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Recommend me some Blu-Ray


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Yeah, so I'd like a few blu-ray films to christen my new HDTV I have in my room. Just wondered what you think are the best blu-rays out there that I can shove in the playstation, and if possible give me some good prices.


The Dark Knight looks incredible, more like this please!

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As much as I disliked the film, Transformers looks incredible. Brawling pieces of metal (shiny too!) have never looked so awesome. Shame about that ropey teen 'Sheer le-Duff'.


Also...The Simpsons movie will make you joygasm at how good the animation looks. Again, shame about the film.


Hope this helped...maybe not.


If that fails watch Australia. Looks incredible and Huge Assman's Pecs are sensual in that film. Plus Nicola Kidmans OTT blue eyed contact lenses are terrifying in HD.

(I love Australia!)

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Why does it matter how good the Blu-Ray is? If it's a good film, it's a good film. Just get films you would get on DVD.


There are some Blu-ray films that are just a different experience altogether though. They feel like being in a theatre, only no kid kicking the back of your seat, and no middle aged woman laughing at things that aren't supposed to be funny, and you don't need to sneak in food. And its not blurry with tons of scratches. I mean, I wouldn't watch a movie that used HD as a gimmick, but if a Blu-ray is done well, it can be so much better than a DVD. I'm guessing you don't have a Blu-ray player?

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I'm guessing you don't have a Blu-ray player?


Nope, but my Step Dad does (along with a fancy HD projector). Unless I flick between HD/SD (which I won't do if I'm watching something) then I don't really notice.

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Yeah but you are just arguing the point in whether there's any point in Blu-Ray films. There's a high price and high demand for them for a reason. At the start I thought all this HD business was a lie and didn't offer anything groundbreaking but if you experience it on a good quality TV (not a projector) with surround sound then it's just amazing.

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Yeah but you are just arguing the point in whether there's any point in Blu-Ray films.


Not really (I personally don't find it to be a better experience - on a good TV and projector, but I know other people do) - I'm just saying that there's no point getting film you wouldn't normally get.

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Sorry if it sounds like I'm implying that but it has to be a good film too, I just never have any ideas of what films to buy so when I do get one, if it's on Blu-Ray then I'll try and get it.

So hopefully there'll be more suggestions of stuff I like. Not rating Indiana Jones or Transformers really.

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The Planet Earth 5 Blu Ray Disc boxset for around £25 on most websites (e.g. Play and Amazon) is well worth the money, especially with how good it looks. I'm not normally into wildlife documentaries but it's definitely the one thing that can truly show you how good HD can be.

Edited by Sheikah
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Sweeney Todd --> fantastic. Batman Begins --> can actually see shit this time thanks to HD. Hancock --> First half of the film is awesome. Planet terror --> HD makes the film look so much more disgusting, AWESOME. Apocalypto --> not sure if it benefits from HD but it was such a good watch. Casino Royale --> Opening scene will wipe the dust of SD out of your eyes. You wont want to go back. Just a few of the films I picked up during a Blu-ray binge. Also got Iron Man which looks fantastic and is a great film to boot but I think that's already been suggested. OH OH and Blare Runner, thought that would probably put you to sleep. OH OH and Chocolate. Damnit who did I lend that to?

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Well you thought Iron Man was shit?



I recommend this,....probably more up your street.






To be fair Dwarf you said 'it has to be a good film and Iron Man isn't'


I may suggest The Prestige. Haven't watched it (or any film for that matter) in HD, but this film is one of the best I have ever seen and I imagine it will only be better for the HD.

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Kingdom of heaven looks pretty bleedin fantastic. It's the director's cut edition too which is actually a really good film.


Black Hawk Down is supposed to be phenominal too, especiallyif you have a good sound system!

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The Planet Earth 5 Blu Ray Disc boxset for around £25 on most websites (e.g. Play and Amazon) is well worth the money, especially with how good it looks. I'm not normally into wildlife documentaries but it's definitely the one thing that can truly show you how good HD can be.


Came in here to post this. I don't have a BD player, but if/when I do, Planet Earth is the first thing I'm watching.

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