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What breaks a game for you?

mcj metroid

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Crap online infrastructure. So basically anything on the Wii, Ghostbusters (possibly the worst I've ever encountered) and at the moment Fat Princess (patch that fat cow!).


But that obviously only effects games I want to play online.

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The wall, a hammer, bare fists etc...


I can't remember ever abandoning a game early on*. I'm either a genius at predicting which games I'm going to enjoy before buying them, or I'm just really easy to please (ooh look, a white cloud!).


*Not counting the highs and lows of the Speccy era at any rate.

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What pisses me off with some games is un-responsive controls or just the general pacing of a game. I like my controls to be crisp and "on-time." Playing football games with controls where it feels like the players are made of lead, or it takes you half an hour for them to shoot after you have pressed the button to do that, or to pass the ball...this pisses me off. Heavy controls. Bah. Do not like.


And, the pacing of a game I feel is important. I remember my friend first introduced me to Kingdom Hearts, and the beginning section of that just seemed to drag and drag. In the end, it killed off much of my intention to continue to play this. There's a difference between "build-up" and "slow-pacing." Build-up tends to go somewhere and it's for a purpose. One day I will go back to it and attempt it again.


Thankfully, I can look at my games collection and the games that I have played and be positive towards it. Being low on money means that you think twice about buying games, and I also try to listen to what others say here before I buy a game.

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Been thinking about this and I'm finding it hard to put my finger on what specifically makes a game broken for me. I guess it can just be a collection of faults but above all I think games need to have a fun factor and the controls need to work! Sometimes you can be forgiving with a game and make the effort to work with it but thats only on rare occasions. If you don't feel like your in control of your character then frustration sets in!

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Varies per game, but the mains would be


Poor Controls

Poor Story

Poor Graphics (they've got to be pretty damn bad though, like Far Cry on the Wii)

Glitches that break the game (as in make it unbeatable)

Sports, Fighting. I don't like Sports and I suck at Fighting games :p

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Thats not what I'm saying.


People aren't simply going to play online game modes forever. They only really are going to play it for so many hours before moving on to something else, except with a few games, but I'm talking about in general. For instance, NIGHTS: Journey of Dreams had online play for racing through the stages and that weird battle stage, but it wasn't that good at all (the online, the game itself was good), so it would have only really added an hour or so at the most to the game for the average player. Some games have really short SP campaigns, but the main focus on the game is the multiplayer, and most people don't even play the single player.

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For those saying "If a game is too short" is that including time spent online, or just the single player modes?


Both I'd say. A singleplayer that's only 5 hours long is okay if you have a great multiplayer component.

HOWEVER I'm referring to the complete ammount of time you spend playing. I want to find the game fun to play even after 100 hours!

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I don't see the true hate to short single player games to be honest, some are short yet have fantastic gameplay and replay value. Games like the original Mario come to my mind, and even the metroid series are short games, but are fun as hell trying to go through it all in a short amount of time and trying to get all the hidden items.

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I sometimes even prefer a shorter game, because I don't have the same amount of time for longer games as much as I used to.


Also, if a game is too long for me I start to loose interest and most of the time there are new and promising games already waiting for me by that time.


Back in the days I would get back from school/college and played all evening long. But now I have a 40H-job, girlfriend, sport, household, friends who don't share my interest in games. I no longer can find the time to play those longer games...

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