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Random Thoughts:


I actually love how lo-fi the new intro is. Tis Ace.

Your Dad (?) should be in every single episode for sure.

Windows bit was awesome, those ads piss me off so much!

Awesome fun with a pun artwork as usual.

My bit wasn't that good.

Quite liked the big brother bit but yeah prob could have done with a bit more of you between me and Phil. Damn youtube's 10 minute limit! Lol'd so hard though at the end! Wasn't expecting that! Haha!

Love how you didn't need to even do anything for Scare Claire!

Really liked Phil's iPhone bit.

I shouldn't find 'foods that you can fuck' as funny as I do but it's one of my favourite bits of CR!

Comedy Testing lab was great, especially the failed slinky.



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damn the 10-min limit?! 10 minutes is far to long. The big brother thing was too long and too 'in-jokey' and too rubbish. This was probably my least favourite episode. The best bits were the cleavage and that music you use for the pun bit.


Seems like you've cut out the 'empty' bits, which is good... And I like the effort into making a new intro (but it is poop).


EEVIL's video is more interesting to watch (which is saying something, as he would surely agree- i mean, watching people watch something isn't top-drawer material) and should show you that one laugh an episode is not enough. We sit and watch these episodes out of some twisted idea of friendship logic -- nobody else would choose to watch it. Other people would switch off after about 10 seconds.


Seriously. I'm not subjecting myself to it anymore, until someone tells me it's worth watching.


[/scathing review]

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Harsh but true. The only reason I watch these is to see the improvements between episodes but...well, there aren't may. There's clearly effort involved but the end result isn't what people might choose to switch on and watch out of choice. There is some serious improvement needed if you want this to break the forum circle and get some outside viewers. But I do wish you the best of luck.

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Yeah Jay's actually right.


I've never laughed at them. I think I smiled a few episodes back (and said as much).


The intro is rubbish, go back to the old one, or just have some music (non-sung) and the title. And the BB thing was just rubbish. (But not really your fault.)


I'd rather see something else you made with equal effort/dedication that might actually be enjoyable. *you know what I'm talking about*

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Fair enough.


I mean I have taken peoples comments on board and have tried to improve it in the areas where people said it needed improving. Lets be honest the jokes themselves aren't going to change. Its the same stuff after 14 episodes....if you don't like the comedy itself theres nothing I can do about that. Its all well and good saying "Well if you did X it would be better" I do X and then "Well its still shit". Blah blah blah.


Well some people like it.


(But I do still appreciate the comments and it'd be nice if you kept watching. Would seem a shame if I did all this and no one watched it)


Besides I can't even see how some of this stuff can't be laughed at (for example Comedy Rainbow Joke Lab) (and I don't include you in that Paj. I don't like your sense of humour) (No offense. I'm sure you feel the same about mine)

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I still think it's in the delivery. Everything feels forced. The best part is usually scare claire, and that isn't even 5% of the video. It's unscripted (usually) which is what keeps it fresh. The stuff that's there is all recyclable, and even if it's original it tends to be so forced that it becomes awkward.

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No offense but... actually, scratch that, the offense is intended if you're offended. It's kinda become 'cool' round these parts to diss Rez's humour and I think it's getting more than a little harsh. If you don't like it then that's all fair and well but I can 100% guarantee these comments wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if another forumer had posted exactly the same video.


Rez has kept this up on a regular basis for 14 episodes now and I challenge any of you to come up with anything anywhere near as good for that kind of timescale. I know I struggle to come up with even 1 sketch every two weeks, nevermind a full show load. Also remember that this is not a fucking terrestrial show with a budget, it's built on nothing.


I agree the Big Brother bit was too long but at the same time, given more time it could have been better fleshed out. Maybe having it as a running joke throughout the show for example, having a related clip played every now and then instead of all bundled together.


Jay, Eevil's video is more interesting to watch? Seriously, feck off! No offense at all to Eevil because the vid is entertaining (to a point) but it wouldn't even exist without Comedy Rainbow.


To all moaning that it's not funny? Fair enough but we're 14 * 10 minute episodes in now. Why the fuck are you still watching? Twisted friend logic? Yeah that excuse would hold up if we were at the first few episodes but not now. If anyone but my best friend in the entire universe had produced 14 episodes of a show I hated I would have stopped watching long ago. Okay, you may not be laughing your arse off but to still be watching at this point you're all getting some sort of entertainment from it. *cue a 'yeah but only to laugh at how bad it is!!' response*


Okay, true, most, if not all, randomers probably wouldn't sit through 10 minutes of it if they came across it randomly but at the same time, so what? That's not really the point.


