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Are there any games you CANT play?

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TLOZ: OoT. Yeah I know, its meant to be amazing bla bla bla but with OoT disc I got with WW was a bit more difficult and boring than Wind Waker which was bright, exciting, fresh.


Oh and be gentle with me :p


I know exactly what you mean! I'm not sure what it was, but I really didn't like it, whereas I loved Wind Waker.

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OoT is a great game buy addmittedly hard to get into. I remember in the 64 days I got stuck in Jabu Jabus belly and didnt go back for 3 months. Also That Guy, is your name a Futurama reference?


Nope I used it on a Spurs forum when I joined about 2 years ago and just used it here because I'm too lazy to think of other things.

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I loved Metroid Prime, I want to love Metroid Prime 2, but I cant commit to it, I hate myself for this :(


Ok so theres another 1 for Metroid. Can anyone explain why they cant get into the Metroid games? I mean I do eventually but I have to have alot of spare time.


Personally I think its because they are such big games that require you to go back and forth that you have to play them in 1 go unless you cant remember where you are or what you are doing. Basically it doesnt have that pick up and play element.

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Paper Mario TYD. I've just sat and played the opening and nearly fell asleep. I'm not the biggest fan of RPGs but when I started playing this, all I could think of was switching it off. What the hells up with me?


I had the same feeling at the beginning but after I got to the door I suddenly got addicted.

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The only game(s) that i never could or most likely will be able to play is the Resident Evel series... everytime i get a hold of a Resi game, my friend comes over to play it while i watch. There is a reason for this though, the controller is... it's just really really bad, can't put myself together to learn it either...

Only Resi game's. (WoW too, worst game i have ever played)

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Guest Stefkov

i played on metroid, then didnt play for a while, went back and i loved it. plaeyed for ages, then the GC decided that there was an error in the reading of dis or something on the lines of that, the game isprobably fine, but i realised i hadnt saved it i just cant play it again, im gonna pick it up again around christmas to get my self playing games again.

also i cant do the finding the triforce pieces in the wind waker. i just cant get round to doing it.

Mario sunshine aswell, theres just one level that i cant do so i wont do it.

and Harvest moon, i absolutely love this game, but i cant get back into the flow of playing it now. i remember hearing the news that you die at the end, i got sad and didnt play it.

theyre the only action type games ive got. can anyone recomend me a good action adventure game that will last me ages, for under or up to £25. or should i save it and get the twilight princess?

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The amount of time i have stared to play a Resident Evil game and not even got that far into it all is unreal.

Especially the remake of the original, i still havent got past the mansion. I just dont go back and play it.

On zero i have got past the train and am in the mansion(y) place, but that was last week or before it and i havent gone back to it since.

On 4 i got past the village and to the first dude that you buy stuff off, haven't played it since.


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Ok so theres another 1 for Metroid. Can anyone explain why they cant get into the Metroid games? I mean I do eventually but I have to have alot of spare time.


Personally I think its because they are such big games that require you to go back and forth that you have to play them in 1 go unless you cant remember where you are or what you are doing. Basically it doesnt have that pick up and play element.


My best mate gets motion sickness from it!!!...That and Halo :wtf:

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I couldn;t really get into Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and PoP Warrior Within. I managed to get into Prime 2 after a while, it is a very good game, but not as good as the original Prime though. Still tryin to get into PoP Warrior Within, but still no luck

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Add another one to the Metroid Prime can't complete list. I can't explain it but I love the games when playing them , but , I never seem to play them for long enough to actually get through them. Prime is still only around 40% completed , and as for Echoes , it is so long since I booted it , I have no idea where I have got to.


Another one for me is Beyond Good and Evil. That has been sitting in my collection for ages and for some reason I have hardly touched it. I did pick it up last night though (had some spare time to kill between completing Fire Emblem and the arrival of Battalion Wars) and forgot what a good game it is. Sadly though Battalion Wars arrived today so BG&E looks like taking a back seat again.

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Im not on about games which are too hard but games that are rated very highly but for some reason that you cant fathom you have trouble playing.


I came accross this situation with Metroid Prime. It took me ages to pick it up and play it but when I did I stormed through it.


Next is Mario and Luigi. I have owned this games twice now and both times I can hardly get past the 2nd world for reasons that i cant explain.


Lastly is Metroid Prime 2. I have had this sitting here for well over 6 months and I still cant manage to pick it up and start it.


Has anyone else been through this with any games?


Ive definately had trouble playin metroid prime, both 1 and 2, i play it for a bit then lose interest but as soon as i pick it up again, i play i to the end....none stop, weird that :S

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