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Comedy Rainbow


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Yeah we really pushed the boundaries on this one. It was amusing when Phil texted me about his clip.


"Its pretty offensive."

"Thats fine, I've done three gags that make it the most offensive episode by a fair margin"

"Oh cool. Mine's paedo based"

"Oh nice. I did a paedo one too."

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Nowhere near as long......say it takes an hour in total to do ReZ Daily, thats at least 15 hours if CR is three-weekly (which it isn't even).


CR I can just do one clip at a time (which I enjoy doing too) thats one of the main things...I quite enjoy the CR process.


Oh, of course, sorry, I kinda forgot about the 'Daily" part. I don't care about whether or not it's everyday or every 6 months, they were far better as videos than Comedy Rainbow.

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I thought the delivery in this one was much better than a few previous ones. Though there's still a few clips that you could cut a second of silence from the end.


However I thought most of the jokes themselves were pretty rubbish. I liked the Downtown Abbi one but it could have been done better. The childline one was good but also could have been done better. I think the crappy screen with the number you mocked up was crap. Would be better using an actual page or making one with the logo and shit.

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Jesus. At periods of work today I had nothing to do. I wrote down any CR ideas I had.




I came up with 31 new ideas. Jayseven was right about my employment.



Getting paid to think of CR ideas??. Best be worth it*.


(*Note: Probably will be anyway)

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haha I don't know whether I was giddy or anything but I think episode 19 was your best. I think you're getting a lot better at this.


oh and don't mind offensive humour. I believe everything needs to be laughed at now and then it's healthy.

Edited by mcj metroid
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Episode 20


The series that was named "The most disgusting display of what the current generation of immature young adults are capable of with only the most basic knowledge and understanding of humour and access to a computer" returns for it 10 multiplied by 2 episode! Dr Wu-Man advertises her newest money making scheme, check out Evian's new water products and enjoy a healthy dose of puns.



I would love to see some more video reviews from you folks. :D

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The Bounty thing was ace. Incl. its out-take because I can imagine I'd crack at such a beautifully filmed gag too, I enjoy.


Wasn't expecting Eevil/forgot about it, and thus brought a smile.


The majority of the rest was fodder, mildly humorous segments, but when I say mild I mean mild as in how a Korma is spicy.

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One of the better ones. I sniggered multiple times.


I have been drinking though so...:indeed:


I loved the Somalian water bit. The Dr Wu-Man cover art, the opening in chinese/japanese pointlessly etc. NSPCC had potential.


But yeah, one of the better ones.

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Yup! Positive stuff :) Wasn't too lengthy! The evian thing was good - wasn't expecting the luton, but was expecting the somalia one. Nice shiny c-r stuff, sound quality was good AND YOU WERE IN A DIFFERENT LOCATION! Well done. Hell, even the hitler one was decent.

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