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Aonuma Interview - Zelda Wii & No More Oot Remakes.


“The Difference between the two platforms (Wii and DS) is big. The experience with Spirit Tracks, trying to enhance an already ‘near-perfect control’, is what pushed us on learning how to rack our brains. With Wii it is the same, we want to make the most of its controls. We want the player to control the game in the best possible way. On Wii, the camera is more realistic. Graphics are more realistic, too, and controls have to be, therefore, much more realistic” - Eiji Aonuma


Mr. Aonuma had a lot more to say about Zelda Wii in relation to Spirit Tracks. You can read a few more excerpts from the man himself below.


“There were a lot of things we couldn’t do [back with OoT] due to technical limitations. But I think we’ve been solving those issues with every Zelda since then. With each entry, I’ve tried to add things I couldn’t do before. Actually, it’s like I’ve been remaking it during these years. So if you ask me if there’s going to be a Zelda remake… I thought I was making it all this time! So it maybe I haven't done well enough, I haven’t been up to the expected level.”


“It’s complicated. Past things belong to our memories, and they grow bigger in there. If you play Ocarina of Time nowadays, you notice that it’s not that good. Sometimes it doesn’t move as fast as it should, graphics aren’t as beautiful as they should be; there are some confusing parts… Any present Zelda is technically superior. Everything goes faster, more fluid… but to best Ocarina of Time, a great change –comparable to what happened back then- must be introduced. And that’ll be rather complicated”.


"When a project grows continuously, you have to split it to pieces. I was the director for Wind Waker, but I let different people be responsible for different parts of the production. I had control of how things were going for them, but at the end of the production we fought against the clock and there were parts that I was forced to approve even though it didn't feel complete. I apologize that we didn't fix the triforce hunt at the end of the game. It was slow and dull." -- Eiji Aonuma


Finally, Mr. Aonuma discussed his legendary battles/arguments/discussions with Miyamoto


“I didn’t know our discussions were so well known! I believe we have different visions because Mr. Miyamoto is just a genius; he’s got an innate talent, and everything I do, I had to learn step by step. And it took a lot for me, I have no natural talent. I’ve spent many years with Mr. Miyamoto and, since the beginning, the moment I have to bring my work and show it to him for his opinion is a very special moment, and I enjoy with it. (…) He notices things I’d never see. After this time, our visions are starting to match up more and more. However, I have a lot more left to try to reach his level”.

Edited by Dante
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I wonder what they had in store for the triforce hunt. Maybe lots of mini dungeons for each piece. Similar to the 'bottom of the well' dungeon from OOT. Having something like that + the 2 missing temples would have made the game even more amazing. What a shame they had to rush its release.

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i want an updated version from the twilight princess graphics , but i want the fantasy story of Ocarina of time and Majoras mask in Zelda again, i miss the ocarina Fluit and stuff, and the Magic that u can use like dins fire farores wind and nayrus love, the Masks from majora that was awesome, big landscape and really tough bosses to fight, in twilight princess the battle system was little to stiff , i want more weapons costumes etc and stuff, more mini games to do sidequests etc, and a sinister story line more dramatic where someone important to link dies or something,

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I don't mind whatever direction they take with Zelda, as long as it is an engrossing experience that sucks you in. Zelda games have this way of creating another world that seems magical to you. If they keep creating this world, I don't mind what direction they take to get there.


My only request would be for them to keep the ball and chain, and also the spinner as weapons from Twilight Princess. Two brilliant weapons/items...if they don't feature at all, it will be criminal.

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Guest Captain Falcon

My only request would be for them to keep the ball and chain, and also the spinner as weapons from Twilight Princess. Two brilliant weapons/items...if they don't feature at all, it will be criminal.


If they are going to keep the spinner, I do hope they actually get to find a use for it this time - even if it just allows you to travel quicker over the land. Hmm... there's a thought, give it an upgrade and let the spinner ride over water too.

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If they are going to keep the spinner, I do hope they actually get to find a use for it this time - even if it just allows you to travel quicker over the land. Hmm... there's a thought, give it an upgrade and let the spinner ride over water too.


If they were going to do that, surely it'd have to be for a limited amount of time? Otherwise, you would be able to get to almost every area of the map with this item. It would mean you wouldn't need Epona, or any horses or something that was included in the game.

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Guest Captain Falcon
If they were going to do that, surely it'd have to be for a limited amount of time? Otherwise, you would be able to get to almost every area of the map with this item. It would mean you wouldn't need Epona, or any horses or something that was included in the game.


My thinking was on water it would only last so long - think off it like the hopping function of Deku Link in MM or perhaps more accurately, just how it worked in TP over sinking sand.


What about if it could function as some kind of digging tool - it could then spin directly into the ground or walls to reveal hidden passages and stuff.


Either way, just make the thing more useful than one dungeon and 3 pieces of hearts...

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My thinking was on water it would only last so long - think off it like the hopping function of Deku Link in MM or perhaps more accurately, just how it worked in TP over sinking sand.


What about if it could function as some kind of digging tool - it could then spin directly into the ground or walls to reveal hidden passages and stuff.


Either way, just make the thing more useful than one dungeon and 3 pieces of hearts...


I definitely agree that it should be used outside of dungeons. When I read your idea, it reminded me of how the hover boots worked in Ocarina of Time. They could let you hover for a few seconds, so you'd need to almost "skip" from platform to platform. Maybe you would have some sort of energy bar that lets you know how long you have left til your ability to hover or float ceases.