Rant over!

Edited by SPAMBOT4000
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I wouldn't say its awkward but I do agree my delivery is bad (often) like my sections of Big Brother (which got cut out) were just....terrible. That'll see the light of day on extras sometime. When I send it out. Etc etc.




But I think some is good. If I didn't I wouldn't do it (of course) :)


Like the Windows bit I liked in this ep, and Jonnys face on the prank call is priceless, and Phils bit, and the bit at the end Joke Lab....come ON that is hilairious. IMO.






Also I do try and keep long running gags fresh. Like the first bit at the beginning, I did the Norton thing last time, and I did "40 years later" this time which is kinda lulz.


:( I know you don't all like it, but I think sometimes you're a bit harsh generally speaking. Perhaps keep some of the truth to yourself. :p



But yeah free country etc.



I do appreciate the feedback folks. I will as always continue to try harder. I will cut down the intro. See if I can do a new one one day. Etc etc. I've still got some good stuff planned so it will run for a while yet. BLAHHHHHBLLLAAAHHHH.



And Paj are you referring to Cast? Its coming eventually.


Also Balls. Sometime. Ish.


No offense but... actually, scratch that, the offense is intended if you're offended. It's kinda become 'cool' round these parts to diss Rez's humour and I think it's getting more than a little harsh. If you don't like it then that's all fair and well but I can 100% guarantee these comments wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if another forumer had posted exactly the same video.


Rez has kept this up on a regular basis for 14 episodes now and I challenge any of you to come up with anything anywhere near as good for that kind of timescale. I know I struggle to come up with even 1 sketch every two weeks, nevermind a full show load. Also remember that this is not a fucking a terrestrial show with a budget, it's built on nothing.


I agree the Big Brother bit was too long but at the same time, given more time it could have been better fleshed out. Maybe having it as a running joke throughout the show for example, having a related clip played every now and then instead of all bundled together.


Jay, Eevil's video is more interesting to watch? Seriously, feck off! No offense at all to Eevil because the vid is entertaining (to a point) but it wouldn't even exist without Comedy Rainbow.


To all moaning that it's not funny? Fair enough but we're 14 * 10 minute episodes in now. Why the fuck are you still watching? Twisted friend logic? Yeah that excuse would hold up if we were at the first few episodes but not now. If anyone but my best friend in the entire universe had produced 14 episodes of a show I hated I would have stopped watching long ago. Okay, you may not be laughing your arse off but to still be watching at this point you're all getting some sort of entertainment from it. *cue a 'yeah but only to laugh at how bad it is!!' response*


Okay, true, most, if not all, randomers probably wouldn't sit through 10 minutes of it if they came across it randomly but at the same time, so what? That's not really the point.


Rant over!


Oooh. Yeah this TBH. Yay.

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No offense but... actually, scratch that, the offense is intended if you're offended. It's kinda become 'cool' round these parts to diss Rez's humour and I think it's getting more than a little harsh. If you don't like it then that's all fair and well but I can 100% guarantee these comments wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if another forumer had posted exactly the same video.


Rez has kept this up on a regular basis for 14 episodes now and I challenge any of you to come up with anything anywhere near as good for that kind of timescale. I know I struggle to come up with even 1 sketch every two weeks, nevermind a full show load. Also remember that this is not a fucking a terrestrial show with a budget, it's built on nothing.


I agree the Big Brother bit was too long but at the same time, given more time it could have been better fleshed out. Maybe having it as a running joke throughout the show for example, having a related clip played every now and then instead of all bundled together.


Jay, Eevil's video is more interesting to watch? Seriously, feck off! No offense at all to Eevil because the vid is entertaining (to a point) but it wouldn't even exist without Comedy Rainbow.


To all moaning that it's not funny? Fair enough but we're 14 * 10 minute episodes in now. Why the fuck are you still watching? Twisted friend logic? Yeah that excuse would hold up if we were at the first few episodes but not now. If anyone but my best friend in the entire universe had produced 14 episodes of a show I hated I would have stopped watching long ago. Okay, you may not be laughing your arse off but to still be watching at this point you're all getting some sort of entertainment from it. *cue a 'yeah but only to laugh at how bad it is!!' response*


Okay, true, most, if not all, randomers probably wouldn't sit through 10 minutes of it if they came across it randomly but at the same time, so what? That's not really the point.


Rant over!


This was uncalled for. ReZ frequently asks for everyone's comments and opinions and feedback on the videos, and I'm pretty sure he'd rather hear what we genuinely think than lie to him. The improvements that have come so far have come through feedback other members have offered him.

