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Brink is an immersive shooter that blends single-player, co-op, and multiplayer gameplay into one seamless experience, allowing you to develop your character across all modes of play. You decide the role you want to assume in the world of Brink as you fight to save yourself and mankind’s last refuge for humanity. Brink offers a compelling mix of dynamic battlefields, extensive customization options, and an innovative control system that will keep you coming back for more.




Figured I'd post this, as I found no other thread on it when I searched.


It looks like an interesting game, and a good concept. However, to me the art style, presentation and game mechanics feel a lot like Borderlands. Just look at the first, second and fourth screenshots, the level's style is almost exactly like some areas in Borderlands!! Plus the entire "S.M.A.R.T" movement system (where you hold down a button/key to move seamlessly over terrain) is just a glorified action button, where have I seen that before? *CoughPrototypecough!!* :heh:


That said, this game doesn't look terrible, I just don't think it'll be the revolution it promises to be. But I'm sure some of you will be interested in this. I'll certainly try it, before I can judge it entirely. What do you guys think?

Edited by CoolFunkMan
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I thought this was a 360 exclusive for some reason.


That really is exactly like Borderlands, except it had intercourse with TF2 so that the baby has the genes of both.


wierd would have thought there was a post for this owing to the people who attended eurogamer expo. Anyway I think it looks awesome and cannot wait for it loved the SMART system and the possible uses of the system beyond what the likes of Mirror's Edge used to offer.

You've played it then? I want to see footage. Screenshots like this could mean anything, really. Especially given the 'nice but..yeah...' art direction.


no didn't play it just watched a playthrough at one of the lectures. The presentation was shown on eurogamer.net but minus the gameplay footage, I'm pretty sure though that the embargo on it has lifted and the footage is available on likes of gametrailers.

I thought this was a 360 exclusive for some reason.


That really is exactly like Borderlands, except it had intercourse with TF2 so that the baby has the genes of both.

That's the other game it reminded me of! I knew it reminded me of something else, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it till you mentioned TF2. Cheers for that.


You've played it then? I want to see footage. Screenshots like this could mean anything, really. Especially given the 'nice but..yeah...' art direction.


I haven't played it, but there are videos on the official site, via the link in the first post. I should have probably mentioned that... :heh:


From the presentation the dude showed us at eurogamer expo i was quite impressed. The Smart system does look to work very well and i liked the ability to choose how u approach a mission. Such as doing the 'tech' option by hacking into a computer to open a door or a more 'assault' type and blow the door away etc etc. (I can't remember what the actual classes are called and such they may not be like that, i just know there is different ways to approach missions).

  • 1 year later...

Well this is out next week. Already pre-ordered myself as i'm a massive Team Fortress/Battlefield fan. Also doesn't seem to be a sniper rifle in sight, good times. IGN have a preview (http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/116/1162333p1.html) but there's plenty of vids if you know where to look. SMART system looks pretty damn cool. Would be nice to get out of situations without getting stuck on an annoyingly placed rock or box. I also like the fact that single player and multiplayer are essentially the same thing. Bots offline aswell as filling in for disconnected peeps online. Count me in.


I was interested in this, and I think it still looks like good fun.. Still.. I lost a lot of interest when I found out you can't create female characters. It's ridiculous I know.. It's not quite uncommon for FPS multiplayer games not to have female characters (although, even Q3 arena had female characters), perhaps because this game, more than others puts a great emphasis on character customisation, regarding their appearance. Still, looks like one of the more fun FPS multiplayer games at the moment.

I was interested in this, and I think it still looks like good fun.. Still.. I lost a lot of interest when I found out you can't create female characters. It's ridiculous I know.. It's not quite uncommon for FPS multiplayer games not to have female characters (although, even Q3 arena had female characters), perhaps because this game, more than others puts a great emphasis on character customisation, regarding their appearance. Still, looks like one of the more fun FPS multiplayer games at the moment.


Never really thought about that. Quite an oversight...


Really looking forward to this. I've been looking for a good online shooter for a while now and it looks brilliant. I just hope that there's a good community behind it. I don't want COD rambo kids in my team shooters!

Really looking forward to this. I've been looking for a good online shooter for a while now and it looks brilliant. I just hope that there's a good community behind it. I don't want COD rambo kids in my team shooters!


Totally agree. The less of the CoD crowd gets this the better.


Is there a demo?


Not currently. Can't say for sure there won't be one at all.


I'm undecided on this one myself. I've been hearing mixed things about it, although nothing bad but generally impressions have been ranging from "It's ok..." to "Great".


But to be honest, the prospect of a tactical, team based online shooter makes me think I should ignore the impressions and just get it as it does look like it'll be great fun. That is, of course, providing the right players are playing it online and as others have said, not the typical CoD crowd. Do think there'll be a lot of the latter during the early days but it should resolve itself as the weeks go on and the CoD players realise that getting kills/headshots isn't integral to playing the game.


I'll be picking it up on 360 if I decide to get it but may wait a few days to see/hear what the online community is like before jumping in.

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