The upgrade idea could work with this. So, you start off being able to only do a few things with it, but you could build up more things as it progresses. Like the Silver Scale in Ocarina which allowed you to dive further underwater.

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Change is good.

But I gotta say compared to most series. Zelda tries it's best to change AND keep fans happy.


it went cel-shaded, utilised connectivity in four swords, used a time system.


It's just unfortunate twilight princess went back to the norm really, but generally it's a big risk taking franchise I think.

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It was a little WTF to see Link whip out this enormous metal spinner or ball and chain from his magical tunic, but I suppose that's the nature of the franchise ;)


Spells, magic, medallions, a musical instrument, fire/ice arrows... any of these in Zelda Wii would make me happy.


Change is good.

But I gotta say compared to most series. Zelda tries it's best to change AND keep fans happy.


it went cel-shaded, utilised connectivity in four swords, used a time system.


It's just unfortunate twilight princess went back to the norm really, but generally it's a big risk taking franchise I think.


I agree, although I wouldn't say it's a big risk taking franchise. The core gameplay has remained the same, but I totally see your point about innovating with each game (apart from TP).


I suspect Zelda Wii will be the biggest risk/change yet though.

Edited by Ronnie
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It was a little WTF to see Link whip out this enormous metal spinner or ball and chain from his magical tunic, but I suppose that's the nature of the franchise ;)



What about the Megaton hammer? :heh: No-one really noticed much then, haha.


In fact, Link carries around bombs, up to four bottles, arrows, deku nuts, deku sticks haha, and many other things. Plus, even with a huge shield on his back, the guy can still forward roll. He really is a hero. :heh:

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What about the Megaton hammer? :heh: No-one really noticed much then, haha.


In fact, Link carries around bombs, up to four bottles, arrows, deku nuts, deku sticks haha, and many other things. Plus, even with a huge shield on his back, the guy can still forward roll. He really is a hero. :heh:


I always found it funny that he had to wear the iron boots in order to be able to sink to the bottom of lake or river yet was always carrying them to begin with.


Now I see why he beat Ganondorf - clearly got more than just the Master Sword up his sleeve!

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It's always nice to hear from Eiji Aonuma - he's one of the most modest and interesting people at Nintendo.


To me, Ocarina of Time is brilliant. The whole design of the game is very subtle and plays on your psyché. For example, there's something relaxing about Lon Lon Ranch, a sanctuary in the middle of a large field. Arguably, the ranch in Majora's Mask didn't have the same effect and is memorable for that sidequest more than anything.


Then there's the character design. The Dodongos had a simple form, but they were more enchanting then the more detailed "gekko" versions in Twilight Princess. King Dodongo looked massive, and it wasn't because I was young, it was all done with careful camera angles.


The dungeons also felt more immersive to me, the Goron ones being personal highlights. I don't know about anyone else, but I really felt I was there in the upper floors of the Fire Temple. Again, it's all careful design.


This was also an important aspect. All through the game, it was puzzling me that Ganondorf was a humanoid and yet I remembered Ganon from Link to the Past as a giant pig. When he transformed, it all made sense.



So, I don't think it's unbeatable, but a clear vision is needed. Subsequent games have bettered certain aspects - Clock Town and Windfall Island are better than the towns in OOT and arguably Lake Hylia in Twilight Princess is the best version yet. Also, to me, Wind Waker is better than all the others in almost every way. There's something I love about the open sea, full of mysterious islands and observation towers.


It's good Nintendo has someone who cares about the technical aspects though, as the more fluid, the better. We need Link to be able to move whilst using every item. I'd also advocate just having a main weapon (sword), a sub-weapon (bow), bombs and shield, armour and bracelet upgrades (plus potions, magic, wallets etc).

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. Also, to me, Wind Waker is better than all the others in almost every way. There's something I love about the open sea, full of mysterious islands and observation towers.





I agree. It's a hard decision really concerning the sailing but that added to it for me, the ds version made it worse though. How do you make sailing more interesting? The ds version made the mistake of adding more battles but nah that doesn't help. You can't really and It would be a mistake to give the option of skipping.


Was the most calming and relaxing game in the series and I LOVE the graphics.

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One of my favourite bits from Wind Waker was seeing the 3 statue islands shoot beams of light towards each other forming a triangle, with the tower of the gods rising up from the centre.


That was a 'wow' moment.




Another one would definitely be The Great Valoo suddenly appearing at the scene when Tetra and Link are being rescued from the glutches of Ganondorf.

Ganondorf: 'What the, Bird people?!?! Hey, get back with my, ......ow.....fuck.'



and ofcourse the ultimate pownage moment at the end of the game!


and he didn't even cry!:bouncy:

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Another one would definitely be The Great Valoo suddenly appearing at the scene when Tetra and Link are being rescued from the glutches of Ganondorf.

Ganondorf: 'What the, Bird people?!?! Hey, get back with my, ......ow.....fuck.'



and ofcourse the ultimate pownage moment at the end of the game!


and he didn't even cry!:bouncy:


The music in the game did it for me. Simply the best music I've hear in a game.

Broadcast Yourself

this is awesome

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I agree. Windwaker was something else.

Seeing islands in the distance, .....what could it hold.


And what did they hold? Grass, pots and treasure chests, for the most part, and not a lot else, apart from the main islands, of course. The Wind Waker's overworld would certainly be my favourite if you didn't have to spend five minutes travelling to an island in the distance only to find there's nothing much there.

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