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your top disappointing games

mcj metroid

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Woah! Quite a response there :p


It's still a good game, i'm not saying that it isn't...but come on, 1 and 2 are much, much better games and it was a disappointment in comparison. Well for me at least.


I can't have been the only one who put this game in for the first time highly excited, started playing the first level and uttered 'wtf' as i saw what they had done to the enemy sprites :(


Plus the ending was also a disappointment, i don't want photos i want my enemies moving across the screen and diddy kicking donkey kong up the arse!


Just to verify: Disappointing compared to Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2, but still a good game.



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I'm very much in the 1 > 2 > 3 camp :heh: A lot of that, however, may be down to only playing the original when I was younger meaning that my first experiece of DKC 2 and 3 only came in recent years..


Back onto the game I posted about being disappointed about, though.. how did other people find Shadow of the Colossus?

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Back onto the game I posted about being disappointed about, though.. how did other people find Shadow of the Colossus?


Loved it.


Maybe not in a Dragon Quest VIII/Wind Waker sort of way, but I definitely wasn't disappointed. I'm a technical geek, so I was massively impressed with the overworld and its lack of loading times. Plus, climbing up on giant creatures genuinely felt like something new to me.


Basically, the game had that immersive "I'm really in this world and I'm searching for monsters" vibe.

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Shadow of the Colossus would perhaps have felt more impressive if I had played it when it was originally released but I certainly came away feeling that it could have been better :hmm:


Don't get me wrong.. it was pretty good and the seemless world and gigantic detailed monsters were certainly impressive. My main grip was probably to do with the controls and a lack of precision..


There were many times when I could see a jump I should be able to make but was always left worrying whether I'd actually be able to execute it or not as often the camera or your own movement came into question. The sensation of holding on to the beasts was great.. but falling off countless times when it didn't feel like it was my fault left me frustrated :sad:

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Shadow of the Colossus would perhaps have felt more impressive if I had played it when it was originally released but I certainly came away feeling that it could have been better :hmm:


Did you play it this generation or last? I don't feel playing something on release is important, but I do feel it's best to play something in the generation it's released. Heck, I didn't play Super Metroid until I got it on the Wii's Virtual Console, and yes, it's good, but I honestly can't see how it's any better than Zero Mission or Fusion.


If you were used to the PS3 or Xbox 360, no last-gen game could impress you as much as it would have at the time.


There were many times when I could see a jump I should be able to make but was always left worrying whether I'd actually be able to execute it or not as often the camera or your own movement came into question. The sensation of holding on to the beasts was great.. but falling off countless times when it didn't feel like it was my fault left me frustrated :sad:


I forgot about that.


I suppose if a game "wows" you enough, you can get used to any control or camera quirks. For me, the sense of meditation and immersion was enough to make me overlook any problems.

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I played it this year.. but the generation gap usually isn't something I would focus on as I generally go between consoles at will.


For instance, in recent weeks I have finished Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex (Wii), Silent Hill (PS1), No More Heroes 2 (Wii), Crash Bandicoot (PS1), Perfect Dark (XBOX 360) and Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) and have moved considerably through Spyro the Dragon (PS1), Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES), Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (DS) and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (XBOX 360) :smile:

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Disappointing games hmm? I'm only been playing ds games for the last while and most have been brilliant. There have been areas in all of them that I could think of improvements on but wouldn't say disappointing.


I was a tad bit disappointed with bioshock when I played it actually. I know i'm late into the game with that one. I loved a lot about it but hmmm something about it stopped me loving it as much as everyone else did. Could do with the fact I just finished uncharted before it :D

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I played it this year.. but the generation gap usually isn't something I would focus on as I generally go between consoles at will.


For instance, in recent weeks I have finished Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex (Wii), Silent Hill (PS1), No More Heroes 2 (Wii), Crash Bandicoot (PS1), Perfect Dark (XBOX 360) and Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) and have moved considerably through Spyro the Dragon (PS1), Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES), Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (DS) and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (XBOX 360) :smile:


Have any of them ever become true favourites of yours though? If so, I salute you! Personally, I've only ever had that "wow, love it!" feeling in the "correct" generation.