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This was uncalled for. ReZ frequently asks for everyone's comments and opinions and feedback on the videos, and I'm pretty sure he'd rather hear what we genuinely think than lie to him. The improvements that have come so far have come through feedback other members have offered him.


Well if you think THAT was uncalled for then you should have seen some of the comments Rez got when he uploaded the latest Comedy Rainbow...





Oh, my mistake. ReZ, everything about the videos are perfect, they all make me ROFL and there's nothing that can be changed to better my watching experience.




Edited by SPAMBOT4000
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Either way, I think you're missing the point. I think the videos can improve with the humour present, but there are tweaks needed in the delivery of said humour. I'm also aware that the show is a labour of love and done with zero budget, and this is where some of the charm comes from in seeming 'low-fi', but in my opinion it doesn't seem to work with this style. Maybe it's because there are videos that aim to do a similar thing?


I still think calling jay out for posting his thoughts on the video was off. ReZ asks for peoples opinions (and if I'm not mistaken he generally asks for people's honest, brutal opinions) and he has done just that. Why should he be crucified for it? It's what he thinks. And this is the beauty of comedy, not everyone has the same sense of humour hence why you have people debating the jokes and the style.

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Oh, my mistake. ReZ, everything about the videos are perfect, they all make me ROFL and there's nothing that can be changed to better my watching experience.



Of course Rez wants a bit of feedback, but if you were making a video and you were putting it up to the public (spending a lot of time on it in the first place), do you really want what is essentially abuse? Just watch it, accept there's some good things and bad things and at least include some positives in your criticism. If you hadn't enjoyed it at all Jay there's no point in tuning in.


There's just potential that needs unlocking that's all. Rez probably realises that there's some bad stuff in there but you can't always do anything about it. Scathing replies don't benefit in any way.


I do agree with ze Spambot. People should be called out if they step the line. The thing is, Rez only means well and it is hard to watch from the sidelines to see him get slated.


I'm not ass-kissing, seeing as we have enjoyed intercourse previously. Probably should've included that on Scare-Claire. The reaction of that would've been a little bit funny.

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"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

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Episode 14, an improvement upon Episode 13. In parts that is.




  • The New Intro, makes it seem like a worth watching video (not that CR isn't worth watching)
  • Hitler (i was hoping this would happen)
  • Scare Claire (best yet, she didn't see that one coming)
  • Bruce Jamieson sequence
  • Windows 7 scene
  • Phil's Stuff
  • Joke testing Lab (great, fresh feel to the Rainbow)




  • Spammy's scene (sorry dude, wasn't much good compared to previous entries)
  • Foods you can F**k




  • Big Brother scene, too long mate. Way too long, got bored after a minute.
  • Fun with a Pun (more facepalm than anything else)


Overall, it was a great watch. Worthy of a 7/10

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No offense but... actually, scratch that, the offense is intended if you're offended.

So you're deliberately disobeying the rules. Staff members! This member is purposely flamebaiting. Infract now.

It's kinda become 'cool' round these parts to diss Rez's humour and I think it's getting more than a little harsh. If you don't like it then that's all fair and well but I can 100% guarantee these comments wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if another forumer had posted exactly the same video.

I disagree, whoever made the "movie" that was like this, whoever they were, they would get the same treatment from me.

Rez has kept this up on a regular basis for 14 episodes now and I challenge any of you to come up with anything anywhere near as good for that kind of timescale. I know I struggle to come up with even 1 sketch every two weeks, nevermind a full show load. Also remember that this is not a fucking terrestrial show with a budget, it's built on nothing.

So based on your logic here, we can't insult anything because it's built from nothing. Fuck the argument about budget, comedy costs nothing.

I agree the Big Brother bit was too long but at the same time, given more time it could have been better fleshed out. Maybe having it as a running joke throughout the show for example, having a related clip played every now and then instead of all bundled together.

Too long but then you want more length, make your mind up.

Jay, Eevil's video is more interesting to watch? Seriously, feck off! No offense at all to Eevil because the vid is entertaining (to a point) but it wouldn't even exist without Comedy Rainbow.

No shit? Some of ReZ's material wouldn't exist if it wasn't for outside inspiration.

To all moaning that it's not funny? Fair enough but we're 14 * 10 minute episodes in now. Why the fuck are you still watching? Twisted friend logic? Yeah that excuse would hold up if we were at the first few episodes but not now. If anyone but my best friend in the entire universe had produced 14 episodes of a show I hated I would have stopped watching long ago.

Yeah it's twisted friend logic, I've met ReZ and he's a sound bloke. I have faith in him. If it means wading through the unfunny material he's produced thus far [No offence my main man ReZ] then I'll do it. If you don't have such a faith in your friends, then your concept of friendship means shit.

