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Episode 4

Yay Dom has arrived. Wonder if he'll be able to pull off a convincing evil guy. I'm more sure that my theory from episode 2 is right now, about that flashforward with PENNNAAAAYYYY! and the guy whose kid is in hospital being some kind of set up or forced thing. Maybe they drugged her or summat I dunno. Anyway who wants a bet that EVIL DAD will turn good in the end.


But yeah the episode was very hmmm and mehh again. I seem to be only following it for the little snippits of info we get about the main overall story arc. The episode plot was rather uninteresting and boring and a lot of that is because I still don't really give a shit about any of the characters. I might be starting to warm to ex-suicide guy but that's about it. Heck I couldn't even tell you any of the character's names, that's how little I care.


The overall plot has me hooked though and I'm obviously going to stick with this until I get some closure about the who/what/why/how on the whole blackout thing. There's just much better TV out there at the moment on a per episode basis.

I agree on the character-name-stuff, and I was a wee bit 'ZOMG CHARLIEEEEE!' (immediately followed by 'wow, that's a line straight out of the clichésaurus right there...). I think we're supposed to basically go "yup, it's inevitable" still, which makes me sad, as it means we're going to have [however many] episodes up til the end of the season with the build-up -- more and more of this 'mosaic' coming together, only to have the season end on what we've seen already.


But, honestly, no matter what anyone else says, it's still one of the best TV shows on at the moment.

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I agree on the character-name-stuff, and I was a wee bit 'ZOMG CHARLIEEEEE!' (immediately followed by 'wow, that's a line straight out of the clichésaurus right there...). I think we're supposed to basically go "yup, it's inevitable" still, which makes me sad, as it means we're going to have [however many] episodes up til the end of the season with the build-up -- more and more of this 'mosaic' coming together, only to have the season end on what we've seen already.


But, honestly, no matter what anyone else says, it's still one of the best TV shows on at the moment.



Yeah, the only character's I can remember are Charlie and her babysitter Nicole. I'm actually getting a bit confused... What relation is Nicole to that guy who's daughter died and he saw in the future? Have we ever seen them together before?


And this FBI boss guy is getting annoying. Why wouldn't he send the main character to whichever-country-it-is if something similar has happened there before? Makes no sense.


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And this FBI boss guy is getting annoying. Why wouldn't he send the main character to whichever-country-it-is if something similar has happened there before? Makes no sense.

Yeah it makes no sense in the fact that this is a major global catastophy and yet there's what, two guys on the team!


haha, It really is bad that none of us can remember any of the character names!

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haha, It really is bad that none of us can remember any of the character names!


There's Agent, The Wife, The Kid, Future Husband, John Cho, Suicide Doctor, D. Gibbons, Cho's Wife, FBI Guy, Bearded Guy and Babysitter.


I think Future Husband is called Charlie or something.



As for not sending them where they should have gone: the network probably wanted a filler episode.

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There's Agent, The Wife, The Kid, Future Husband, John Cho, Suicide Doctor, D. Gibbons, Cho's Wife, FBI Guy, Bearded Guy and Babysitter.


I think Future Husband is called Charlie or something.



As for not sending them where they should have gone: the network probably wanted a filler episode.


The kid is Charlie. Babysitter is Nicole.


No idea about any of the others.

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There's Agent, The Wife, The Kid, Future Husband, John Cho, Suicide Doctor, D. Gibbons, Cho's Wife, FBI Guy, Bearded Guy and Babysitter.


I think Future Husband is called Charlie or something.



As for not sending them where they should have gone: the network probably wanted a filler episode.


Genuinely what I call them all.


Did anyone else think they were off to India and then got really dissapointed?


Another meh episode. Ralph Fiennes' brother is positively annoying.


Yeah I thought they were off to India. Happy when they came across Allen Strange though.




I personally enjoyed the episode, and I think He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's Brother was good when he was playing egg man with his daughter. Gave him an inche or so more depth. Overall I am warming to the characters.


Apart from Wife/Penny. She's annoying/a bitch.


"You were out of line earlier when you told me not to kill a patient, and gave me a perfectly valid reason for why, and why I was being stubborn about it."


Fuck off.

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They should just call Charlie from lost Charlie and Penny from Lost Penny as to avoid confusion.


Worst episode yet, wtf was all that about the guy turning black, jesus. So many ridiculous characters in this show, like others have said the doctor having a strop because someone pointed out they were going to kill a patient, or the boss not allowing them to go and check out leads. Ahh well it's still moderately good fun

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I quite enjoyed this weeks, even though not much really happened.


Are the lesbian pair meant to be on a first date (like they mentioned in the restaurant) or are they meant to have been together a while?! They seem WAY too all over each other in a lovey dovey way for a first date and then in the restaurant the FBI girl said something like "I would NEVER let you down" - not exactly first date kinda talk is it? The writing is pretty shocking at times. I thought the argument between the black FBI boss guy and the main character guy was also a little forced and not very well written.


I've also realised why I STILL can't keep track of the character names, it's because there's way too many of them that have speaking parts! So many characters in this episode were talking and I wasn't sure who we'd seen before and if I was meant to know who they are etc... Like the fat non-boss black fbi guy who popped up in this ep. Have we seen him before or what?! SO confused!



Weird, that was all rant but like I said I did enjoy a lot more than I have the past few.


Maybe it WAS just the lesbians.

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Well I'm thinking that the lesbian thing is that they are quickly falling in love, and it'll all turn out that they have a civil partnership together, and that the baby is 'theirs' (borrowed sperm, or whatever).


I didn't care. I want more flashforwards that make a difference but meh.

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I quite enjoyed this weeks, even though not much really happened.


Like the fat non-boss black fbi guy who popped up in this ep. Have we seen him before or what?! SO confused!




He's been in it a few times... Is he not the guy who was taking a dump during the blackout? Or was that the FBI boss black guy?


We've definitely seen him before though. He doesn't really do anything though.

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Yeah it was quite a good episode compared to all those so far.


The black towers story has finally moved on 'slightly' after a weeks break... just hurry up and bloody visit the place!!


Sexy lesbian couple ftw, and yeah Rez she was Ryans Chino ex in the OC!

Yeah it seemed immediately obvious that its most likely their baby, and yeah I got the feeling they'd been going out for a while.


But OMG with the names!! haha it shouldn't be this difficult!!

Yeah fat black guy has been in it a few times, not really sure what he does though! and can't remember if we've seen his flashforward or not, don't think we have... he just mentioned in the very first meeting after the blackout that he'd seen the same time and date as main guy.

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g out for a while.


But OMG with the names!! haha it shouldn't be this difficult!!

Yeah fat black guy has been in it a few times, not really sure what he does though! and can't remember if we've seen his flashforward or not, don't think we have... he just mentioned in the very first meeting after the blackout that he'd seen the same time and date as main guy.


One black guy was on the bog.


The other black guy (think the fat one) was in a meeting with someone. IIRC then that's how they found out everyone was having a flashforward. They go in contact with the woman he was in a meeting with to see if she saw the same thing.

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EDIT ; THE OC!!!!!!!!!!1


That was annoying me all through the episode, had to google her to work out why I recognised.


Quite enjoyed the ep. I reckon the kid is Harold from Harold and Kumar's, sort of like he knew he was gonna die but wanted a kid, and Janis and the OC chick wanted a kid so yeahse.

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