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Lost: The Final Season


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What bugs me is the moaning about them not answering things. When did we become a society that needs to be spoonfed everything and have entire mysteries just destroyed? I'm glad that we don't know how the island was made, the true power behind the numbers etc. If we did, it would have gutted the show.


I hate what our culture has become.


I'm not upset with the lack of some answers, I think whats getting to me the most is that after 6 years the big final pay-off of the last episode was what happened to everyone in the afterlife and not what happened to them on the island. And how the whole purgatory doesn't make sense, where if the point of it was their souls were trying to find each other and they created this purgatory...why would they make it so they forget the reasons why they are trying to find each other? Plus other things I stated in my first post eariler today...and more in the video that's currently uploading to Youtube :heh:

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What bugs me is the moaning about them not answering things. When did we become a society that needs to be spoonfed everything and have entire mysteries just destroyed? I'm glad that we don't know how the island was made, the true power behind the numbers etc. If we did, it would have gutted the show.


I hate what our culture has become.


I'm actually ok with them not answering stuff. Now that I think about the episode(s) I think the island stuff was great.


I'm just not happy with the outcome of the other timeline. It's almost a bit pointless, or am I being dense and the whole point of six series' was so that they could all meet and live happily ever after(life)..


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What the hell was the significance of vincent coming to spend Jack's last moments with him.


I like the cyclical nature of it, but moreso I believe that because of his sacrifice he did not "die alone".


I'm actually ok with them not answering stuff. Now that I think about the episode(s) I think the island stuff was great.


I'm just not happy with the outcome of the other timeline. It's almost a bit pointless, or am I being dense and the whole point of six series' was so that they could all meet and live happily ever after(life)..


I suppose my own interpretation of the whole series is the journey of these characters from leading flawed lives into finding something/someone to give them meaning. For Sayid it was that he was a good guy. For Jin/Sun it was their marriage. For Jack it was finding something in his life that truly gave him a purpose. And Boone just needed a slap to get him off the incest.

That in their death they chose to move on as a group was them remembering and honouring that group of people who had helped them to achieve that.

And it was also a neat way for the fans to say goodbye.


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I'm actually ok with them not answering stuff. Now that I think about the episode(s) I think the island stuff was great.


I'm just not happy with the outcome of the other timeline. It's almost a bit pointless, or am I being dense and the whole point of six series' was so that they could all meet and live happily ever after(life)..


Yeah that's my major gripe with it all too. There doesn't seem to be any point to the purgatory part. Why do it? It doesn't really add anything to the story.


What happened on the line was great and it is kind of fitting that Hurley is the 'new' Jacob in that he was there because of the numbers.




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I'm not upset with the lack of some answers, I think whats getting to me the most is that after 6 years the big final pay-off of the last episode was what happened to everyone in the afterlife and not what happened to them on the island. And how the whole purgatory doesn't make sense, where if the point of it was their souls were trying to find each other and they created this purgatory...why would they make it so they forget the reasons why they are trying to find each other? Plus other things I stated in my first post eariler today...and more in the video that's currently uploading to Youtube :heh:


Yeah agreed.

The more I think about it the more it angers me. I hate that something only introduced in s6 became the major outcome of the show. Such a waste of time. Shame to see that Dezzers was kind of wrong also. And just before Juliet died... 'it worked' - how the fuck does that make any sense exactly? I wasn't aware you got a cheeky glimpse of purgatory before death.



As people have said, it wasn't so much the lack of awnsers, (although we got next to nothing in the entire couple of hours) and more the rubbishness of the resolutions


It was all just retarded.


It also irritated me that everyone seemed to despise the BSG finale but Lost's seems to be getting a free pass, despite being comparatively far more dull and uneventful.

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It also irritated me that everyone seemed to despise the BSG finale but Lost's seems to be getting a free pass, despite being comparatively far more dull and uneventful.


Really? I loved BSG's finale! Thought it was the perfect ending to the programme.

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Yeah that's my major gripe with it all too. There doesn't seem to be any point to the purgatory part. Why do it? It doesn't really add anything to the story.


What happened on the line was great and it is kind of fitting that Hurley is the 'new' Jacob in that he was there because of the numbers.




I dunno, I can't make my mind up whether the flash forwards were something they always intended to do all along or something they added to pad out the series and give all the loved/major characters fitting send offs...although no Mr.Eko :( I guess the point was to reinterate that they need the island/weren't meant to leave and it would be a part of their lives, even defining their lives...I guess being in purgatory is partly about accepting your life/death and the choices you made as well as accepting what you've done wrong and repenting. Weird that for some characters being stuck on the island was their purgatory such as Ricardo's wife, jacks dad initially and others...


Nice to see Ben and Hurley obviously have a fruitful and happy time in charge of the island as their little exchange outside the church demonstrates.


I'm surprised to see there is some debate as to whether or not the island actually existed or whether it was all purgatory. I thought it was pretty obvious the island happened as we've seen over the last 6 seasons and the flash sideways are set some undeterminable point in the future by which point they have all died and are ready to go to the afterlife together.




One thing I cannot wait to watch it again...Sky One thank you for screening it this morning and thank you for repeating it over the week..