Okay, you may not be laughing your arse off but to still be watching at this point you're all getting some sort of entertainment from it.

I'm not sure what you're trying to get with this. Yes we're being entertained, but we're not laughing, which is the point of the show [i assume].

Rant over!

Thank the fuck Christ.


If I watch this and some point/s displease me, I'll voice them. Because there's no budget or whatever means fuck all. You're saying we can't be negative about practically everything people have made on YouTube because they have no money? Don't bullshit me. I'm fairly confident you've found something "similar" someone has made which you haven't liked. The fact you haven't voiced your opinion [Thinking "Oh, this was made in their free time using nothing but a spatula and the word "tits", earns my respect] means nothing.

ReZ asks for peoples opinions (and if I'm not mistaken he generally asks for people's honest, brutal opinions) and he has done just that.

This, ReZ asks me for the EEVIL Breakdown, after it being [i'm sorry ReZmon] mostly negative. ReZ is a person who is not afraid of facing the music, even if the music isn't that favourable towards him. Which earns pr0 respect.

I personally salute ReZ for his ongoing efforts in the face of adversity. He's like the white Rosa Parks.

Word. Respect goes to ReZ to the Max for his continuing efforts for this entertaining enterprise.

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So you're deliberately disobeying the rules. Staff members! This member is purposely flamebaiting. Infract now.


I disagree, whoever made the "movie" that was like this, whoever they were, they would get the same treatment from me.


So based on your logic here, we can't insult anything because it's built from nothing. Fuck the argument about budget, comedy costs nothing.


Too long but then you want more length, make your mind up.


No shit? Some of ReZ's material wouldn't exist if it wasn't for outside inspiration.


Yeah it's twisted friend logic, I've met ReZ and he's a sound bloke. I have faith in him. If it means wading through the unfunny material he's produced thus far [No offence my main man ReZ] then I'll do it. If you don't have such a faith in your friends, then your concept of friendship means shit.


I'm not sure what you're trying to get with this. Yes we're being entertained, but we're not laughing, which is the point of the show [i assume].


Thank the fuck Christ.


If I watch this and some point/s displease me, I'll voice them. Because there's no budget or whatever means fuck all. You're saying we can't be negative about practically everything people have made on YouTube because they have no money? Don't bullshit me. I'm fairly confident you've found something "similar" someone has made which you haven't liked. The fact you haven't voiced your opinion [Thinking "Oh, this was made in their free time using nothing but a spatula and the word "tits", earns my respect] means nothing.


This, ReZ asks me for the EEVIL Breakdown, after it being [i'm sorry ReZmon] mostly negative. ReZ is a person who is not afraid of facing the music, even if the music isn't that favourable towards him. Which earns pr0 respect.


Word. Respect goes to ReZ to the Max for his continuing efforts for this entertaining enterprise.


I think I love you, all over again. This is essentially everything that needed to be said.

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(and I don't include you in that Paj. I don't like your sense of humour) (No offense. I'm sure you feel the same about mine)


Yeah. I agree. :)


I think it's that I don't find your face or voice particularly funny. Which I think is a big thing in terms of me finding anything funny. I often point out people's faces, and the humour of my friends and I is based on voices/things people have/could say, out of context and stuff.


I've never been one for "jokes".


(P.s Having a non-funny face is actually a compliment/isn't meant to be rude)

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We sit and watch these episodes out of some twisted idea of friendship logic -- nobody else would choose to watch it. Other people would switch off after about 10 seconds.


Seriously. I'm not subjecting myself to it anymore, until someone tells me it's worth watching.



EEVIL's video is more interesting to watch (which is saying something, as he would surely agree- i mean, watching people watch something isn't top-drawer material) and should show you that one laugh an episode is not enough.


These two comments in particular were the ones that pissed me off personally, and I'm guessing its what made SPAMBOT snap and post the big post. A) You guys know I can take negative feedback. I've taken it for over 6 months now, so there's no problem there, but come on the above comments are ridiculous. "Two people lying on a bed is more interesting than the collection of 10+ jokes you've just spent several hours putting together" offensive and not even true. Then "We're supposed to be friends but I'm not willing to take 10 minutes out of my busy schedule to watch this, someone let me know if its worth watching" thats god damn offensive as well.


B) There is no argument against those kinds of comments. And this is coming from someone who is extremely open to criticism you know I am.


C) Etc.


D) Oh and Murray, if you're entertained then I'm actually happy. I don't particularly mind if you laugh or not as long as you find it entertaining or interesting in some way.

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