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Lost: The Final Season


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just watched the episode and kinda found it a bit meh tbh...no explanations really...




So we have this mystery woman playing mum who likely needs her own backstory episode to explain how she came to be and how she knew everything but with next to no episodes left this isn't going to happen.


Jacob is a total pussy who breaks the rules by killing MiB. When they can't kill each other,something that leads to MiB going through complicated ways to get the job done. Also kinda wierd to think of MiB as being a dead person who is now a smoke monster who can take human form, whereas I had previously assumed he was a person whose "power" was to be the smoke monster and shape shift as a result. So when we see MiB and Jacob at the end of season 4 and the black rock is sailing past this is with MiB as a smoke monster and Jacob has clearly set up his own game with his own rules.


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Seeing Jack/Locke and Jacob/MiB in the caves in those two scenes together was just chilling.


If you say so. :|


Another good episode but alot of viewers are find it confusing because it didnt spell out things to them and for that the viewers find it as the worse episode yet. :hmm:


I thought it was shit, because it was shit. A five year old could understand this episode. Also a five year old who skipped the entire last season. (Lol)


becomes the smoke monster and the skeletons in the cave with the stones. I read somewhere that that part of the episode was meant to explain that the writers knew what they were doing all along. I don't really believe that, but it was an easy part to tie-in.


God that was so embarrassing. "Hey look guys, we planned this all along! COOL HUH!" A) No you didn't. B) No, not cool. Seriously you couldn't come up with something better. This episode just didn't have any relevance. "OH MY GOD THE SKELETON FROM SEASON ONE IS THE SKELETON OF A CHICK WE SAW IN ONE EPISODE OF THE LAST SEASON HOLLYY SHIIIII...." :|


felt like the writers going 'hey!! remember Adam and Eve? From the first series? Anyone?', as if a lazy way of explaining the relevance to the people who aren't that big fans of the show.




Ridiculous episode. I love the answers we're getting though.


Like....a cave filled with light. If you go in it, then you turn into a giant puff of smoke, with inexplicable animal and mechanical sound effects.



Great origin story.[/sarcasm]


Back to the character I give a remote shit about next week.


(Obviously I didn't like this episode. LOST usually has good acting, and this episode had children in so.....)

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Like....a cave filled with light. If you go in it, then you turn into a giant puff of smoke, with inexplicable animal and mechanical sound effects.

Uhh...since when has anything in Lost ever been that simple? Firstly, we don't know what the light is. Secondly, we still don't really know what the smoke monster is or why it exists.


It's only shit if you simplify it to the extent you have and draw conclusions about the story that aren't there. I thought it was a good episode, since it tells you about Jacob and the origins (somewhat) of the island.

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If you say so. :|

I thought it was shit, because it was shit. A five year old could understand this episode. Also a five year old who skipped the entire last season. (Lol)

God that was so embarrassing. "Hey look guys, we planned this all along! COOL HUH!" A) No you didn't. B) No, not cool. Seriously you couldn't come up with something better. This episode just didn't have any relevance. "OH MY GOD THE SKELETON FROM SEASON ONE IS THE SKELETON OF A CHICK WE SAW IN ONE EPISODE OF THE LAST SEASON HOLLYY SHIIIII...." :|


Ridiculous episode. I love the answers we're getting though.

Like....a cave filled with light. If you go in it, then you turn into a giant puff of smoke, with inexplicable animal and mechanical sound effects.

Great origin story.[/sarcasm]

Back to the character I give a remote shit about next week.

(Obviously I didn't like this episode. LOST usually has good acting, and this episode had children in so.....)


I agree with all of this. Apart from the child actors, as I thought the MiB kid was actually okish.


If they don't explain anything about the crazy woman, what the light is ect then I shall be most disappointed.


Also: it's become apparent just how much they are making thigns up, or at least changing their minds, over the years. My theory is that at one point they had Walt and Aaron lined up to succeed Jacob and MiB then decided against that storyline and pretty much wrote Walt out of the show.


But Adam and Eve was indeed the biggest failing of the episode.

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I agree with all of this. Apart from the child actors, as I thought the MiB kid was actually okish.


If they don't explain anything about the crazy woman, what the light is ect then I shall be most disappointed.


The light is the electromagnetism energy that has been mention in the whole series.

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Was the 'there's a little light in all of us' line really necessary?


She said "a little bit of this very same light is inside of every man.", which could be her cheesy saying of love or greed etc.


She also warned Jacob about going into the light because something will happen that is much worse than dying, which is like that she is speaking from experience ie she became one the smoke monsters but without the cost of losing her body because she was also the protector of the islands power.