Oh one final thing...today a work experience lad started at a week at work...he looks like the kid Jacob from that origin episode and get this his name is Aaron!!!! WTF!!!!!

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It was more of a highlights package than a series finale. It seemed very much like a clip show and, very much like the entire series, it meandered along until it got to the next emotional peak or cameo.


Again, like the entire series, it was vaguely enjoyable yet completely ridiculous and it's done, it's finished, i'm so glad it's finally over. Now people can just discover it's disappointments and inaccuracies and just get on with watching higher quality programming.


Although I did enjoy the final on island section with Vincent and Jack's closing eye, despite it being quite an obvious place to finish.


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It also irritated me that everyone seemed to despise the BSG finale but Lost's seems to be getting a free pass, despite being comparatively far more dull and uneventful.


I'm only just recently finding out a lot of people seemed to not like the BSG ending... I thought it was the best most surprising ending ever. It ended both where you expected yet nowhere near where you expected. After what happened at the end of season 4 (i consider them 5 seasons after the near year long wait for the "2nd half of season) you have no idea what to expect from the ending. Yet it all still seemed to make sense in the grand scheme of the show.


[/off topic]


[on topic]

Yeah Lost, still not liking it. It was what the writers ran out of enough ideas to make a full season, then came up with the idea of teh flashsideways saying


"hey lets imagine the Nuke both works and doesn't... lets show what would happen if the nuke work and the plane didn't crash... but of course we can't forget the island so the nuke also brings the "trapped in past" Losties back to the present."


"oh but how do we end the show on the sideways part"


"no idea... oh hey remember one of the first theories fans had of the island at the start.. that the island was purgatory? Lets make the sideways universe purgatory and laugh at them"


Didn't the producers say they would go into hiding after the finale airs... now I know why they said that.


EDIT: oh and my possible incoherent youtube rant

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it was beautiful and a perfect way to end the show. i do agree though that it could have done with some Eko.


it just seemed that once it finished, none of the unanswered mysteries really mattered anymore. we know how it ends now, and it wraps up nicely. like the writers said / wanted, we are able to come up with our own theories on the little things.


for quite a while, the main thing i wanted to find out about was the ash used to keep the smoke monster away. like i said though, it doesn't seem to be important anymore.

Edited by or else you will DIE
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I'm only just recently finding out a lot of people seemed to not like the BSG ending... I thought it was the best most surprising ending ever. It ended both where you expected yet nowhere near where you expected. After what happened at the end of season 4 (i consider them 5 seasons after the near year long wait for the "2nd half of season) you have no idea what to expect from the ending. Yet it all still seemed to make sense in the grand scheme of the show.


Liked the video, pretty much agree with it all.


That's what really pissed me off, it wasn't a SERIES finale it was a SEASON finale. I really get the impression that they thought up the flashpurg idea to get out of addressing the questions and plots in the first five seasons. Really am surprised so many people seem to have loved it.


Although, I disagree about Lapidus. That got a cheer from me. Love him. Though actually I agree it wasn't logical him surviving, but then, as is Lost eh.


As for BSG, yeah I agree I thought that was near perfect too. I think people online just weren't happy with the Starbuck explanation and.. well that's about it. I thought it stunned though. Probably easier to be pleased as I rattled through all the DVD's as opposed to watching for years. Maybe it would have been the same for lost.. but I think not. Interesting to compare the two shows in any case, both simialr in many ways

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Liked the video, pretty much agree with it all.


That's what really pissed me off, it wasn't a SERIES finale it was a SEASON finale. I really get the impression that they thought up the flashpurg idea to get out of addressing the questions and plots in the first five seasons. Really am surprised so many people seem to have loved it.


Although, I disagree about Lapidus. That got a cheer from me. Love him. Though actually I agree it wasn't logical him surviving, but then, as is Lost eh.



Eh? Series' and season's are the same thing. American's call them a season whereas in the UK it's a series.


And where did Lapidus actually come from? Surely he wouldn't have been floating there the entire time?


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Eh? Series' and season's are the same thing. American's call them a season whereas in the UK it's a series.


And where did Lapidus actually come from? Surely he wouldn't have been floating there the entire time?


I'm pretending to be American. Series = the entire program, Season = just that year, whatevz


And yeah, musta been. He is my hero, so I'll let them off for that one

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Having different conversations on a few sites on the finale and some of the people who didnt like it are really starting to get on my nerves. I dont really have a problem with them not liking it, as ive said before I think we all knew that fans would pretty much be split on the outcome but its the fact that because they didnt like it, they just cant see how anyone else can and are starting to get more and more aggressive over that.

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On the subject of the 5am broadcasts technical problems, I don't know how or why they occurred. Sky One weren't showing a live stream from the US, because the finale finished airing in the US half an hour before the UK broadcast started. Must have just been some sleep deprived engineer making mistakes.

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The more I think about the more I liked...I'm still not sure if I liked


flashsideways prominence in the shows final twist. Also whilst yes some questions are best left as such. I do feel the whole light at the bottom of tunnel is bullsh!t and this crappy pool of light with a weird plughole in it that apparently only desmond could sort for whatever convoluted and unexplained reason.



I also agree with people about how naff it was in terms of it did waste plenty of time with flashsideways flashbacks making it a clip show...

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