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Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wish List


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Like everyone, I'm really glad SMG2 is coming :yay:

But if Nintendo were to take "requests" from fans, what would you really want to see included in the game? Just try and keep it more or less realistic. Don't say "I wish for Mario to have a BIG GATTLING GUN to kill everything that moves and have bloodthirsty zombies eat bunnie alive". Keep it Mario-esque.


My personal biggest wish would be an appearance of Bouldergeist (he was my favorite boss of the game) and maybe one level with FLUDD just to remember how fun Super Mario Sunshine was :)

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I'd love to see a playable Yoshi... oh wait! Oh snap, this game is going to be so good!


I thought Bouldergeist was awesome too, I'd love to see the Koopalings back (I know that they're in NSMB Wii but I'd LOVE to have them in this too)!

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I'd like to see mario dual wield machetes so he can sever the heads from shy-guys to see what they actually are.


Someone had to make a dumb request, especially after the undermining message :p Shows that this sort of stuff has become expected from the Wii-board I guess if a thread maker feels the need to warn against idiocy.

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but that's pretty much the entire game of super paper mario ...


and that was mediocre ha


my wishlist:


-less going upside like crazy... I mean keep it but dont go mad with it like last time..

- better controls for mario... I mean he controls much better in sunshine.. I can't be the only one who thinks this..bring back the dive move!

- Make the spin more fluid

- and this is the biggy... a WAYYYYY more fun hubworld...

the space station was the worst out of isle delfino and 64 castle...

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Totally agree with the hub world!

Super Mario 64 was brilliant with the castle - Fun but easy to navigate and find levels. And Isle Delfino was plain awesome.

Galaxy had such an annoying hub though and I found it especially annoying going all the way to the top for the Garden levels.

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Delfino Plaza was by far the best of the 3 IMO. In general, I think Hub worlds need to be large with lots of secrets and actually interesting places in them. Something you could explore, find shortcuts in, find hidden levels, ect. Galaxy's had none of this, except arguably the interesting scenery bit, and that's a stretch.

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I love the Crash hub worlds, they just have a really retro feel and work well. They aren't exactly special, but memorable along with being less annoying than all 3D Marios. However 64 and Delfino are still better overall.


Tbf though, I am a massive fan of Bandicoot.

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My post from the Mario Galaxy 2 thread:

1. Make it harder please!

2. No comet stars that involving you doing the same level again, but faster / without being hit.

3. No worlds that are near-replicas of a previous one (like the bee galaxy and the autumn-themed one).

4. Either make 1-ups harder to get hold of, get rid of them all together, or make it so your number of lives automatically goes back to 3 when you beat a level.

5. Make better use of flying Mario! A great concept in SMG, but totally wasted. Perhaps all purple coin challenges could use the power up.

6. A better hub world - the observatory wasn't a patch on Mario 64's castle.

7. No spring Mario!

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Oh yeah those are a few things I didn't think off that I would actually want to see changed too...

- Bigger hub world with more secret stuff. Delfino Plaza was the best IMO

- No more prankster comets. The one who made enemies faster was bearable but I hated the limited time and daredevil one. Those were frustrating as hell.

- Return of Bomb Boo's

- More Levels with Boo's

- Boulderg... oh wait I already said I want this awesome boss again didn't I? :)

Edited by Dr.Boo
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Yeah the hub world was aweful in Galaxy,

And what made it worse was the fact that suddenly all the gravity rule went out the window, I mean ftw! You were just restricted to the flat top surface... just felt wrong after all the freedom of the levels!

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I'd like to see mario dual wield machetes so he can sever the heads from shy-guys to see what they actually are.


Someone had to make a dumb request, especially after the undermining message :p Shows that this sort of stuff has become expected from the Wii-board I guess if a thread maker feels the need to warn against idiocy.


Only because you keep venturing in here! :)

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Wonder if they'll implement MotionPlus in this game?


They'll probably have more suprises to come:bowdown:


As for what i'd like to see:

-Some sneaky references to other nintendo games (I mean mario is the head of the crew after all)

-Chain-chomp and Hammer Bros.

-Definitely a better hubworld. You've all typed it and it got me thinking, SMG does indeed have a very boring hubworld when compared to the rest.


-Toad brigade must also return, but with new, more iconic, toads.

-Different outfits to unlock.

-Playable peach.....come on we never got to control her in a fully 3d mario adventure did we now....+ her pink umbrella could most likely create new gameplay elements.


-Better designed enemies, have you looked at the topmen tribe.......that's just something that belongs in the Paper Mario games.

-Keep up the good work with the bosses:bowdown:


-If you're going for a simplistic story, than do something that doesn't include peach for a change. A short, intiguing and different story.

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You are all so right about the Hub world.

And Wii Motion Plus? I can't really see Galaxy 2 needing that, the motion controls were fine for what they were, spinning and pointing.


No Baby Bowser.

Perhaps a return of the hat stealing monkey from Super Mario 64? I don't know why I found that monkey so funny :P


a mushroom kingdom level featuring Princess Peaches castle :D

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No MotionPlus, the game doesn't need it. Though after all the attention The Conduit's controls got, I sort of feel like it would be cool with customisable controls. I mean, to me the flick of the wrist to spin felt really good, but from what I've read a lot of people just wanted it to be mapped to a button.

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I agree that flicking your wrist for the spin attack was fine. It almost felt more fluid than pressing a button but i'm sure most of you are willing to disagree.


I agree.


They should take out the star bits though.

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I agree that flicking your wrist for the spin attack was fine. It almost felt more fluid than pressing a button but i'm sure most of you are willing to disagree.


it wasnt how it was activated... it just thought that... you know like it's a habit of most gamers to tap a button once or twice to have a move activated.. you know like in beat em ups if you wanna punch you keep hitting punch..


but replace this with a flick.. and it's dodgy... it's only a minor complaint from me..


nintendo will NEVER give you the opinions to change controls though.

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it wasnt how it was activated... it just thought that... you know like it's a habit of most gamers to tap a button once or twice to have a move activated.. you know like in beat em ups if you wanna punch you keep hitting punch..


but replace this with a flick.. and it's dodgy... it's only a minor complaint from me..


nintendo will NEVER give you the opinions to change controls though.


I think this is one of the rarer occasions when waggle works the same as or better than 1 button press. Gives a rhythm to the game in a way, and I think it gives you more time to think about what you are doing with the buttons. You know the spin is just a flick away so it's fairly simple and works.

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