Edited by Dante
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She said "a little bit of this very same light is inside of every man.", which could be her cheesy saying of love or greed etc.


She also warned Jacob about going into the light because something will happen that is much worse than dying, which is like that she is speaking from experience ie she became one the smoke monsters but without the cost of losing her body because she was also the protector of the islands power.


That's probabaly a bit stretching now, I reckon her "fate worse than dying" speech was just to scare Jacob into not going down into the light. There were no indications she had any smoke monster like powers.


Just thinking now, if the kid MiB was seeing eariler in the season was actually young Jacob, why was he seeing him? What was the need to show him as a child, why not just show Jacob as we knew him? Fair enough it added a bit of mystery as to who the hell is the kid, but then "oh so it was just Jacob messing around"

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She said "a little bit of this very same light is inside of every man.", which could be her cheesy saying of love or greed etc.


She also warned Jacob about going into the light because something will happen that is much worse than dying, which is like that she is speaking from experience ie she became one the smoke monsters but without the cost of losing her body because she was also the protector of the islands power.


She must have some powers. I'd say she was a smokey herself or else how'd she kill all those people in the village and fill in the well like that? Still there's alot of questions left and so little time left to answer them.

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Also: it's become apparent just how much they are making thigns up, or at least changing their minds, over the years. My theory is that at one point they had Walt and Aaron lined up to succeed Jacob and MiB then decided against that storyline and pretty much wrote Walt out of the show.


When was that ever going to happen? Walt had to be written out of the show because Malcolm David Kelley was aging too fast for the narrative...

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When was that ever going to happen? Walt had to be written out of the show because Malcolm David Kelley was aging too fast for the narrative...


I remember the writers saying they knew he was going to grow up fast and they filmed scenes with him at the time to use for the later episodes but I don't remember seeing him in any. Maybe this was answered before in the series and I can't remember but polar bears, where, why? There's so much to remember over the years. Were they in those cages that Sawyer and Kate were locked in before?

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I remember the writers saying they knew he was going to grow up fast and they filmed scenes with him at the time to use for the later episodes but I don't remember seeing him in any. Maybe this was answered before in the series and I can't remember but polar bears, where, why? There's so much to remember over the years. Were they in those cages that Sawyer and Kate were locked in before?


I always assumed (given that the polar bear was found in the middle of the desert - where Ben teleported to after turning the wheel) that the bears were brought there by Dharma to turn the wheel in case the island needed moving. I'm pretty sure one of the characters referred to the bear's cages' anyway so in any case I'm pretty sure they were in the same cage yeah.


Also: promo for the finale (fanmade, no spoilers, old footage, but really good)


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Also: promo for the finale (fanmade, no spoilers, old footage, but really good)



That was pretty good for a fanmade video, except the text parts, it tried to hard to hype and the word epic is over used now. I blame WoW and MMOs in general.

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She must have some powers. I'd say she was a smokey herself or else how'd she kill all those people in the village and fill in the well like that? Still there's alot of questions left and so little time left to answer them.


These questions are clearly not going to get answered there is barely enough time to answer stuff in the present let alone those in the past.


I'm totally on a downer about Lost at the moment....its limping towards the end.

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I dunno about you guys, but a lot of me is glad that most "questions" aren't getting answered.


From what I've seen on various forums, people want to be spoonfed everything. Maybe it's indicative of our culture these days but apparently leaving things mysterious is not right.


I mean sure, there are some things I'd love to know, but why must we know every single thing and every single reason behind that and every single reason behind all of them?

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I dunno about you guys, but a lot of me is glad that most "questions" aren't getting answered.


From what I've seen on various forums, people want to be spoonfed everything. Maybe it's indicative of our culture these days but apparently leaving things mysterious is not right.


I mean sure, there are some things I'd love to know, but why must we know every single thing and every single reason behind that and every single reason behind all of them?


I'd like some questions remaining... but I don't like these stupid half arsed answers we seem to be getting, yeah the island has this light on it that does this and that and thats about it....Much like with the dead people explanation half arsed. Lots of stuff misses that if they want to try to explain things then they have to explain them.


Interesting to read peoples theories that MiB is not the smoke monster and that the smoke monster was just another incarnation IT took on. However the back story somewhat negates this and the added impact of them being brothers.

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Despite the fact that im still really enjoying the series I have to admit I would have prefered it if they'd stayed on the more scientific route that the first few seasons took. I much prefer the Dharma Initiative mysteries with their various stations etc and having the Island as just some kind of place with special qualities not found anywhere else.


That said once its all over and done with im really looking forward to watching the entire show again from beginning to end, knowing what I know now.

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