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Xpert Eleven: Season 10


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Xpert 11 Awards!







While the last report isn't out yet the awards from the last game are in it so this is a complete list.


Important Wins Award


Essex Elites 5

Roostope Rovers 4

Secret United 4

The Sixty Fourthers 2

AFC Rez Rabies 1

Haden United 1

Emo Blades 1


Important: Essex, Essex, Rovers, Secret, Secret, Essex, Rovers, Rabies, Essex, Haden, Rovers, 64s, Blades, Rovers, Secret, 64s, Secret, Essex,


Essex Elites edged out Secret United and Roostophe Rovers to become the recipient of the most important games won award. The Elites burst on to the top league with a string of scalps including a famous victory over Rovers, before struggling to keep up their momentum. They seemed in danger of being relegated before a last day victory against Blades deservedly kept them up. A worthy winner and a team that will hopefully make steps forward next season.


Stylish Play Award


Dysonism F.C 6

Roostope Rovers 4

Secret United 3

Emo Blades 2

Haden United 1


Style: Dyson, Haden, Rovers, Dyson, Dyson, Secret, Secret, Blades, Rovers, Blades, Rovers, 64s, Blades, Rovers, Secret, Dyson, Dyson, Dyson,


Dysonism F.C won this award with 6 games where they were deemed to be the most stylish team in the league. While they were never title contenders this season their star studded line up is well feared. With 35 goals scored the most in the league it is clear that they have the sheer firepower to destroy certain teams with their attacking style of football. The teams that suffered this fate have been to name just 3, Essex Elites (4-0), Cubic County (3-0), and even the Sixty Fourthers (5-2). With no big name retirements they will be wanting this award next season.


Individual Player Award


Essex Elites 4

Dysonism F.C 2

The Sixty Fourthers 2

Roostope Rovers 2

Secret United 2

AFZ Rez Rabies 2

Emo Blades 2

Haden United 1



Player: Twigg Dyson, Pizzulli Essex, Qorbani 64s, Monington Rovers, MacCalman Secret, Wiberg Rabies, MacCalman Secret, Telfer Essex, Brammer Essex, Hannington Haden, Higgs Blades, Twigg Dyson, Shannonbridge Blades, Mazzoleni Rovers, Gould Cube, Wollberd Rabies, Qorbani 64s, Hooke Essex,


Essex Elites survival story has been down to the heart and soul of their team the players themselves. Pizzulli while have a poor latter season was instrumental in the win against Roostophe Rovers scoring twice and setting a goal up. Telfer as goalie has helped the Elites keep clean sheets against tough teams such as Secret United. Brammer has been a rock in defense and has stepped up to score goals when he has been needed. Finally Hooke has been a creative force for the Elites setting up a goal for them in the final match of the season. These players and many more have been the driving force behind the Elites survival.




Important Wins Award


MadDog United 5

Noodle FC 3

Tin Can Club 3

Silverdale FC 2

Edd Kirby Athletic 1


Important: Noodle, Noodle, Tin, Mad, Tin, Mad, Tin, (Draw), Mad, Mad, Edd, Mad, Silver, (Draw), Silver, (Draw), Noodle, (Draw),


MadDog United after finishing 7th in the Regulars league last season had it all to do this time around. And they delivered in style, edging out Silverdale FC and Noodle FC for the last promotion place they have shown themselves time and time again to be able to score vital wins against Silverdale, Noodle and most importantly of all to be the only team to have beaten Tin Can Club. Great winners and a deservedly promoted side.


Stylish Play Award

Silverdale FC 4

MadDog United 3

Made of Win 2

Happenstance FC 2

Edd Kirby Athletic 2

Tin Can Club 2

Party at Richters 1

Noodle FC 1


Style: Party, Silver, Silver, Mad, Win, Hap, Hap, Mad, Noodle, Noodle, Mad, Silver, Tin, Edd, Edd, Tin, Silver, Win,


Silverdale FC have always been a team that the report has enjoyed watching so it comes as no surprise that they just about edged the prize for this category. Their finest period has to have been their two in a row extravagant victories against Noodle FC (3-0) and MadDog United (3-1). This wonderful football had their fans dreaming of promotion. It wasn't to be in the end but they did themselves proud and will be fearsome opponents next season.