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I felt Silent Hill was better than any Resident Evil game I have played (apart from Resident Evil 4) and got me even more excited to play the sequel on PS2 and the Wii interpretation of the original :hehe:


Like you, I only recently played Super Metroid.. last year, in fact, on the SNES! I was never really a hardcore Metroid fan despite enjoying Metroid Prime (which was actually my first) but last year I played through Echoes, Corruption, Zero Mission, Super Metroid and Fusion and actually felt that Super Metroid was probably the best of the lot. It was certainly good enough for me to play through again straight away having got near the end before my data corrupted on the cartridge :eek:


Also, having played Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes during the Gamecube era, I played the original PS1 game this year along with Sons of Liberty on the PS2 and, to be honest, the first game was far superior to the second despite MGS2 being from a newer era..

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WTF is this shit?


Its inexplicable. :blank:


To be fair the 3rd one is the worst one.


If by worst you mean best...


Woah! Quite a response there :p


It's still a good game, i'm not saying that it isn't...but come on, 1 and 2 are much, much better games and it was a disappointment in comparison. Well for me at least.


I can't have been the only one who put this game in for the first time highly excited, started playing the first level and uttered 'wtf' as i saw what they had done to the enemy sprites :(


Plus the ending was also a disappointment, i don't want photos i want my enemies moving across the screen and diddy kicking donkey kong up the arse!


Just to verify: Disappointing compared to Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2, but still a good game.




Everyones entitled to their opinion. :) Just doesn't mean its right.


Here's a quick overview of how I see the trilogy:



Great graphics, great music, great gameplay, varied worlds. Totally memorable.



Built on everything from DKC; basically its DKC on steroids. Two quick and nimble Kongs, the bonus rooms now have meaningful collectibles... in fact, the game is chock full of stuff to collect. I loved it at the time and still do but its just too dark overall, imo and they did go a bit overboard with collectibles I thought.



This was THE swansong title of the SNES. Rare took everything they learned from DKC and DKC 2 and distilled it into the finest game of the trilogy and thus, the best game ever. They rejuvenated the gameplay by bringing back the large Kong, little Kong mechanic. The collectibles don't feel as overwhelming, the worlds are bright and cheery but still dangerous. The Northern Kremisphere is open and a trading sequence is introduced. There's upgradable water craft for transport. There's even a snow level right in the first world! Sheer brilliance. The only lesser moments being the waterfall levels and Squirt, the Cotton-Top Cove boss.

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To be honest, I never really got into any of the DKC games.


Don't get me wrong, they were excellent games, but I think they were just a bit too hard for me. I could never get past one of the minecart levels I think it was. And only being able to sustain two hits was a bit too hardcore for me!


The best SNES platformer IMO was Yoshi's Island.

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To be honest, I never really got into any of the DKC games.


Don't get me wrong, they were excellent games, but I think they were just a bit too hard for me. I could never get past one of the minecart levels I think it was. And only being able to sustain two hits was a bit too hardcore for me!


The best SNES platformer IMO was Yoshi's Island.


I swear Yoshi's Island is harder, can't remember. I've finished DKC 1 and 2 multiple times and i suppose it's like everything, the more you play the better you get and the easier it gets.

As a kid that first minecart level on DKC1 got me everytime with that upwards jump, then someone told me of the sneaky jump into the hole at the start trick :grin: I did go back and do it eventually though, gotta love those mine cart levels <3

I can play through both 1 and 2 fairly easily now but certain levels like the lost world volcano level in 2 still kill me a bit.

But yeah, can't remember the snes Yoshi's Island as I haven't played it recently, but i played through Yoshi's Island DS and i got well and truly stuck, bloody hard game that, deceivingly hard!

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and it's mostly down to the music.


SNES version of DKC3 comes out: Everyone complains about the change in music style, due to Eveline Fischer's more ambient style.

GBA remake of DKC3 comes out: Everyone complains about Dave Wise's remade music killing their memories.


Conclusion: DKC3's music is doomed.


But yeah, can't remember the snes Yoshi's Island as I haven't played it recently, but i played through Yoshi's Island DS and i got well and truly stuck, bloody hard game that, deceivingly hard!


Agreed - also found Yoshi's Island on SNES pretty hard, and the DS version to be pure evil. A game that takes pleasure on hiding loads of coins between the 2 screens? Somebody please find the developers & whack them over the head with a Sonic Rush design document.

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I'm currently disappointed in Red Steel 2.. so far, anyway :indeed:


I'm a couple of hours into it anyway and I was playing it tonight.. but it just doesn't seem to be doing all that much for me yet :hmm:


Having just finished Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on the XBOX 360, I'm finding the shooting aspects of the game a little lacklustre in these early stages and I'm not convinced the sword fighting is quite making up for it all yet..


I'm not really enjoying the structure so far either with the way the missions are laid out :sad: Hopefully I'll enjoy it more as I get into it though..

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