, and the kids, means there must be a link to the Original Others (and... like, that whole Walt shit. Where did Claire go, again?).


The temple leader's 'translator' looks so damn similar to one of Hurley's flashback mates, it's silly.


In general I thought that, considering it's the last season, it was all a bit slower than usual.


I do like the alternate reality element, don't really know where it's going to go or if it's going to be in anyway relevant to the dudes left on the island.


I suppose the main focus is going to be Jacob/Smoke dude, with smoke dude trying to go home, wherever that is.


I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride!





I was always under the impression that was for US viewers only. Not clicked the link just now but say it ain't so.


I think Sayid is Sayid because the thing happen to young ben and the others were send to the Temple at the end of series three and some of him were send to the beach to attack the Losties.


The sidewaysflashes could give us answers to series one questions and give it the same feel of series 1.


Alt Jack/Locke scene was nice and alt world gave us some-things about Jack neck, his father body going missing and Desmond's disappearance from the plane.





They made it seem that away, to be honest.


But why did he say "What happened?"


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* Original timeline: Sun and Jin are unhappily married. After an aborted escape attempt, Sun joins Jin in boarding Oceanic Flight 815 for their planned vacation/business trip to Los Angeles, wherein Jin was to deliver a watch for Sun's father, Mr. Paik. Both Sun and Jin are wearing their wedding rings.

* Flashsideways timeline: Sun and Jin are not married. Sun is called Ms. Paik, not Mrs. Kwon, by the customs officer at LAX. Neither Jin nor Sun are wearing wedding rings. Sun also does not appear to understand English.



More on alt/normal time here.


Edited by Dante
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CR is so cool that I don't even know what it is.


The Wire is the best show ever made.


No denying.


So I heard that Lost waaaaaas kind of cool though.


I still think someone will just wake up and be all, "Hey, honey, I had this really, really, really, long dream!"


"...wu... what was it about?"


"...meh, nothing that great. I'm going back to sleep."

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If you're watching the show ahead of the UK airing schedule, then you gotta do what dan did above and put it in spoiler tags. After UK airdates, that episode is generally 'allowed' to be talked about.


As Odwin says, spoil even slightly and you will be made to be sorry.

I'm watching the streams anyway but I just want to mention that not everyone is British and other countries might air the episodes even later.

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Yeah, ReZ, naff off with that.


I'm watching the streams anyway but I just want to mention that not everyone is British and other countries might air the episodes even later.

True. Is this an issue for several/more of you? I have no idea when it is aired and in which country and who will be affected, y'see.

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