Individual Player Award


Edd Kirby Athletic 6

Happenstance FC 3

Silverdale FC 2

Noodle FC 2

MadDog United 2

Tin Can Club 1

Made of Win 1

Party at Richters 1


Player: Eaves Party, Sidwell Silver, Robinho Noodle, Burbage Hap, McKenna Edd, Bain Edd, Ronaldo Hap, Bain Edd, Santana Noodle, Hadley Mad, Kirby Jr Edd, Ullathorpe Mad, Lightbody Silver, McKenna Edd, Hill Edd, Einersen Tin, Burbage Hap, Winston Win,


Edd Kirby Athletic are a side that literally fought tooth and nail to stay in the league and their players tenacity and talent have been a great help. Youth striker McKenna is featured twice on the list and has been an asset to Athletic at only 19 years old gaining 4 goals. Bain is also featured twice and frankly this 21 year old keeper is possibly the most valuable and talented player in the league, his shot stopping abilities have helped Athletic immensely. Edd Kirby Jr is another young talent and one who has a bright future ahead of him, he has impacted in games at crucial points. Finally Hill is the glue that holds Athletics midfield together, with 5 assists and 3 goals he has contributed well to his teams survival.




Important Wins Award


Battlestar Odwinica 5

Duds Baggies 4

Complete Domstercool 2

Mcoys Sons 2



Important: (Draw), Dom, Dud, Sons, Dud, (Draw), Sons, Oddy, Oddy, Oddy, Dud, (Draw), Dud, (Draw), (Draw), Dom, Oddy, Oddy,


Battlestar Odwinica team of the manager who won the Premier League multiple times won their the lower league title in their first season. A string of good results was topped off by a nail biting final day battle between Odwinica and Mcoys Sons. Sons hadn't lost a game up until that point but Odwinica defeated them and clinched the title. A incredible debut season and surely a dark horse for promotion next season.


Stylish Play Award


Jaffa Munchers 4

Battlestar Odwinica 4

Mcoys Sons 2

Complete Domstercool 2

Recall United 2

Duds Baggies 2

Tellstorm 1

The Adorable Vikings 1


Style: Munch, Sons, Dom, Recall, Tell, Munch, Sons, Munch, Dom, Recall, Dud, Oddy, Oddy, Vikings, Oddy, Dud, Oddy, Munch,


A tie here between Jaffa Munchers and Battlestar Odwinica. It is interesting to note that most of Munchers awards are early while Odwinica blossomed later in the season. Munchers had a great first half of the season with stylish victories against Tellstorm (4-0) and Recall United (2-0), they just couldn't seem to crack the bigger teams in the league. Odwinica however had a better late season with huge victories over lesser sides such as Mike Strikes FC (4-0) The Adorable Vikings (6-0) as well as more impressive sides such as Complete Domstercool (4-1) and Mcoys Sons (3-0). An indication therefore of the ebb and flow of the league, but a deserved shared trophy.


Individual Player Award


Complete Domstercool 5

Mcoys Sons 5

Duds Baggies 3

Battlestar Odwinica 2

Recall United 1

The Adorable Vikings 1

Jaffa Munchers 1


Player: Shelton Dud, Muscat Dom, Shelton Dud, Halliday Sons, Standen Dud, Mansell Dom, Harris Sons, Siddall Dom, Siddall Dom, Tate Oddy, Clegg Recall, Woozley Sons, Miles Dom, Curtis Sons, Norbye Vikings, Woozley Sons, Collin Oddy, Albalah Munch,


Another shared trophy for the final prize! With 5 players each in this category the report will briefly look at what makes the Sons and Domstercools players so worthy of this prize. Siddall won the prize twice for Domstercool and is clearly a rising talent, 23 and with multiple skills he is a shining part of Domstercools fearsome midfield. His double against Recall United along with the influence his play had during the match highlighted his importance. Woozley also won the prize twice for Mcoys Sons and his defensive talent has been one of the reasons why the Sons only lost once in the entire season. To compliment this he is also a talented playmaker setting up an impressive 6 goals during the season. Both these skills will be needed in the battle for supremacy in the middle league.




