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[SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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  Lens of Truth said:
Absolutely stunning. Just wish it had Yeto and Yeta.


I love the fact that when I read this, my girlfriend just entered the kitchen in which Yeto was preparing his KILLER SOUP!:smile:

They need some lovin'! (though they probably have enough on them:hug:)


That dungeon/mansion was pure win!


I'm still gobsmacked by that Zelda artwork. I don't think I've ever seen anything so stunning, either by amateur or professional. It is actually too dark for my liking, but that is preference, not a criticism. The character design for Link in row 3 is the best I've ever seen - sheer perfection.


I'm torn whether to inform myself about the game, or to stay completely blacked-out from the media. It probably would be fun playing it completely spoiler-free, but I don't know how realistic that is :D


My girlfriend is playing Twilight Princess for her first time with me now, and she's now finally reached the Sky Temple.

I do think that this particular temple might play a role in Skyward Sword, and, in all honesty, I hope we get to see more of the Oocca:laughing:


I quite enjoyed the sky temple, so if that were to make a return, which the name of the game seems to imply, then I would be pleased. If I have enough time I might even replay Twilight Princess, since I can hardly remember it, and it was pretty fun. Especially the snow and sky dungeons :)


There's a fairly new Twilight Princess thread so if we could try to keep discussion specifically about that game in there, and save this one for news, speculation and discussion etc on Skyward Sword that would be just dandy.


I hope that a new trailer will be shown on Wednesday at GDC.



* Iwata keynote (9.00am PST, 12.00pm EST, 5.00pm GMT, 6.00pm CET) – The Nintendo president will deliver a speech entitled, “Video Games Turn 25: A Historical Perspective and Vision for the Future,” and has promised to delve into the subject of “the next big thing”. 3DS, shipped in Japan last weekend and heading for a western launch in March, is likely to be the primary focus of the hour-long talk.
Posted (edited)

I really hope we see the Rito return...




It would be awesome to have them living above the clouds in a temple carved into the top of a mountain (like the one we see Link diving from in the trailer).

And to have them flying around/alongside you in the sky (should the sky serve as part of the overworld) going about their business, to bring it to life.


If this game is set before Ocarina of Time (I believe that's a rumour kicking about), or even if it's not really, I would LOVE your companion in this game to be Kaepora Geabora...




... Yes!


From Ocarina of Time, you feel he has more of a story to tell/history with Link.

Flying around on his back would be an absolute dream!

Either way, he should definately be included in Skyward Sword.


A younger, smaller and more agile Valoo would also make for an awesome character in Skyward Sword, and would also be a great companion/mode of transport for the skies, especially if the Rito are included.




I wouldn't like to see a plane feature in the game, when there are far more natural/character driven opportunities. Living companions like Epona, Navi are more interesting than the static King of Red Lions, or a Train.

Edited by Retro_Link

I'm all for new stuff in Skyward Sword, but part of the fun of a Zelda game, and other NINTENDO games, for me are references to other games in the series (or cross references:))


Especially in the Zelda-series, with its debatable timeline, there are so many things they could elaborate on.


That's why you speak gold Retro_Link:grin:


I'd love to get more insight on those characters, in particular Kaepora Geabora; if only because of its awesome name:D


New tribes are very welcome too.

Loved the Anouki and their puzzle shennanigens.:laughing:


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