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Xenoblade Chronicles (Aug 19th)

killer kirby

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Composer for the game is none other then Yoko Shimomura. Games she has composed for are games like Kingdom Hearts, Mario & Luigi series, little king story and Final Fantasy Versus XIII


Samples of some of her work


Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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Kingdom Hearts

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Mario & Luigi

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Trailer looks good to me. :grin:


Here's some info from RPGamer to link 'blade to past Xeno games.


Producer and director Tetsuya Takahashi stated that after pouring his heart and soul into the Xeno games that he wanted to add a little something to please the fans of his prior works.


This real-time, fast-paced RPG takes places on the bodies of two dead gods as seen in the game's artwork. Tetsuya has revealed that these "gods" are actually gears from prior games. One is Brigandier, the gear of Bart Fatima from Xenogears and the other is E.S. Dinah from Xenosaga. Since these prior games were published by another developer, the names will be changed to avoid any potential conflict. Tetsuya claims that Xenoblade is indirectly the spiritual Episode IV in the Xeno timeline.


These gear gods were frozen during a conflict that occurred many centuries prior to the start of the game. Late in the game players will gain access to the inside of these gears where they will find mini-game arenas unique to each. The Brigandier arena will feature Chu-Chu breeding and racing. Inside E.S. Dinah is a Jr's Shooting Gallery where players can win trophies of characters from Xenosaga

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Very happy that the game has a real-time battle system. And I know that I will get flamed for the next sentence. But I’m glad its real-time, I’m quite sick of turned based rpgs (the old fashion way, like all the old FF games and mainly the awfully slow Lost odyssey and blue dragon). As long as its fast paced like baten kaitos and FF13, I’m really not complaining. But the old "I do an attack, monster does an attack" turned based systems needs to die.


And also what’s the need of a menu turned based system on the Wii, the platform is for motion controls (if it enhanced game play).

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I think that the reason that the graphics are not wii's best is mostly due to the scopes of the game. The scope is enormous and i never saw such large environments.


I don’t think they would like to go the MH3 route (each section of the map has a view seconds loading time), i dont mind it but i could see that some people would get frustrated.


But i would very much preferred pre rendered backgrounds, that results in beautiful graphics with the minimal processor power (look at baten kaitos 1 en baten kaitos 2 or even the RE(sident evil)make).


still excited about the game.

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Personally I think the environments look really nice, a little jaggy/some low res textures here and there, but I was actually very impressed by that last video!


The thing is, the Wii shouldn't have to have it's games pre-rendered to stand out, it's been said a million times but if the GC was capable of Resi 4...

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Personally I think the environments look really nice, a little jaggy/some low res textures here and there, but I was actually very impressed by that last video!


The thing is, the Wii shouldn't have to have it's games pre-rendered to stand out, it's been said a million times but if the GC was capable of Resi 4...


resident evil 4 where small envirement attached together (with streaming tech just like silent hill). And it was a very dark game to begin with.


But outside of that, its really a shame that no other developer can exceed in terms of graphics that a 2005 gamecube title on the wii.

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This game gives me a FFXII vibe which is fucking awesome xD


May the Xeno never die xD









- Monolithsoft estimates the game to be 70-80 hours long, over 100 hours if you decide to enjoy all the optional content


- The entire world in Xenoblade is "seamless" and all areas flow naturally and continuously. But there are loading breaks when you travel between major areas. Major areas are defined as different body parts of the two gods. So travelling from the region of the lower leg up to the knee area, there will be loading.


- The battles are all in realtime and seamless as well. No transitions or break, and you can see enemies roaming on the fields. When you attack enemies normally, you use auto-attack which makes the character automatically attack the targeted enemy continuously with regular attacks. If you manage to move behind an enemy or to the enemy's sides, you can trigger special attacks called Arts.


- Xenoblade's soundtrack is composed by Yoko Shimomura, and she's the only one mentioned in relation to the pre-order "special soundtrack" bonus. If there are other composers involved, they haven't been mentioned, but it's clear she's the main composer.

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some "new" info (sorry of double post) about Xenoblade:


- three save files

- compatible with Wiimote x Nunchuck or Classic Controller

- Kyoshin - one of the two humanoid gods that fought long ago, and was then frozen in time

- Kyoshin is the side of the world on which the protagonists live

- Kishin 'Machine God' is where the antagonists live

- "People born from Kyoshin return to Kyoshin."

- The people of Kyoshin are very thankful for the God's sacrifies

- 3 tribes of Kyoshin


Homs Tribe

- somewhat resemble humans, live in colonies located in the lower half of Kyoshin, civilization developed to a middling level

Nopon Tribe

- traveling tribe of merchants

Nienter Tribe

- a legendary race that resides somewhere in the Kyoshin part of the world, ancient history, advanced civilization


@killer kirby,

is it just me or dous the game look miles better on those screenshots than on the actual trailers? weird....


Also "The battles are all in realtime and seamless as well. No transitions or break" and "70 to 80 hour main story"


Day F*ing 1 purchase. (nothing against turned based combat, but its kinda outdated)

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@killer kirby,

is it just me or dous the game look miles better on those screenshots than on the actual trailers? weird....

The trailer shows more of the characters then anything else, Monolith even though are the best RPG storytellers to ever exist suck at character designs, just look at all their games, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Xenosaga, Baten Kaitos, Soma Bringer and Disaster Day Of Crises. All of these games are not really wow in character design. No what Monolith does is make the best battle systems around, best well told stories and fantastic level designs. Can't have it all eh ;)


(nothing against turned based combat, but its kinda outdated)

Depends what you mean in turn base, Chrono Cross and Baten Kaitos Origins has perhaps the best battle system in terms of turn base, it's smooth as which I love.


Other then that Dragon Quest and pokemon are the only games I really love the turn base because it's simple.

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