And now the ultra fun part special surprise award time!


The report has 3 special prizes to give away one for each category. The winners of each category will pick a number according to how many of you there are either 1-3 or 1-4. I have already picked the winning numbers out when everyone has picked I will reveal the winners. Good luck!


Important Win Award Pickers



Essex Elites 2

MadDog United 3

Battlestar Odwinica 1


Stylish Play Award Pickers


Dysonism F.C 3

Silverdale FC 4

Jaffa Munchers 2

Battlestar Odwinica 1


Individual Player Award Pickers



Essex Elites 1

Edd Kirby Athletic 4

Complete Domstercool 3 (told me over msn)

Mcoys Sons 2


I won't be giving two prizes out to the same indivdual so if Oddy or Ellmeister pick two winning numbers I will give them one prize and redo one draw.


Ok hope you enjoy the award ceremony and pick your numbers prize people!


Btw I have sent the winning numbers to JaySeven just so noone thinks I am picking those who I love! lol

Edited by Haden
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I am surprised! Two awards :o


Thanks a lot Haden for the amazing reports, always looked forward to reading them.


I pick 2 for the first and 1 for the second :)


Probably going to fail on both haha.


Should I pick a name for Mr Kirby? He's a mate from home an not on here, if so I'll choose 4?

Edited by Ellmeister
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I am surprised! Two awards :o


Thanks a lot Haden for the amazing reports, always looked forward to reading them.


I pick 2 for the first and 1 for the second :)


Probably going to fail on both haha.


Should I pick a name for Mr Kirby? He's a mate from home an not on here, if so I'll choose 4?


Np glad you enjoy them :D


Wait Kirby isnt Edd from the boards? Lol! Sent him a PM as well.


OK I will mark him down as 4 bet Edd wonders what ive been smoking today.

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I'll take 3 please. What an awesome idea Haden :D


I got +8 in my change report. All the players I wanted to get an increase got a visible bar increase so I'm very happy. Brobeck is a beast; with 11 skill last season but constantly performing at 16/17, the extra bar there makes him possibly the best player in the league. I'd put my money on it, anyway. I also have Dunwell to add to my legends list, with a skill of 10. Stenholm getting a bar increase to 13 is fuckawesome.


My team should be ready to smash all opposition next season. Heres hoping, anyway.


As for the friendly cup, I'm up for that. I'll sort it out so that we can start this coming Friday.

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Congrats to those who get the congrats -- though I think I'd've won a category if we were counting 'manager of the round' awards :P


A brief point to make in regards to teh friendly cup we're planning - if the mangerless teams aren't there to respond to the friendly request then... well we're going to have a much smaller cup really, aren't we?

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Congrats to those who get the congrats -- though I think I'd've won a category if we were counting 'manager of the round' awards :P


A brief point to make in regards to teh friendly cup we're planning - if the mangerless teams aren't there to respond to the friendly request then... well we're going to have a much smaller cup really, aren't we?


Yup. I was thinking about this before I posted. I thought that the way forward would be to just make it that if friendlies aren't accepted by the inactive team, the active player goes through. I'll know who's active and not, it's not hard to tell :heh:

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Well can't we just... not enter the inactive teams?


Mike Strikes 2009-08-10 12:47

Party at Richters 2009-08-14 19:56

Tellstorm 2009-09-14 18:58


... They seem to be the least active teams (shorty's picked up a bit, Tales has logged in to see his change report, at least)...

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You are all or will soon be Very Important People welcome to the family.

Wooo awesome! Thanks Haden Right as my VIP ran out too..haha


I'm guessing VIP. no..? :p


Congrats to the winners.




Pretty gooood prize if Dyson guessed right. Haden :bowdown:

Edited by DuD
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